And Now We Drink Episode 238 with Leana Lovings — And Now We Drink (2024)

Matt SlayerYou know what's going on. How are you doing? Welcome. Welcome.

Leana LovingsI'm good. Thank you so much.

Matt SlayerI know this was super short notice, but thank you for coming to the show.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. Yes. I think I actually heard about this just last night.

Matt SlayerYeah, that sounds about right. Oh, had a last minute cancelation as these things happen and start reaching out to publicists, like, hey, I had a last minute cancelation. You got anybody? And here we are. The magic of modern technology in the Internet.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. It always comes in at a good time.

Matt SlayerRight. I'm just thrilled that you didn't have a shoot today. Able to make it.

Leana LovingsOh, I know. Things have been so busy.

Matt SlayerEspecially since you're coming in from Florida. I'm sure. Like, people are just trying to gobble you up just like, choo choo choo choo choo.

Leana LovingsYeah, it's actually been very difficult because I'm being pulled between two places right now between Miami and L.A.. They both actually want me to move there. Because there are so many there's so many shoots that they can't all schedule me in at once. So now I am booked over a month ahead of time.

Matt SlayerWell, should I am super honored than that? You made it.

Leana LovingsYes, thank you.

Matt SlayerSo what do you think? Are you thinking about making the move to Miami or L.A.?

Leana LovingsI am actually officially moving to Florida and the 2nd of February. That's very close.

Matt SlayerYeah, that's like a week or so out.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerAre you excited about Florida?

Leana LovingsI'm very excited about Florida. It's it's very sunny there. It's very warm. There's a lot more rain. And for both the good and the bad, I guess.

Matt SlayerI don't know how your politics win, but it's definitely an interesting state. For a.

Leana LovingsOkay. I mean, yeah, there's a there is that I don't really appreciate the politics, but for me, it almost feels like I'm coming full circle going back to Florida. It was actually where I was born. And so it feels like I'm coming back to my hometown almost.

Matt SlayerVery cool. Very cool. And Florida. Florida for. Yeah, whatever people want to say about does have a lot of stuff going on in it. Like outside the industry, there's still a lot of opportunities there. They're I mean, I. I wouldn't want to live in Florida. I've spent some time down there. Not my cup of tea. The humidity just not about it.

Matt SlayerPlus, Louis, like Miami, is more about like that club party life. And I'm more about, like, city dove bars and rock and roll and it's not really Miami scene.

Leana LovingsOh, okay. I see how it is. I mean, Reznor came from Florida, so.

Matt SlayerYeah, but he didn't stay there. To be fair. A lot of death metal came out of Tampa, but exactly.

Leana LovingsRock has such a good history with Florida.

Matt SlayerBut in the modern era, not much is coming out of there now.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's true. Okay, you get that one.

Matt SlayerSo are you a rock and roll or what? What are you into music wise?

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. I listen to a little bit of everything I know it seems very contradictory because I'm this five foot, £100 little girl that's going around listening to death metal on her headphones. No one ever really expects it.

Matt SlayerBut that's awesome.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. I you know, I grew up on Tool and Five Finger Death Punch, Nine Inch Nails, it's very odd.

Matt SlayerI have a I have a story for you when we're off air about some of that stuff.

Leana LovingsOh, okay.

Matt SlayerIt's an more off, but. So what do you listen to now, though?

Leana LovingsOh, that's an interesting question. I mean, right now I'm listening to a lot of it. I started going back in to Five Finger Death Punch recently. I think it just came with the Times I, I love listening to a house. I'll actually listen to everything except for country.

Matt SlayerLike no country.

Leana LovingsWhatsoever. No country music like that.

Matt SlayerEven Johnny Cash.

Leana LovingsNow, it's so funny it's just. I actually used to live in the country. That was part of my history in Florida. I lived in, like, this tiny area where it was just fields and fields and acres of horses and crops and sheep. And at that point, I spent, like, eight years there. And at some point, I was just no, I'm never listening to country music again.

Matt SlayerJust brings back old memories. It's like, no, no, no. I'm cool. I'm past that point in my life.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerI got it. I totally got it. Totally, totally understand. Like, there there are definitely some like, I can't listen to the Deftones Diamonds album because it reminds me of like a sh*tty situation in life like that. So sometimes it goes sometimes like you just get some emotional attachment to a song, good or bad, and it's, it's like, yeah, I don't want to revisit that.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. You know, I really think that we go to music to different genres, especially when we're at different points in our lives. And it's almost like when we transition into a new section of music, we're transitioning in another part of ourselves and sometimes we look back on that music and we think, I really like that song, but I'm not sure I really want to go back into that space right now.

Matt SlayerNo, I totally get that. I told Lee at that. Like growing up as a kid, I was still an angry metal head kid. If it wasn't metal, I wasn't listening to it back in the day.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerI was a pissed off f*cking teenager. These days, it's like all my tastes are super eclectic. You still have a soft spot for the metal, of course, but of course.

Leana LovingsBut never really goes away.

Matt SlayerI hope not. My hearing will probably go first.

Leana LovingsOh yeah.

Matt SlayerKnow so many shows back and they're like, Oh, I promise you've been wearing ear protection.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. You know, I definitely I grew up so much around music. I would fall asleep in front of the stage right next to the speakers, and I somehow have my hearing intact. I don't know how that how that worked out but you know what? It's still going.

Matt SlayerYou're young and you're still immortal.

Leana LovingsOh, that's true.

Matt SlayerWhat was your first show? I'm curious.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh. The first show that I can remember is something very crunchy it was my my parents want to take it to see the Barlow girls, which was like a Christian, edgy Rocker Girl concert. It was so bad. I mean, like, as a kid, I thought it was really cool because I grew up in, like, a megachurch church kind of scene.

Leana LovingsAnd then as I got older, I started getting, like, my own opinions and thoughts, and those changed very rapidly. And things like the Barlow Girls started to feel very, very fringy. And at my next concert that I ever went to was Kamelot which is definitely it's an older alternative rock band, but it's really good.

Matt SlayerI feel like I know the name of I'm unfamiliar with the music.

Leana LovingsYeah, it's this pretty good looking.

Matt SlayerOlder, older for you and older for me are possibly different things. Hmm. I definitely had a guest on recently who referred to as her metal's classic rock, and I'm like, Oh God.

Leana LovingsOh no.

Matt SlayerI wasn't old enough to be like out on the Sunset Strip in those days. But still, I was definitely alive when that stuff was on MTV.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBack in my mind, Classic Rock is still Jimi Hendrix.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerOh. Ooh, I'm getting old.

Matt SlayerSo grown up in a megachurch and all that. Like, when did you eventually, like, come to the realization that, oh, hey, shouldn't just be blindly following the church? It sounds like, you know, you made some choices for yourself.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. So that's a really good transition, because I was born and raised actually in the megachurch. My mom was like the lead soprano in the church. So I spent like every day there for years. And when I finally got into a high school, my parents decided it's time she went to a public school. And the instant that I got into public school was the instant that I realized the world was entirely different from what everyone else said that it was.

Leana LovingsAnd I started studying different religions and different beliefs as early as my freshman year. And that was sort of when everything started to change for me.

Matt SlayerIf you don't mind me asking, where do you live in the religious spectrum these days?

Leana LovingsI guess I would probably say that I am closer to a Taoist than anything else.

Matt SlayerWhat attracted you to Taoism?

Leana LovingsTaoism was attractive to me in the in the essence of I. I read this book known as The Tao of True, which explains Taoism and the simplicity of puberty, which I thought was absolutely amazing. And somehow it explained it so perfectly and wonderfully that I realized that I needed to find my flow in life, and I needed to understand that there were certain paths that I was taking that weren't going in the direction of who I really was as a person.

Leana LovingsAnd that sort of really defined how I found the rest of myself in that journey.

Matt SlayerAwesome.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerI think you were probably the first Taoist I've ever interviewed or someone who's leaning towards Taoist person. I'm an atheist, so I'm always.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerCurious where people end up on stuff because it's it's amazing how many people don't really seem to grasp that. Like, Oh, where you are born geographically has a major influence on what religion you end up with.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. Yeah.

Matt SlayerLike, Oh, no, everyone's crushed. No, no. Lot of people are not Christian. A whole lot of people are not great.

Leana LovingsYeah. Everyone just thinks that Christianity is the primary religion because it's sort of what we're very used to. I remember, you know, when I was in grade school, it was all about, you know, attendance to the flag and then there was also the Christian flag at the end of that in which we would like do attendance for the Bible.

Leana LovingsAnd that was something that I realized other schools didn't have.

Matt SlayerSo, yeah, I've never heard of that in my life. What is that?

Leana LovingsThe Christian flag is is a whole thing about like your dedication to Jesus It is. It's, it's, it's it's wild. I'm going to look it up right now. The Christian flag pledge, it's it's crazy.

Matt SlayerCan recite it for us.

Leana LovingsI pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for his kingdom. It stands one brotherhood uniting all Christians in service and in love. It's, you know, it's it's short. Yeah, it's short. But it's you know, when I went to other schools, I realized that that was just something that no one else did as a child.

Matt SlayerYeah. I mean, I'm the product of public schools. I never even heard of that. Yeah.

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerThat's so wild.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. Private schools taught me so many things that I thought were just normal. Like, actually, one of the things that got me really curious about sex was actually something that they had there, and they had something that they called like an abstinence concert. When we were of a certain age, they felt the need to like to talk about abstinence to us.

Leana LovingsAnd we all got these pewter rings. And I remember they brought out this gigantic wooden heart onto the stage and they were like, This is love in all of its purity. And then all of a sudden all the lights got dark and all of a sudden all the bodies hit the floor, like, started playing in the background, like with the bodies at the.

Matt SlayerEnd.

Leana LovingsPool. Yeah. And then it was just like got louder and louder and it was like the bodies hit the floor. And a guy with a chainsaw comes in as soon as the heart and half, and they're like, this is what sex does to you. This is what it does to your relationship. And then afterwards, a guy with a flamethrower comes in and sets the heart on fire.

Leana LovingsAnd they said that that's what STDs were.

Matt SlayerSo was this presented by Rammstein? Like, what is going on here? That sounds like it. Like if the subject matter was a little German, totally. It could have been a really good time.

Leana LovingsI know. You know what? The kids all we all had a really great time, but it was just really weird because I would tell that story to other kids. And I was like, What? You've never had that before. You know, this is your local abstinence concert.

Matt SlayerLike, yeah, no interest in us or pyrotechnic I know.

Leana LovingsIt's it's wild. Oh, my goodness. The crazy things that they do to kids. And, you know, when I thought about it before, I was like, why are they so focused on it? It's actually one of the things that got me really curious in my sexuality.

Matt SlayerIt's like, why are they saying no to this so hard? Yeah. It's kind of like, how dare failed with drugs.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerLike, Oh, you're telling me this is what drugs could do? That actually sounds like a lot of fun, man. Well, and it's been proven time and time again. Abstinence education does not work.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerWhat works, least for me, was the nineties sex ed, which was just like, Yo, here are horrific pictures of us. It is. If you have sex without a condom, you're going to get one of these. So wrap it up, have sex, but wrap it up like I didn't have unprotected sex, like, intentionally until like my mid twenties.

Leana LovingsOh, wow.

Matt SlayerAnd the first time I had like I had a partner and we were just, like, messing around and it's still going on. And it's my pleasure. Ed, you know, dimes out. And afterwards, I was I freaked out and I did not communicate why I was freaking out very well. I'm sure I was super upset or like, oh, I communicated like sh*t.

Leana LovingsOh, you know what? I think that we all communicate at our first times, like, sh*t. You know, I actually almost cried the first time I had sex.

Matt SlayerBut this wasn't my first time. This is my first time. I've got a condom on, but I'm in the for control I f*cked a lot about what I was. Yeah, that was bad.

Leana LovingsOh, it's okay now.

Matt SlayerAt least I acknowledge it now, right?

Leana LovingsYeah, exactly. That's the point. You know, it's just it's so crazy.

Matt SlayerAnd it's.

Leana LovingsJust the lack of communication on a lot of things just gets all of us.

Matt SlayerUnfortunately, like, it's part of the human condition to seem like, oh, I fully comprehend what I am thinking, what I am feeling, and I just kind of expect that you would get it to like, no, no. The person you just f*cked is not a mind reader. You really need to tell them.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. You know, it's so funny because when you're watching a show on TV, you think, oh, all you have to do is tell them this would solve all your problems. And then you think in real life, if I only actually talk to them about this one thing, if I actually said it, it probably would have solved my problems.

Leana LovingsDon't we think it's so easy when we're watching it play out on the melodrama of, you know.

Matt SlayerTV, that honestly is one lesson that I wish like my parents had instill a little harder, but I don't know if they realize this. It's like, oh, everything that you're seeing on that glowing tube is the imagination of some guy in Hollywood with a pen, like, is simple sh*t. Like my father when I was a kid, wanted to sign me up for Christ.

Matt SlayerWe need to find you someone like Mr. Miyagi. Like, those words came out of his f*cking mouth. It's a fictional f*cking character. Yeah.

Leana LovingsThere's so many things. It is really funny that you bring up that point because there's so many things that we think are just, Oh, you know, this is common sense. This is something that just exists, and it's just something that TV came up with.

Matt SlayerSo much of it so f*cking about. I think that's what is perpetuated in a lot of cases, like the women as a reward for the hero of the story trope. And that's why a lot of dudes feel entitled to f*cking women still. Like, I'm the hero, my story. That's the prize for the hero, right? Hmm.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's a very interesting concept. I think that there is a lot of that, you know, but the guy like needing to get the girl or that the girl is indebted to the guy because of that. It's so it's so trophy.

Matt SlayerOh, it's super. I'm like, I don't know, like on Durant definitely coming on, especially a younger woman's and but like as a dude of, you know, elder millennial status, there are still like weird bro codes like, oh, I was interested in this woman and she wasn't as to me, oh, I can't go for a bro. You were interested in it.

Matt SlayerI'm like, nah, man, she's, she's a person. All the agency she tells you cool. How fun. Like, but there's still that, like, weird. And I feel like that trope is completely perpetuated by f*cking television and modern media as well.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. I mean, I think that there are a lot of like, there are things within girl code that I think TV actually gets right you know, like a lot of girls actually, like, walking with each other to the bathroom. That's a thing on TV that just actually happens. I don't know why we just all telepathic we know.

Leana LovingsOkay, it's time to go to the bathroom. Time to go in unison in that direction. It's it's very interesting, like pack behavior.

Matt SlayerWell, and it makes sense, obviously, like, I don't know if, like, MONOCYTE is actually more dangerous or it's just perceived more dangers because we have more information. But I know women definitely feel threatened to be alone in a lot of cases especially. Yeah. In public. So that should all make sense and perfectly plus you got to be able to gossip somewhere, right?

Leana LovingsOh, yeah, exactly.

Matt SlayerSo and that's just a horrible stereotype. I just feel like all the girls are going to the bathroom to gossip. Like, damn, I'm just showing I'm a Neanderthal. I'm on it. That's like the religious conversation. Yeah. How long to get you to arrive at, like, Taoism? Did you experiment with other religions first or did you?

Leana LovingsI thought very long and hard about different philosophies. First, I wanted to sort of piece together what my belief was like. I studied a variety of different religions, and I thought, well, this is what I believe from here and this is what I believe from here. Why can't I just take all of the lessons that I've learned from other texts and then just choose what I believe out of all of them?

Leana LovingsBecause I don't think that you should ever adhere to one specific text. I think that they're extremely biased I think that over the years, every text has been manipulated in some way by a different author's interpretation of what those words mean.

Matt SlayerI 100% agree and on top of it, most of them are written by people who didn't poop indoors.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBut how are you going to set.

Leana LovingsRules point.

Matt SlayerFor people who have never even experienced indoor plumbing? These motherf*ckers have never experienced a bad day. They've never had the pleasure of having their asshole water picked. Exactly how are they going to set rules for me? Like what do you mean? I can't have tattoos. I can't eat pork. Pork is amazing. f*cking amazing.

Leana LovingsBacon's amazing.

Matt SlayerIt is.

Leana LovingsCrabs. Crabs are delicious. They are. Oh, my goodness. I don't think I've ever would have been able to live without crayfish.

Matt SlayerLobster lobsters.

Leana Lovingsf*cking delicious. Oh, my goodness. Yes.

Matt SlayerThat's why in modern times, the people that are just well, in most cases, that are not even actually adhering to the religion that they espouse, they're like the picking and choosing what they want out of it to because, like, oh, are you wearing the fiber? You're breaking the law, man. Oh, are you not resting on the Sabbath? Like, you're breaking the law?

Leana LovingsYou know what's actually really funny about that? The Sabbath, the day of the Sabbath specifically is debated upon. So now no one actually knows what the right day is. It's like as of Sunday. Is it Saturday? Which one is it?

Matt SlayerFriday night, sundown.

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerIt's crazy because it's been manipulated by so many authors over. Like if you were to find the original Bible, you wouldn't even be able to f*cking read it. I'm sure the audience like you doesn't just talk religion for the whole time. Okay.

Leana LovingsWell, you know, we can transition with and that's how I got into p*rn.

Matt SlayerAll right. And that's how she got into p*rn?

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerAre you enjoying your time in the industry so far?

Leana LovingsYes, I am. I'm still new. I'm in three to four months deep, and it is absolutely wonderful. I have done about like somewhere in the seventies in the amount of shoots that I've done so far, though, it's been a lot nice.

Matt SlayerI said, Yeah, everything like physically okay with everything that's been going on, like, yeah.

Leana LovingsYou know, it's definitely very physically exhausting. I don't think people anticipate the fact that you want to be ready to run a marathon before you want to like really try to go into p*rn. I did not realize how many muscles it required until like my very first shoot. And then I thought, Wow, I'm exhausted. I'm just going to take a quick nap.

Leana LovingsAnd then I woke up and it had already been 12 hours.

Matt SlayerYeah, yeah. Y'all have some pro athlete marathon sex like and that's the thing about having like having to do it for an extended length of time, having to do it as you know, what's esthetically pleasing, not necessarily what's physically is and start stopping. Yeah, it's a whole to do. It is a whole f*cking to do. The people just don't seem to realize because all this is like the f*ckin six minute clip.

Leana LovingsOh yeah. It's a, it's really funny when you worded that way, you know, different companies have their own style of shooting and sometimes they will actually like for if you're in a VR shoot, they will actually shoot what's almost an entire shoot just for the trailer in 2D. So they want you to go through every single position like with the 2D camera first for a couple of minutes each and then do the actual p*rn on VR.

Leana LovingsSo it's, it's like two shoots and it lasts about the whole day.

Matt SlayerWell, and then you add in some companies, I'm still do some stills.

Leana LovingsYes, stills as well. Six stills are actually a lot easier because you can stay still when you're doing it as is nice.

Matt SlayerYeah. But it's still like, oh, I got to have sex with this person twice.

Leana LovingsYeah. But I definitely think that it's a lot easier sometimes. I like to see the sex stills as a warm up. It's just something I actually really enjoy because it helps get me in the mindset of, Oh, I can very easily switch into a flow by this, so I don't have to worry about what position I go into.

Leana LovingsI know exactly which one I'm going to transition to into and how cool.

Matt SlayerVery cool. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it because like, you know, like the average lifespan is not super long.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. I know that. That's a really big question, and I plan on having a good long time in the industry.

Matt SlayerVery cool. Yeah, very cool. Like, were you did anyone warn you about, like, the pitfalls of getting into the industry before you did or just jump into it?

Leana LovingsDoing like what pitfalls?

Matt SlayerOh, well, like what pitfalls no one's had this conversation with, you know, tends, well, things like the notoriously short lifespan of performers or the fact that being a sex worker is not a protected class. And if you ever decide to go for a civilian job later in life, that you could be discriminated against.

Leana LovingsOh, well, you know, see, that's where the discussion is. I don't actually see any of those things as pitfalls.

Matt SlayerWell, the just being discriminated against definitely, I think is.

Leana LovingsI can feel discriminated against or I can choose to make my identity something that is not going to affect me like that. You know, I don't really care how people are going to see me as a slu*t or something like that because we're all going to be discriminated against for something. You know, it just depended on what, you know, for years I was discriminated against for being a nerd.

Leana LovingsPeople are going to make fun of you for anything. They're going to find a flaw in anything that you do and the point is to find something that you love and to do it knowing that it's going to happen anyway without fear of criticism or judgment.

Matt SlayerWell, I totally get that and some performers definitely struggle with that. They do.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerThe you know, the comments section can be f*cking brutal.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerEspecially like when you, you know, as you get older, obviously your body is going to change like that. We're humans. It happens. And I know plenty of performers who have been called out in the f*cking comment section for gaining a f*cking ounce or having a blemish or something really stupid, petty sh*t. They're like dudes who are masturbating to feel that they're entitled to f*cking say.

Leana LovingsI think that I am particularly privileged because before I got into p*rn, I've been a cam girl for four years and I have a really loving and wonderful fanbase. I know that my fans have actually been getting aggressive in the comment section protecting me because sometimes the directors don't want me to wear my glasses for a scene and I immediately see in the comments, why isn't she wearing her glasses?

Leana LovingsLike We know Liana loves wearing her glasses and it's so funny, you know, they're always there for me, and I feel very lucky that I have a fanbase that protects me.

Matt SlayerThat's f*cking awesome. And I hope to f*ck it stays that way and only grows.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerThe stuff I like potential civilian work down the road is not just like me in words, it's potential financial ruin or always. So that's potential football. There's I know plenty of performers that have had problems romantically outside the industry because of, you know, dudes not being able to get over what dudes or women that they're just not being able to get over what they do for a living.

Matt SlayerThey say they're cool with it and then all of a sudden they're not.

Leana LovingsMaybe one of my biggest flaws is that I'm an optimist about absolutely everything. And the same goes with romance. I know that I'll find a partner that's there for me and considerate and compassionate about what I do best.

Matt SlayerI hope that f*cking happens. Not best of luck to you. That's something really f*cking sh*tty. That's. Look at it now.

Leana LovingsBest of.

Matt SlayerLuck. Yeah. No, I hope that happens, but it is a potential pitfall. I've talked about this on the show before. Like I have no civilian friends on occasion. They're like, Oh, I want to get in the industry because they think it's easy money.

Leana LovingsOh yeah.

Matt SlayerWhich it's not.

Leana LovingsThe thing that I can say is that it's never going to be easy money. It took me four years in the camming industry to get a hold of it and to really get successful. My very first dream on how to be, can I say, automate okay.

Matt SlayerOh yeah. You can say whatever the f*ck you want to onlyfans chatter bait f*ck in my free camps or whatever you want.

Leana LovingsGo wild. Okay. I like that So for chatter bait, my very first stream, I was online for 4 hours and I only earned 20 bucks. People aren't prepared for the huge learning curve there is when it comes to camming it is a lot more successful now. I have about eight to 10,000 people that watch me per stream on gender.

Leana LovingsEight and it's extremely wonderful, but it requires a lot of consistency and a lot of determination. A lot of streams with zero people until you gain that following.

Matt Slayer100%. And yet I've had a lot of friends that have done camming and it's like it's a grind. Like a lot of people, it's like a nine to five. You've got to be on working with certain hours you've had. If I can be consistent and it is an absolute f*cking grind. I'm curious with eight to 10,000 f*cking people watching you, you're like, How do you keep up with the chat?

Matt SlayerHow do you do your moderators? Like, how are you doing that?

Leana LovingsI do have a moderator that is watching my stream for anyone that says concerning things, and sometimes if I miss what someone's saying, I just have to rely on the idea that they'll say it more than once.

Leana LovingsI usually just try to catch like what comment catches my eyes. Sometimes I have a program that sort of slows down the chat so that I can read it a lot easier, and if it gets backed up, I just scroll all the way down. It works very well.

Matt SlayerIt is 9000 people just chatting at users. That's a lot That's a lot.

Leana LovingsYeah, it's a lot. But you know, most of them are too busy to work with their hands.

Matt SlayerYou can say they're rubbing one out. It's fine. You don't have to be shy about it. They're playing with themselves. We get it.

Leana LovingsYeah, they're playing with themselves. I mean, it's the whole goal of try to be in the first place masturbating while your job. It's not the most efficient way of getting at it. But you know what?

Matt SlayerIt makes them happy. It makes them f*cking happy and wonderful.

Leana LovingsI really love it.

Matt SlayerIs that like an empowering feeling to be like, I have, say, 4000 people literally masturbating to me at one time? Like, I'm assuming that not all 8000 are pulling their dicks at the exact same time. So let's say 50%.

Leana LovingsI've definitely had the idea. I know I was talking to a friend about this, thinking about after four years of that, and now after three months of just p*rn on its own, how many org*sms have I caused? How can, how many are there? You know, I wish there was like a little counter that could they could just tell me how many times I've made someone come.

Leana LovingsIt would be so much fun.

Matt SlayerOh, I'm just.

Leana LovingsTrying to do the math.

Matt SlayerNo, I'm trying to do the math on how much ejacul*te you're getting per stream.

Leana LovingsOh, there we go.

Matt SlayerSo we'll all go down the low end.

Leana LovingsInto a renewable energy source, maybe.

Matt SlayerI mean, technically, a load has information it because of the data from the sperm. So it's like of course, you're definitely generating terabytes of data. Every stream we're going to go with the low end because the normal volume varies from 1.5 to five milliliters per ejacul*tion. So we'll go with 1.5 on the low end. Again, I will say 4000, you are getting 6000 milliliters roughly of ejacul*te per stream yeah.

Leana LovingsBut also remember that that number is rotating because there will be people leaving and entering the channel consistently. And if that number is still 8000, it probably is actually a higher number than even that.

Matt SlayerRight? Because people pop and go.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. Okay, very quickly.

Matt SlayerFind find you should 8000 no litters.

Leana LovingsYeah. That's still crazy. That is still insane.

Matt SlayerWell this bottle liquor is 750 milliliters or now. So Yeah. If that is six liters.

Leana LovingsSo what you're saying is I could have my own sperm bank probably.

Matt SlayerI mean you probably want to weed out the donors a little more than just being like, you know, they're throwing money to him. Procreate with somebody like me.

Leana LovingsOh yeah. I've got to be careful.

Matt SlayerYeah, yeah. You got to kind of weed them out a little bit. More. I just don't know. Do you have any weird tendencies or what is actually ridiculously hard to donate sperm?

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. You know what I heard about that?

Matt SlayerYou got to be, like, a certain height. You got to, like, have no genetic dispositions to like and common diseases. There's a whole lot to it. Like, that's another TV trope that's like, oh, dudes get desperate. They can just go donate a f*cking load.

Leana LovingsYeah. Or, Oh, a girl gets desperate, she can just donate her ovaries. That's another one.

Matt SlayerOh, yeah. So on the egg.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerI mean, if you qualify, it is good money. If you qualify, it's like ten to 15,000 per egg.

Leana LovingsOh, my God, that's insane. But you know what? I heard in Japan for a sperm donors, they actually have a little robot that will jerk you off.

Matt SlayerOh, so do I love Japan.

Leana LovingsI know. It looks like a TARDIS. If you ever were curious about that.

Matt SlayerIs it blue?

Leana LovingsNo, but it's shaped like one.

Matt SlayerLike so. But under the TARDIS, you f*ck.

Leana LovingsThe one with the whole closet.

Matt SlayerThe TARDIS will have phone booth.

Leana LovingsI'm sorry. No, I'm so sorry.

Matt SlayerBut I don't like. Okay, I'm going to f*ck a Japanese phone booth. That's that.

Leana LovingsWay. What's the. Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. I think I have had enough alcohol.

Matt SlayerShe has had half a co*cktail. Folks have a co*cktail.

Leana LovingsExactly. I get drunk very quickly, but I do have to admit that is a mistake. I was not anticipating.

Matt SlayerOh, you wouldn't expect me to call you on it. Sorry.

Leana LovingsWhere is it, Doctor? Who?

Matt SlayerThe psych screwdriver.

Leana LovingsNo, the things that like the companion, the things that talk in, like, a very monotone voice. Like the Daleks. Yes, it's a Dalek. It looks like a Dalek.

Matt SlayerOh.

Leana LovingsExcept without the bumps. It like it's sleek.

Matt SlayerBut I'm not sure I'd be able to get it up for that.

Leana LovingsYeah, I know.

Matt SlayerJapan's not taking my sperm anyways. You know, they're a very, very, very, very hom*ogenized culture.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerThere have been.

Leana LovingsNo, I really want to go to Japan, though.

Matt SlayerI love it. There is. Sorry, audience. Sorry, I talk about Japan a fair amount.

Leana LovingsOh.

Matt SlayerAbsolutely. f*cking lover. There it is. My f*cking happy place.

Leana LovingsEventually, I want to go there just to I really want to take a tour of the shrines.

Matt SlayerAny tattoos?

Leana LovingsNo, I don't have any tattoos.

Matt SlayerSo you're okay? Like, visible tattoos really are a thing. There.

Leana LovingsYeah, I heard that because the yakuza.

Matt SlayerThey're all. And it's just like. It's like we're in gang colors. Like, you know, obviously they know I'm not f*cking yakuza, but they just think I'm an American criminal.

Matt SlayerSo. But, yeah, you can't go the shrines or the f*cking hot springs with tattoos. This is the thing that is.

Leana LovingsSo, yeah, I remember hearing about that. It was. You know what, though? The other place that I actually wanted to go for years was Australia. And people have asked me, Why do you want to go there if everybody wants to kill you? You know, it just seems so interesting to me because everything there wants to kill me.

Matt SlayerNot everybody wants to kill you. Koalas just want to sleep.

Leana LovingsYeah, koalas want to sleep, but they also are riddled with STDs.

Matt SlayerJust chlamydia don't f*ck the koala and you'll be fine.

Leana LovingsIn fact, the koala, you know, in Florida it is actually illegal to f*ck a porcupine. How many people had to f*ck a porcupine in Florida for that to become a lower?

Matt SlayerEither a lot or one very influential person?

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerSo we'll just, you know, push through.

Leana LovingsWho's questionable? It's there's so many ridiculous laws in Florida. You actually What was it? Something about how you can't actually park your elephant at the parking meter. It's so ridiculous.

Matt SlayerOh, there's just a lot of ridiculous laws on the books, almost everywhere. But yeah, Florida, I'm sure has I would be afraid to hear what laws are on the books. Just regarding alligators, just regarding alligators.

Leana LovingsOh, that's easy. Don't feed the alligators. And yet everyone does.

Matt SlayerWell, how else are you supposed to get in bed for your cookout?

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerAlligators. f*cking delicious.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. When I lived out in the country, they definitely served a lot of fried alligator. There was definitely a thing but, you know, it's very like it's very chewy. Like a little bit too chewy. I really love octopus, though. Octopus tastes delicious.

Matt SlayerIt does, but they're really smart.

Leana LovingsThey're really smart. I do feel very guilty, especially when the waiter comes out and gives me, like, a bowl full of baby octopus. It's just like, oh, this is delicious. And I feel extremely guilty. But, you know, bacon is the same exact way. Pigs are incredibly smart.

Matt SlayerOr they are, but they were already like, bean factory farmed, which is problematic itself.

Leana LovingsI was about to ask, is there like an intelligence to flavor ratio where you're able to overcome?

Matt SlayerOh, no, no. I'll I'll eat all of it. The way I look at it is like an octopus got caught. I mean, it was a dumb one.

Leana LovingsOh, okay.

Matt SlayerI was dumb enough to get caught. Those motherf*ckers get bit through anywhere that they're beating all through.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah, I've seen that. Did you see that video on YouTube of the octopus slipping through the hole in the ship? Oh, my goodness.

Matt SlayerThey escape aquariums pretty regularly. If they were dumb enough to get caught. I mean, the stupid one. It's fine. It's fine.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBut, yeah, pigs are pretty smart, too. I mean, but they're so funny. Delicious. Stuff. I can't.

Leana LovingsBelieve. You know, the thing that gets me, actually, in Florida, someone played a very mean prank on me one time because I did not know that two very different fish actually share the same name, and it's dolphin. So someone walked up to me and they were like, they gave me a burger, and it was like, Oh, it's a fish burger.

Leana LovingsAnd I bite into it. How do you like it? You're eating dolphin right now. I just about cried. I did not know that mahi mahi is also called dolphin that's wild.

Matt SlayerSo mighty, mighty dolphin.

Leana LovingsThat is an actual thing. You can look it out.

Matt SlayerI never heard that. It doesn't mean I know.

Leana LovingsSo they actually sell them as dolphin burgers.

Matt SlayerI'm Googling Internet, Googling. That's all so common in the same yeah.

Leana LovingsThe dolphin fish, the common dolphin fish. Weird and so messed up. I know. So there's one thing that's in Florida that probably fewer people would have liked to know, but.

Matt SlayerSo my my is a Hawaiian. And for dolphin fish, the Hawaiian moniker came into town just to give consumers some reason. The fish with the marine mammal, which is it is unrelated.

Leana LovingsVery unrelated. But Florida has deliberately decided to choose it as dolphin burgers because.

Matt SlayerI know the football team would probably be part of it, especially in Miami. Oh, yeah, it's a dolphin burger.

Leana LovingsOoh, ooh.

Matt SlayerYou sure you want to go to Florida?

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerEl is a cool place.

Leana LovingsLA is absolutely fantastic. But, I mean, I'm still going to be here regularly. I still do practically live in both places pretty consistently.

Matt SlayerI don't know, given the choice, I would always choose L.A., but that's just me.

Leana LovingsI always lived in L.A..

Matt SlayerNo, I'm a Chicago native originally.

Leana LovingsOh, okay.

Matt SlayerFox, Chicago Winters. But I also had a gig at one point that had me traveling constantly. I've been to 45 states like I was stuck in f*cking Hialeah, Florida, for six months at one point.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh.

Matt SlayerSo, yeah, I've been f*cking everywhere, and I been in most places long enough to actually get, like, a taste of what it would be like to live there. And yeah, then for me, in a lot of places, a lot of America is just like, yeah, that, that was the thing I did. Like, if I never go back to Montana, I'll be okay.

Matt SlayerMontana was a weird place.

Leana LovingsOhio.

Matt SlayerI have a lot of friends in Ohio, so I unfortunately have to go back at some point. It's like a lot. A lot of friends in Ohio.

Leana LovingsOh, I'm so sorry.

Matt SlayerFrom Austin. From Chicago, people end up in f*cking Ohio and LA.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBut at least with Ohio, with the White Castle and I can still make them suffer with that 2:00 in the morning.

Leana LovingsOh, that's true.

Matt SlayerHave you ever had White Castle?

Leana LovingsI remember the great White Castle war between White Castle and Crystal Burgers. It's, you know, in Florida, in Daytona, there is actually a spot where there is like this raggedy old White Castle still standing, like against a crystal burger somewhere further down the road. Crystal won out in Florida White Castle isn't as popular now.

Matt SlayerWhite Castle is more like Midwest. Northeast.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerThere's two of the three of them in Vegas. That's as far west as they gotten. Oh, wow. Honestly, the best part about f*cking White Castle is the breakfast sandwiches. Anyways, so they're so different. They had to order the fried the f*cking their daughter. Oh, wow. Who else f*cking does that? No one. No one.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's very. That's very good.

Matt SlayerThat's a two bucks.

Leana LovingsTo.

Matt SlayerBristol. Wheat toast and just fried and a sausage patty up his cheese. You can't pizza for, like, two bucks.

Leana LovingsYou know, when I was younger, I actually thought that I invented eggs and toast.

Matt SlayerAnd how long did this go on before someone corrected you?

Leana LovingsThree years.

Matt SlayerWell, what are your parents just like? Oh, that's nice, dear. Aw, yeah.

Leana LovingsPretty much. Their language is just so nice, and I'm like, Yeah, I invented it. I made it, like, every morning for a month because I was so proud of it.

Matt SlayerHow did you find out that you didn't run?

Leana LovingsIt was just like I told them. I was like, Hey, if you haven't tried this before, you know, there's this thing that I came up with, and you just make a hole in the toast and you put an egg in the toast, and then it's egg. You toast, and they're like, Do this called shotgun toast. I was like, white.

Leana LovingsAnd that was when I found out that I had not invented eggy toast.

Matt SlayerHow'd you take that?

Leana LovingsAnd you get very hard. I was inconsolable.

Matt SlayerIs this why you don't listen to country?

Leana LovingsThis is exactly why I don't listen to country.

Matt SlayerWe figured out folks who figured out why no longer listen. This country, we're.

Leana LovingsGoing deep into it today.

Matt SlayerOh, yeah? Did I not warn you before we got on air? This is not going to be your typical p*rn interview.

Leana LovingsI was going to be very tough. I was prepared.

Matt SlayerShe was. She was it. She came with notes just like you can't see it on the video version, but she's got a whole f*cking, like, archives of f*cking things to study.

Leana LovingsAnd I gave me the little backpack.

Matt SlayerWho knows what's in there? Who knows? I I'm a little afraid of what could be in there. Secrets could be a secret career joint could be a portal to another dimension. Who knows?

Leana LovingsBoth.

Matt SlayerOh, yeah. I mean, a large enough deal that you have to put it in another dimension.

Leana LovingsOtherwise, exactly.

Matt SlayerHow will you get through airport security?

Leana LovingsKind of keep in a little pocket portal.

Matt SlayerExactly. It's a back home.

Leana LovingsA secure way. Exactly.

Matt SlayerExactly, exactly. I don't know where I was going with any of that. Yeah, I.

Leana LovingsDon't know.

Matt SlayerThe short tangents a little bit. Sometimes just to just runs away with just running away with whatever happens around here. It's just kind of how it goes.

Leana LovingsSometimes that's fine.

Matt SlayerI hope so. I mean, I'm going to keep doing it. It's my show. Nothing you can do to stop me. You cannot beat me to death of the dild* and stop me.

Leana LovingsIs that what you're thinking? About the entire time we were having that conversation? Oh, yeah.

Matt SlayerThat is with a giant deal. Don't shoot me to death a little on camera, but that is what the old fortune teller told me. It was going to happen.

Leana LovingsNow I have to cancel my plans.

Matt SlayerThat was actually your sh*t.

Leana LovingsOh.

Matt Slayerf*ck. I was just printing a joke. Oh, little. A little nervous now?

Leana LovingsNo, you know what? In the entire time that I have been in the industry, I don't know that many toys. And if anything, if comparing all of the toys that I've actually bought, they have never actually been for myself. They have been for camera, because I have a personal rule, and it is actually me, my hands in my imagination, that is the best way that it works for me.

Leana LovingsIt's so weird, because when I try to appeal to other people's fantasies, it's always with like a tentacle dild*s. I actually have one that looks like an octopus tentacle.

Matt SlayerFrom Bad Dragon or.

Leana LovingsYeah, from Bad Dragon. It was my very first Bad Dragon actually gave it to me as a gift my very first tower based dream.

Matt SlayerNice.

Leana LovingsYes.

Matt SlayerIt's your very first stream. They're just like, Here, have a bed dragon toy. Yeah.

Leana LovingsSo this is a secret, actually. Bad Dragon has a deal with New Cam girls. At least they did four years ago where you would message them, you would message a secret person, and they would give you, like, a beginner's pack. And so I had a bad dragon dild*. They gave me a full tube of normal lube, a full tube of cum lube.

Leana LovingsThree different samples of density and softness in terms of texture of their dild*s that you could choose from and test and then like a dild* keychain.

Matt SlayerWell, good sh*t.

Leana LovingsYeah, it was very nice of them. And they were just giving it out to new models to use for their streams. Because on your very first couple of streams on Charter B, they promote you to the front of the page while sh*t.

Matt SlayerWhy is Cheddar Bay better for streaming than Twitch? Damn f*cked up.

Leana LovingsI know they give you a free little sponsorship. Your first time in.

Matt SlayerI didn't look like. Oh, hey, it's kind of like how this drug dealers work. Oh, yeah. There's your free. Here's your free taste. You're going to come back for more, right?

Leana LovingsI'm going to hug you and you know what's actually really funny? I have come back to bed dragons several times for their toys just because I am very texture sensitive. So I'm very specific on what kind of textures and the toys that I like when I do use them and they always come out with the best quality. You know, it's and I really love the variation in colors.

Matt SlayerAnd I'm sure they'll love the ad you just ran for them.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerI'll keep this for you. You can center it right on the bedroom, you know, throw it on the side.

Leana LovingsYou about that?

Matt SlayerOh, I don't care. I just think it's funny.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerSo what what texture is like your ideal texture? Oh.

Leana LovingsUm, let's see my ideal texture.

Leana LovingsIt's got to be, at least in the toy range. It's like the medium thickness, dual core density. I really like it when it's firm in the middle, and so me outside.

Matt SlayerThere's nothing wrong with it. I do have to say, though, the way you initially, and so that I felt like I just asked you a question for a spelling bee. You're just like my ideal texture. Can you use it in a sentence?

Leana LovingsI was ready. I, you know, I really had to think about that when because I am so specific with textures I like when I buy my clothes, I actually have to really feel them with the tips of my fingers. It has to to rub against me very, very nicely. I did not mean to make that as a sexual innuendo, but it came out that way.

Matt SlayerYou know, those are okay here. You can do that. It's fine.

Leana LovingsOkay.

Matt SlayerNo one no one's going to judge you, okay? No. No one is going to be like, oh, no, she made a sexual innuendo. Oh, my God. We talked about sex. Oh, my God. Oh, oh, oh.

Leana LovingsOkay. Yeah, that's good. That's good.

Matt SlayerYeah. For profanity, like, you can pretty much do whatever you want to like. Well, except for the dodo, you can't do that.

Leana LovingsOne is right.

Matt SlayerYou can't even beat me unconscious on the other side. No, no violence towards me.

Leana LovingsPlease, of course I'm okay.

Matt SlayerI love it. Like you're just like. That's okay. I mean, I definitely have just been violent towards me before.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh.

Matt SlayerNo, just want, like, one, like, one time, but.

Leana LovingsOh, that sounds awful. What happened?

Matt SlayerI told the story on air, but I had to just get a little drunk, and they punched me in the head.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh. That's insane.

Matt SlayerIt's a good story. The audience is never heard of before, but, yeah, that super duper happened.

Leana LovingsI think the best way to describe my state of drunkenness, when I get there, whenever I drink alcohol, I get more philosophical than anything else. That's weird. And the I'm the philosopher drunk.

Matt SlayerI mean, a lot of philosophers are drunk, so that's okay.

Leana LovingsYeah, exactly. You know, it's sort of it goes back and forth.

Matt SlayerI just try to master energy when I've been drinking. It's just like are we being silly? Yeah, I can be silly. I was waxing philosophical. Yeah, I can do that too. I tend to do that a little bit more on mushrooms than I do drinking.

Leana LovingsBut oh, okay. I've, you know, I know that there's a trope that a lot of people in p*rn do drugs, but the only thing I've ever really I've only ever had like edibles, like weed edibles.

Matt SlayerThere's nothing wrong with that. I mean, it's an individual choice.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerAnd it's one of those things where, like, I am not a proponent of people being like, Oh, you should. Well, okay, that's a lot I'm definitely then people should do psychedelics, but I am also of the opinion that you shouldn't do anything that's going to f*cking take over your life and not allow you to f*cking operate.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerPsychedelics are fine because they're not addictive. You just do them on occasion, on special occasions, and like half of the time, preferably in a safe environment where like you're just going to enjoy yourself. Things like the cocaine. Heroin is a problem that can be problematic but also I'm very much of the opinion like if you're going to do something that only negatively affects yourself and your body, your choice.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerI don't a spouse that you should, but that's on you. I'm sure there are plenty of them out there. Probably a handful of functioning heroin addicts out there. Keith Richards, come on, you can one of the biggest bands, the world the heroin that forever right there's there's exceptions to those rules.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBut it's one of those things where like some experimentation in life is good but it should just be that I just want experimentation. Not like, oh, hey, I'm a heroin addict. That's how I defined my life. And it's much like religion. It's like your life should not be defined by just your religious beliefs or your political beliefs.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerAnd that's one of the things that bothers me in modern society is like people's political beliefs have become the religion.

Leana LovingsThe thing that I think everyone focuses maybe a little bit too much on is the idea of labels. I think that everyone is looking for something to label other people buying because then it makes them easier to understand. But by type of buying someone, you're not seeing them as a three person with interchanging ideologies and behaviors. And there's so many other things to them than the labels that we put on other people.

Matt Slayer100%. I mean, we're also in a society where nuance is dead. So, you know, it's just easy, like, oh no, just a label people don't do that. No. Well, and people are hopefully constantly changing and evolving, too.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. I really hope for the best in people.

Matt SlayerWell, I am the polar opposite. I expect the worst in almost everybody.

Leana LovingsI feel like everyone has the capacity for growth and change, even when they don't see it in themselves. You know, something could happen in their lives that really makes them think and changes things.

Matt SlayerYeah, generally horribly traumatic. Yeah.

Leana LovingsUsually the horrible traumatic things. But, you know, it does happen.

Matt SlayerYeah. Unfortunately, the way to human existence goes generally the positive is just reinforce sh*tty behavior. Yeah. So if you were already sh*tty, oh, good things happen and you will continue to make you be sh*tty like just did something horrible tragically. And maybe I'm not living the best life here. f*ck we should talk more about sexy things and.

Leana LovingsSexy things.

Matt SlayerThan just do weird philosophical. But you're like, oh, I could philosophically cut me off on a tangent.

Leana LovingsAll of us, you know, it happens.

Matt SlayerWell, cheers to that.

Leana LovingsCheers.

Matt SlayerSo where do you see occurred? I know you're three months in, but, like, where do you see your career eventually going? You know, you're three months into a professional where you're four years and change and you're not like, f*cking fresh off the bus as they were.

Leana LovingsYeah, because of that, I do have a plan.

Matt SlayerReal hard to know what the secret super secret plan is.

Leana LovingsNot all of it. But you know, some things I like to keep secret. Uh, I do intend to be in p*rn for the better. Half of a good couple of years, primarily because I feel like my fans deserve a certain quality of content that sometimes I'm too lazy to procreate, like to procure on my own.

Matt SlayerPlus, you're honest about it. That's awesome.

Leana LovingsYou know what? I have a camera, I have a rig. I have everything that I could use to make some of my own videos, but I really love trusting the direction that other directors take with my work. And I love getting new fans off of that and just seeing their creativity and experiencing all these different scripts and then working with other directors and then making scripts with them.

Leana LovingsAnd some kind of combination of creative identity is just so much fun. And one of the things that I definitely just plan on being more consistent in is camming and doing p*rn at the same exact time. That has been hard because I have been touring between Miami, L.A. and Vegas and then going home well because I'm going to be moving closer to at least one shoot location.

Leana LovingsI'll just be flying back and forth now between technically home and then another place.

Matt SlayerI love is like technically home. It won't feel like home. It'll just be where my sh*t lives. I know that feeling not great after a while.

Leana LovingsI don't know. So far I really embracing what feels like a very nomadic lifestyle right now. It's it's interesting because I've never really gotten to have this type of experience where my environment is consistently changing and it is exciting and I know that as the newness goes away, I'm still going to be excited about it because of all the opportunities and the people that I get to meet along with it.

Matt SlayerOh, one time and embrace the f*ck out of them. It's amazing what p*rn what doors for an open sometimes.

Leana LovingsAnd eventually after starring in p*rn, maybe eventually I will go back to making my own p*rn. I think that that is going to be the end result. After I've learned lessons from all of the sets that I've been on. There's just so much to learn when I'm there.

Matt SlayerSo are you actually like spending time with the crew, like asking questions or.

Leana LovingsYeah, I like spending a lot of time with the crew, especially because, I mean, they have such a huge part in what the output becomes for every scene. I love focusing on the camera guy. I love focusing on how they set up the lights, what gear that they're using, what cameras and what lenses that they're like putting on to accentuate certain parts of the room.

Leana LovingsIt is just so cool to me. I love learning about every avenue just because it's it's really fun too.

Matt SlayerAre you a fan of felt like film in general or.

Leana LovingsUm, I'm not as much of a film nerd, but going into p*rn has somehow given me insight into what filming is like. And it is very fun to sort of now look at films and see, oh, you know what, I can see why that's a separate cut. I can see that they actually did several takes on this because the main character is now sweating.

Leana LovingsIt's so funny.

Matt SlayerYeah. Once you start editing a lot of your own sh*t, you're like, Oh, I see edits everywhere.

Leana LovingsYeah. And now I'm like, Oh my gosh, I see where they did that. I see what they're covering up here. It's so it is changed the way that I enjoy movies. I still enjoy movies, but I enjoy it in a different way now. And sometimes I have to get myself to just kind of shut up when I'm watching movies around friends, because now I'll just point at things and I have to kind of calm down.

Matt SlayerSpeaking of movies, what are some of your favorites?

Leana LovingsOh my gosh. So I'm a really big fan of horror movies. Okay. I really do love The Conjuring. The Conjuring is definitely one of my favorite horror movies.

Leana LovingsAnnabelle Creation was a pretty good one.

Leana LovingsIt's so I have so many films that I really enjoy, but it is very difficult to pinpoint all of them.

Matt SlayerAs it should be. Like when people are like, Oh, are your top five or your top ten?

Leana LovingsLook it all gets mixed in between. At that point, I'm just like, Oh my goodness, I don't think I good. Okay, never mind.

Matt SlayerWell, then it's also like, what am I in the f*cking mood for? There's times like I'm in the mood for a f*cking comedy, or I'm in the mood for a mindless action movie or a f*cking psychological thriller.

Leana LovingsYes. You know what my favorite really sad, depressing, but amazing Ghost Story movie is Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone. You know what? Like, not many people know about that movie. Is one of, like, Dermal del Toro's first and is really good.

Matt SlayerHe's a crazy person. He is absolutely a crazy person.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. But wonderfully creative.

Matt SlayerYes. Yes. He also has two houses that are basically museums. He really does.

Leana LovingsThat's amazing.

Matt SlayerI had a gig a couple of years back, like I'd do some security work on the side and had a good were like I had to escort people from a museum in Mexico that were taking artwork from his houses. To go put on display in Mexico.

Leana LovingsOh, my God, his houses.

Matt SlayerThese two houses are so f*cking cluttered with just with just f*cking sh*t. It is.

Leana LovingsLike what?

Matt SlayerAll sorts of artwork. So much Hellboy sh*t. So I told my ass.

Leana LovingsYou know what? I actually have a good question. Do you think that Guillermo del Toro believes in ghosts?

Matt SlayerI don't know. I just love.

Leana LovingsAll of the, you know, the ghost stories out of all of the fantasy that he's written. Do you think that he's superstitious I mean.

Matt SlayerI don't judge him by the how those houses are set up. I don't think he's superstitious, but I definitely think he's into his into it is definitely into it. Yeah. Those houses didn't strike me as someone who is superstitious. Like all his awards were just like kind of on a just random shelf by the kitchen. And one of the houses.

Leana LovingsOh, that's so funny.

Matt SlayerIt's like, oh, there's an Oscar and bucket and like a Golden Globes just chillaxing right there.

Leana LovingsOh, that's great.

Matt SlayerImagine like a super fan boy, but a hoarder and combine them together into two mansions. Oh, wow. Well, if you walk into one of the houses and it's just like, oh, there's a full, like actual from set spaces from TV just right next to the glove from the first Hellboy, the rest of you guys. Yeah.

Leana LovingsThat's actually really. Well, do you think is the announcer buy like a third or fourth mansion soon?

Matt SlayerProbably. Probably is yeah. It is pretty f*cking wild. Just like my my employer is sort of like, don't even take your phone into the f*cking houses because I wasn't even told what it was until I got there. So I have a gig. It's, you know, high profile, and it's someone who would actually talk to people. Yeah, no problem on it.

Matt SlayerSo we reform the f*cking car tonight and take it into the house. I thought I was like, Okay, totally, totally f*cking get it. But yeah, those houses are wild, but almost like, tripping over Hellboy like statues. But it's also like, if I had that kind of money and fame what would I do with it?

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerSo what would you do it if you got to be filthy rich?

Leana LovingsI would have OC. I actually since I was a kid, I've always been one for planning my future. I actually had a plan where I would save up hundreds of thousands of dollars and I would build a three storey house that would be like a safe house refuge for runaway kids. Oh, so my dream is that if I got filthy rich, I would definitely have a house for runaway kids.

Matt SlayerSo were you a runaway at one point?

Leana LovingsNo. I just always thought that it would be nice to have someone that was always there for someone that needed help. Oh.

Matt SlayerYeah, that's the most Down-to-earth answer I've ever f*cking heard. But yeah, I'm just going to help people. Kind of help people and.

Leana LovingsTo feel like, you know, people with ridiculous amounts of money like Jeff Bezos, you know, they don't help enough people. I just think it's just kind of funny. Like, I think that a sensible person, if you had enough money, sure, you would save some money for yourself. But also, like, you should help other people to you should be able to do both, and it should still be sensible to do so.

Matt SlayerI agree, I agree. But it's one of those things where, like, unfortunately, the, the ultra rich start their own charities just as tax write offs.

Leana LovingsAnd then, yeah, I.

Matt SlayerThink it's really policies.

Leana LovingsDespicable for me. And then they end up taking money from their private charities. I've read that too. And it's just so silly to me, even.

Matt SlayerIf they don't take money from their charities. The 100% manipulated policy with the charity.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerI'm not listening to f*cking experts on what what this money needs to go. I'm going to dictate where this money needs to go, which is a problem when you're like, Hey, I'm a expert in computer science or something like that. Not so economic f*cking things were way down that might be more suited to someone who's actually studied or devoted their life to this sh*t.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerBut I don't ever expect to be that rich. I just want to be like self sufficient. I don't expect I'm going to die poor I must stop lying. It's okay though. Okay. Take it with you anyways.

Leana LovingsIf I ever was really, really, really, really, really crazy rich I think a selfish purchase that I would make was that I would have privately trained dolphins.

Matt SlayerTheir own little SeaWorld. Are you trying to get yourself canceled?

Leana LovingsNo. Okay. No, well, all I'm saying is, do you remember Austin Powers?

Matt SlayerI'm fully aware of.

Leana LovingsAustin Powers as arch nemesis. Had sharks with little lasers on the top. Yeah, I would have dolphins. Dolphins with lasers, with lasers. I think that.

Matt SlayerThat sounds like a great way to lose an eye.

Leana LovingsYeah. But I mean, you know, it would be really cool.

Matt SlayerTo lost that.

Leana LovingsI maybe I would just lessen the lasers to be like cat lasers. So I would have, like, a cat. They could run around and the dolphins could play.

Matt SlayerOh, I just imagine you was like a human cat. They're like, oh, the dolphins are this.

Leana LovingsOh, my God. No, that's not what I do know.

Matt SlayerWhy not do your research? You don't have to work is true.

Leana LovingsI would probably still work.

Matt SlayerLike, I know you have this whole plan for your vision. Like, do you ever want settle down kids one day or.

Leana LovingsOh, man. I think that kids are always an option. If I find the right person but right now, I think that it's way too early in my life to even think about it.

Matt SlayerWell, okay, I was only asking because you said I plan on my life.

Leana LovingsYeah, well, you know, I've always planned out my life. When I was in middle school, I planned that I was going to be a marine biologist that was going to live in Queensland, Australia specifically.

Matt SlayerSo what happened? Why that not happened?

Leana LovingsI grew up in then I got really into psychology, and then I thought, well, I could get a double major in biology and psychology and get a specialization in neuroscience. And then I paused on that because I was saving up money I did have a 75% scholarship at the time, so that paid for 75% of like my tuition, but I still needed the other 25%.

Matt SlayerAnd I'm assuming that didn't cover housing either.

Leana LovingsYeah, didn't cover housing. And with that, as I was saving money, I came in, created a business for me that became a lot more profitable.

Matt SlayerJust and then all my on the American Dream. And that's the beauty of sex work, is it does allow for upward mobility.

Leana LovingsYou know what? In a lot of ways it did help me and my dreams because I ignored a lot of things to go into neuroscience and biology. You know, I I sold I had gotten a previous scholarship actually in art. I'd gotten like a several thousand dollar photography scholarships so that I could get camera gear and things like that.

Leana LovingsAnd I actually ended up using it to buy books for college. And when I got into camping, one of my fans bought me a really high grade camera that I could use.

Matt SlayerWhat do you get for what you get from a little bit of a gearhead? So what a good.

Leana LovingsWell, I can say I now have a can mark four or five, do you know?

Matt SlayerVery nice.

Leana LovingsYes. And I also have like a brand new welcome center.

Matt SlayerVery nice.

Leana LovingsYeah. And they were all gifted by fans that really care about that other artistic side of me. So as much as people say that p*rn closes doors for you in certain business, aspects, p*rn opens up a lot of doors that I don't think other people are ready to consider.

Matt SlayerOh, 101 p*rn opens a lot of f*cking doors. A lot. But as I was talking about earlier, it does have it's not like they're trade offs for it. And so it's not just like, oh, hey, here's my wonderful life of p*rnography and backstage passes and free sh*t.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. No, it's not a wonderful life. There's so many wonderful things about it, but I can say all of the glamor that people think are like luxuries are actually just things that we have to do for work. Like people like to joke, especially on TV, is the show about, Oh, I've got to get my nails done. Getting your nails done actually hurts.

Leana LovingsIt's not something that many of us just enjoy. It doesn't feel super good. The ladies that like to give you your pedicures aren't always like the most gentle things like that, you know? And self-care is something that I think everyone can relate to is something that's very hard and you still have to keep up in terms of self maintenance every day.

Leana LovingsIt's something that people will expect to be very easy, but it is it's really a ritual that you have to get used to.

Matt SlayerWell, and people also overlook the fact that like on a normal civilian job, if you're having an off f*cking day, you can still show up to work and possibly, you know, make your way through it. You show up on an all f*cking day people are going to talk about it and it's been f*ckin filmed. There is record of your off f*cking day.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's, that's actually an interesting point. Because if you're, you know, I've actually thought about this on set because if you're, if you have a cold and you're feeling sh*tty in the office, that's one thing. You can still get your work done, but you can't go on set if you have a cold. It's just like you can't go on set if you're sick.

Leana LovingsAlso, if you're feeling down and out, you know, it's you cannot show any of that on camera. You have to change all of your facial expressions. You have to change your entire demeanor. You become someone else in order to fit into a specific type of fantasy, in order to fit into an ideal. And if you're in pain, sometimes there are a lot of very like uncomfortable positions.

Leana LovingsYou immediately transition to make it look as if it feels like the best thing in the world. And I love being able to do that because I see it as a challenge and it's extremely fun for me. But, you know, it's it's definitely not going to feel the best.

Matt SlayerOh, it's not. It's not that. That's why part of the reason the job's hard, you can do it with your significant other before you come on set and got to hide that sh*t you've got.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerNot everyone in this business does a great job of it sometimes.

Matt SlayerYou've been on 70 plus sets at this point. I'm sure you've had some people show up in not in the best moods.

Leana LovingsOh yeah. I've definitely seen those you know, I I'll never get into detail about like the, the specific things that happen on those types of sets because I feel like everyone's privacy is so important. But I do notice, you know, when my partner on scene is having a rough time and I feel like it's also important to be there for your scene partner because of that.

Leana LovingsI feel like one of the jobs is almost therapy with your other person. If, if they're having a rough time, like if they're having a hard time getting to completion, I always maintain physical contact. If that's something that they need and I maintain eye contact and I'm there with them, what.

Matt SlayerIs the eye contact? Freaks them out.

Leana LovingsThen we don't make eye contact because, you know, it's not everyone's thing. You kind of have to express to see what really gets them off. I love asking them, especially just, hey, you know, what makes you feel the best so that, you know, I can I can be there for that and make you feel.

Matt SlayerHave you gotten any weird requests? Not to shame anyone. I'm just curious.

Leana LovingsUm, like, I don't really see it as weird. I know other people would see it is weird, like, okay, some guys have had to sniff my armpits.

Matt SlayerWhy did that just come to my mind? What I was thinking of?

Leana LovingsYeah, like, they'll, they'll like, I've had guys that will, like, sniff out, like, my armpits as a thing to get them off. And I think that that's really, biologically, it makes sense to me because it's pheromones. It's not something that I'm used to, but I think that it's perfectly normal.

Matt SlayerNo, I'm not. As I said, I'm not here to think shame like. Yeah, it's not anything I've okay. It's not anything. I would consciously be like, Yeah, I'm going to lick some armpits today. But yeah, I've done some wild sh*t in the heat of the moment, like, oh, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility of like, oh yeah.

Matt SlayerAnd here the f*cking moment in an armpit and sh*t. I double one partner years and years ago and I still talk about this day. I definitely bit like not her calf, but look just like the side of her leg. Well, look, here's the moment. You never know.

Leana LovingsYou know what? I was reading a romance novel years ago and they talked about, like, biting the thigh. And I was, I always wondered, like, is that a thing that people actually like? But I notice, though, that your your inner thigh can actually be very sensitive. So sometimes there are certain guys where if they're very close to cumming, all you have to do to really get them to the edge is run your fingernails up from like the edge of their knee down into the inner part of their thigh.

Leana LovingsAnd as you get closer towards the groin, they really get close to cumming. It's it's like it builds up a sensation that makes it easier for them.

Matt SlayerThe more, you know, folks.

Leana LovingsYeah. Size tips.

Matt SlayerI had never heard that one.

Leana LovingsSex Helps with Liana Lovings.

Matt SlayerHow'd you figure that one out? Experimentation it was like.

Leana LovingsYeah, well, you know, I my main thing, something that turns me on is giving my partner a lot of physical contact. So for me, in order to establish because a lot of the scenes, you have to be very intimate. So I sort of establish a form of intimacy beforehand. And what I do is I sort of run my fingers along them sometimes along their hands.

Leana LovingsAnd if they're particularly responsive to that, I know that there will be responsive to very light touches where on the air, when they're on the edge of coming, I'll do some very light shapes where it's almost like I'm sort of tracing a story on their skin and the more that they respond to that, the more I know they'll respond positively to that other kind of stimulation.

Matt SlayerNice, nice. I took everything right there. That's really the story of well, you pop already know.

Leana LovingsYou know what? I never think that because I know the guy is definitely thinking that in his head already, you know, that they're so critical of themselves. And I'm just like, you know what? I never want you to feel that way when you're around me. I don't see that. But you know what? I just establish that and I just smile and I make them feel as comfortable as possible.

Matt SlayerWell, good on you as someone who works on a crew, I am 100%. Well, you f*cking pop. All right, I want to go home. We get there. It's sooner I get to go home. More money. I made my but now that's awesome. That that is absolutely awesome that you're trying to be there for your partner, because I often hear from male talent or is like, yeah, my partner.

Matt SlayerThe minute the cameras are rolling, we're back on their phone or.

Leana LovingsYou know, like, I feel like they need that kind of attention. Because I've seen that, you know, I've seen where a guy has difficulty popping and, you know, there is like the director going like, oh, and, you know, everyone's getting impatient and I might feel like a certain way, but for me, it's just like, I know that the best way he's going to feel good is if he knows that I care about what he's feeling in that moment right now.

Matt SlayerOh, so sweetest f*cking thing I've ever heard, of all things. That is not the typical attitude.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. I think that there should be, like, more gentleness towards it. I think that that's what it requires.

Matt SlayerUnfortunately, people are in this business for extended time and are f*cking jaded. All they just want is, yeah, they want to do their work. They want to f*cking make it look good. They want to make their money. And when I want to go home.

Leana LovingsYeah, absolutely. And you know, I can understand that to a point, but for me it's always about intimacy and connection with my partners.

Matt SlayerWell, I hope that stays that way. For you. I like.

Leana LovingsThings. I definitely I want to be that person in p*rn. You know, I thought a very long time as a cowgirl about when I was going to go into p*rn and who I was going to be and how I was going to perform. And I wanted to perform differently than the other girls that I had seen in p*rn.

Leana LovingsAnd I want to be authentic and genuine, continuous.

Matt SlayerWhen did you come to the realization that, like, that's what you need to do.

Leana LovingsAs a cam girl? I noticed a lot that, you know, people when they go on chatter beat, they're masturbating a lot of the time. But sometimes they just want that intimacy and the connection with someone and they want conversation and they want to feel like you actually care and you just need to be like a real person. And then it was just suddenly like, wow, maybe everyone actually just wants to be treated that way.

Leana LovingsAnd then you suddenly realize, if I took that into p*rn, you know, that would be an entirely different experience that I haven't really seen as much of because you don't always get to see a full on connection with every performer that's out there. And so my goal is to have that kind of strength in connection with everyone I participate with.

Matt SlayerDo you ever worry about like developing strong feelings for your scene partners over that?

Leana LovingsNo, that was a quick answer, but.

Matt SlayerNot that it's all an act. It's all not so novel.

Leana LovingsYou know what? Like it's just the way that I see it, it's very healing for me. And then it's healing for them, too. It's just sort of like for me, like a okay. So this is going to start with a completely different Segway, but it's going to make sense. So I got I lost my virginity after I got into BDSM.

Leana LovingsSo the first thing I actually ever did was go headfirst into BDSM. And so for me, the entire thing was, oh, we're doing all these intimate things, but it's not we're not having sex. The goal was to get closer to that person. And so for me, the people that I did those things with, we were friends and we sort of formed a community with that.

Leana LovingsAnd so for me, that sort of lesson was in BDSM has extended now into p*rn where it just feels like I'm forming a connection and learning more about that person. It doesn't feel super romantic because I know the purpose of the scene and I can still reach that kind of intimacy with a romantic partner because it's a different kind of headspace for me and it's in a different environment.

Matt SlayerMakes sense. Absence so there's a lot to unpack there. What made you decide to get into BDSM?

Leana LovingsI was absolutely terrified of sex because I grew up in that megachurch setting, so for me, I just thought it was going to be super awful. I was just so scared about it. And then I thought, well, I thought about it with a couple of people and they said, Well, why don't you just get into BDSM because you can do all of these crazy things without ever having sex and it feels just as intimate.

Leana LovingsAnd I thought, Wow, okay, I don't have to have sex. That sounds great. You know, like that joke about like, Christian girls that have anal sex because God doesn't look there, you know, or, oh, it doesn't count as real sex. It was kind of also in that it was in that vein, so to speak, was easier.

Matt SlayerSo who introduced you to it? Like, like, did you just like I'm just going to go to a Buddhist Buddhism club and see where it goes. Like, how do you discover it? Like, how do.

Leana LovingsI got into that life? And I found like my local community there and then suddenly there was like a girl that ran cafe meet ups. And so I went with her and like, I showed my IDs and they vetted me at the cafe. And then it was just sort of like it was very spontaneous. And they said, this is really out of protocol.

Leana LovingsBut, you know, do you just want to go back to my place and hang out And so we watched Chopped on TV, and then she brought out like a toy bag, and they had rope and they actually tried bondage while someone in her house made burritos. So they, like, fed me burritos while I was tied up. And I was like, Wow, this is great.

Leana LovingsWe can just keep going And it was absolutely wonderful. I got into bondage, and that was sort of the way that I could feel a connection with someone.

Matt SlayerAre you still a lifestyle player? When you look for a partner? Are you looking for someone who can play with as well?

Leana LovingsI think that's definitely a strong consideration. For me.

Leana LovingsI always go for that person's personality because I know if their personality leans a certain way, if they have certain proclivities then they'll be more open to my lifestyle. And after that point, after I feel like I can trust them, I'll be very open about like he here are the the facts about my lifestyle. This is what I do, and then I'll slowly introduce them to those things.

Matt SlayerYou don't think it's better to just let them know right up, right up front and be like, Bill, if you're not into this call later?

Leana LovingsI think it depends, because sometimes starting right out of the bat is going to scare people it's going to scare people that are actually still into those things.

Matt SlayerAnd, well, we're not the weak f*ck.

Leana LovingsI mean, that's a really great way to do it. I definitely you know, I don't discourage that too. That's always an option. But for me, I guess I've always just been perhaps scared of immediately saying it because I've just been so used to a quote unquote vanilla culture.

Matt SlayerBut what happens is, like, if you get involved with someone and they're vanilla and you really care about them and they're not down with their lifestyle, like what then.

Leana LovingsWhile that lifestyle is still very much a part of me. And so that's just where things would end.

Matt SlayerBut why waste all that time with them then?

Leana LovingsIt's not wasting time. If you spend time getting to know someone like that, it just means that you're making more memories along the way.

Matt SlayerI feel like it is all easier said than done.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt Slayer100%. Well, that's easier said than done. So yeah, as I said, I would rather just weed someone out right away.

Leana LovingsThat's a very good way of doing it. But immediately going on Tinder or I like Bumble and just pulling all those cards out, you would not imagine how many people don't even read the profile. It's so funny you could say it right there. And then they'll ask a question and then you're like, Wait, are you are you sure you haven't read it?

Matt SlayerOh, no. I know a female comic who had a whole bit about, like, updating her bumble profile to be like, I want to murder you and people are still swiping, right?

Leana LovingsYeah, that's a thing. Oh, what a lazy.

Matt Slayer100%. Because we're dudes, we're dumb or like, you're hot right? Swipe right. So do you be amazed how many people that I match with all those f*cking absolutes? Like, I didn't f*cking read I when we match, like, oh, you live in f*cking Russia. Cool on match. Oh, but 6000 miles away. I'm not looking for a f*cking pen pal.

Leana LovingsYeah, I've definitely seen that before. But you know what's actually really funny? I have only ever been in long distance relationships.

Matt SlayerWhy?

Leana LovingsBecause I was actually scared of meeting someone in person, and it was so much easier to just find people, like on Discord or on, like, some other kind of gaming chat service. Than actually going through the dating platform.

Matt SlayerThat makes sense, because in theory, you have something in common at that point.

Leana LovingsMm hmm. And then it's just easier at that point. To just include all of the other things.

Matt SlayerPut long distance does not work unless one of you is intending to move to the other place in my personal experience.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerLong distance doesn't f*cking work. Like, as long if it's temporary, it's like, Oh, hey, you're moving here, or I'm moving there. At a certain amount of time. We can make this work until that happens. But unless that's the book and plan, long distance is destined to f*cking fail. And the thing about it is, people can 100% keep up a good front on being awesome until you're really in their space on a very regular basis.

Leana LovingsI think that that's true.

Matt SlayerYeah. In my youth, I definitely have a long distance relationships and boy, boy and none of them work out like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. And I, I won't do them anymore. It's just like one of those things where, like, oh, hey, we can talk all the time. We can have some level of intimacy, but until one of us is permanently in the same physical location as the other they'll say nothing.

Matt SlayerLike during the pandemic, I had a woman I was talking to who I'd met in real life. Like, she's a friend of a friend, but she lives on the East Coast, and she's been talking and moving to L.A. for a couple of years.

Leana LovingsSo it's like, oh, wow.

Matt SlayerYeah, we're talking about, like, both of us, like, understand what's up? You know, you're both talking about other people. You're f*cked, like, during this whole thing. That's cool, because you're not my girlfriend. You don't live here. And like, you know, I'm pretty sure she'd get somewhere because, look, so I'm gonna do my cool. How fun. Because you're not my girlfriend.

Matt SlayerYou're a friend that I have, like, emotional, romantic feelings towards, but, like, at the end of the day, don't matter until you f*cking live here.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerAnd it's just you're setting yourself up for heartache. Otherwise, and people get f*cking weird. People get f*cking weird and weird. The jealous, like, when it's long distance, it's gross.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. You know, I've definitely seen both sides of the coin. I don't know. Long distance relationships always worked out for me, and I think it's because of the safety of distance.

Matt SlayerIs that safety for you?

Leana LovingsI'm just so dangerous.

Matt SlayerAnd you can be me in a double the double short life. So, yeah, I think you're pretty dangerous and unpredictable. What are you worried about? Like what? What's the fear?

Leana LovingsI think the fear was the reality of the relationship being real. Because when you're there in person, everything's suddenly actually real, and you have to acknowledge it.

Matt SlayerYeah. And it's not just like being a relationship at that point.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's exactly.

Matt SlayerIt. And that's scary.

Leana LovingsYeah. But.

Matt SlayerI mean, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean.

Leana LovingsI grew up as a very, very sheltered nerd. Like, that farm I grew up in was in the middle of five acres with no neighbors except for a logging company that had accidentally made their own Christian cult, and then an apocalyptic cult that had like their own cameras security system outside of their gates. Like.

Matt SlayerAnd you want to move back to Florida. Why?

Leana LovingsBecause, you know, I wouldn't be in the country, and at that point it would be a lot easier.

Matt SlayerBut they're still technically in driving distance of you. You know, they're there.

Leana LovingsBut I was so sheltered, I didn't know how to communicate with anybody. The nearest school was a 40 minute drive away. So at that point, it was just like I was so scared of talking to people and really forming relationships. And now like now that I'm in p*rn, it feels like I'm really getting to know people more. Camming really helps me with that to that sort of connection.

Leana LovingsIn terms of conversation, I'm really understanding people and it's so different now. Than it was back then.

Matt SlayerDo you think that's part of the reason you got into psychology to help understand people for yourself?

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. I love understanding how people think I love understanding one's processes of thought and how they see the world for what it is because, you know, everyone has their own perspective on how the world works. And that is so fascinating to me because we all have our own internal dialog. We all have our own stories and roles that everyone plays.

Leana LovingsWe are never the villain in our story, and that has to be something that we hate realizing about other people. Like the person that you hate most in the world does not see them as a villain.

Matt SlayerBoth you and they justify why draw the villain in their story.

Leana LovingsExactly. And you know what? That is just so fascinating to me. That is exactly why I wanted to go into psychology.

Matt SlayerBut now you you've obviously made leaps and bounds and your human interaction and your ability to socialize.

Leana LovingsOh, yes.

Matt SlayerBut you're still afraid of it. Are you still afraid of it?

Leana LovingsNo. I have actually just gone into experiencing the world more and I am excited by it now. It's definitely not something that scares me the way that it did back then.

Matt SlayerLook at that evolution, folks. Well, and that's a beautiful f*cking thing. It's a beautiful f*cking thing.

Leana LovingsAbsolutely.

Matt SlayerI wanted to dial it back a little bit. A little bit. But I think this is hard. Yeah. Because you just you're like, Oh, discord. And, like, so do game.

Leana LovingsOf course. I mean, how do you go on Discord and not game?

Matt SlayerThere's a lot of talent that have their own discord that have nothing to do with gaming.

Leana LovingsOh, okay. Yeah, well, you can definitely have p*rn discord. I actually ran a p*rn oriented discord for about two years, so.

Matt SlayerWhy would you be on Discord if you don't do that? I ran one of those.

Leana LovingsI know. You know what? I'm just full of contradictions.

Matt SlayerI see that. I see that.

Leana LovingsBut you Discord was originally a gaming platform. And even on the p*rn discord servers, there were always still rooms for gamers within it some way. There's always a facet for it people obsessed with p*rn. And hence, I are definitely you know, there's still an avenue for gamers in there. And so I started on I started ever since I was little.

Leana LovingsI would watch my my family play on the PlayStation one. So we've been, you know, PlayStation generation gamers. And it was Lara Croft Tomb Raider. And so I've seen the Tomb Raider series. I saw them playing Dino Crisis is just so many good memories. And I got into those games, and now I play games like League of Legends I don't play Red Dead Redemption two.

Leana LovingsI heard that. It's really good. I pawn mod Skyrim by like the sh*t ton. I think that's the first curse I've actually set out on this podcast.

Matt SlayerOh my God, podcast is over.

Leana LovingsI know this is going to be.

Matt SlayerMy my virgin ears. I'm so f*cking offended. So f*cking offended right now. Holy sh*t that I can't believe you f*cking swore me. I don't know what to do about it.

Leana LovingsI'm so sorry.

Matt SlayerI don't believe you I'm totally derailing the conversation. Please keep talking about gaming.

Leana LovingsI just. You know what? I'm going to persevere in this. I promise. I I got into League of Legends. I know that's fringy, but you know what?

Matt SlayerWhat is it, Reggie? It's a super popular game.

Leana LovingsIt's okay, but everyone that plays League of Legends knows that League of Legends is toxic.

Matt SlayerAnd most online gaming is pretty f*cking toxic.

Leana LovingsYeah. So I also got into call of duty. I got into PUBG. Oh, my gosh. I loved PUBG when it was, like, really in the height of its popularity.

Leana LovingsI've played a lot of games.

Matt SlayerWhat are you playing right now?

Leana LovingsOkay, right now I've been modding Skyrim anniversary edition because the anniversary edition recently released, I have been playing. Oh, you know what?

Matt SlayerDo we have to log you the steam look at your library.

Leana LovingsYeah, right. I've been playing AAC a lot, actually, lately. As big as AAC is, it's so much fun to play it's is sometimes difficult just to download all of the files. I've played Elder Scrolls Online recently and for nostalgia sake. Every now and then I play Wizard one on one.

Matt SlayerDon't know Wizard one or one.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh. So, you know when Toontown was out?

Matt SlayerNo.

Leana LovingsOh, okay. It's like years and years and years ago. And Wizard one on one is like one of the really old memos out there. I used to be really into MMO, RPGs. I mainly had like over 2000 hours on Secret World Online. That was a really old MMO RPG.

Matt SlayerSo I haven't played MMO since the late Heroes.

Leana LovingsOh my goodness.

Matt SlayerYeah, look, I'm an old school, so it's silly of villains player. So I never played while, Oh, I'm a goddamn liar. I played live online for a while.

Leana LovingsOh, there you go.

Matt SlayerSpread this space, baby.

Leana LovingsWhy is it like desert online? That was. And that was a popular one for a while. Black Desert Online.

Matt SlayerNever played it.

Leana LovingsYeah, it's all the Japanese MMO is there to. Those are fun.

Matt SlayerJeez, it has been ten years since I've flown in a memo, and it was Eve was the last time I f*cking played, and I only ever had fun with them. There was one like I was playing with a bunch of real life friends I could never get into. Like, I never got into. Wow. I never got into a bunch of the stuff like.

Matt SlayerAnd I have a lot of friends who built f*cking whole communities over there. MMO guilds, and those people became the real life friends. I just never got into it.

Leana LovingsOh, of course. You know what? For Elder Scrolls Online, it was very much the same for me. And I know friends that have made Minecraft, communities that get abandoned over the period of two days you know, everyone gets so excited about building something. Maybe you'll spend a week building this entire city and everyone's, you know, made their own little homes, and then you log on one day and then everyone sort of switch to their own games again.

Matt SlayerIt happens ADHD and gaming. Never, never, never, never.

Leana LovingsNever crossed lines at once. Nope.

Matt SlayerNope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. They haven't figured out a way to, you know, make the slot machine f*cking part of our brain. Go off with gaming. No, no, not at all. No.

Leana LovingsWhat's really funny is I'm pretty sure I could get a confirmed ADHD diagnosis off of this podcast, though.

Matt SlayerWhich one of us?

Leana LovingsBoth of us. I feel like we like I feel like we have really great Segways to a variety of different topics. But we're making such great ping pong conversation that it works.

Matt SlayerOh, that's how the show always goes. That's perfect and is really how the show always f*cking goes. Once again, publicists doing disservice to their f*cking clients, then it was not warned in any way, shape or form or what the show is about. I'm a show up here for this palm podcast and he's going to ask me about how I got into the industry and like who I want to f*ck and position.

Matt SlayerAnd then like, I dove into religion. I immediately like, What the f*ck? What am I doing What's happening here?

Leana LovingsIt always works out.

Matt SlayerI think so.

Leana LovingsYeah. I mean, we got to talk about a bunch of topics that we both really enjoy.

Matt SlayerOh, no, I hated every last one of them.

Leana LovingsOh yeah.

Matt SlayerI have to put on my activist. All I want to talk about is hardcore p*rnography. That's all I wanted to.

Leana LovingsYes, hardcore sex.

Matt SlayerNo, no, no. Just p*rnography.

Leana Lovingsp*rnography.

Matt SlayerI know what? Sex. Unless there's a camera capturing it, it doesn't matter.

Leana LovingsOh, exactly.

Matt SlayerI also just do silly bits like that sometimes. Honestly, I feel like most of them was related to p*rn for the most part. Pretty boring. Like people's views and interactions with them matter. But like, the overall, like, p*rnography itself is kind of boring. Hmm. I've been in the industry for over a decade, so.

Leana LovingsI think that's right. You know, so far, I mean, I know I'm still really new, but a lot of the times it's just like the same five positions and then cut. It's it's very it's very easy to sort of slip into a certain pattern.

Matt SlayerOne especially in the modern era, where depending on who you're shooting for, they are completed the business in and around what has been hidden for search engine words and the algorithm. Hmm. p*rn is a quasi art in the first place. There definitely can be art and it's but a lot of it is just, you know, basically a factory pumping out masturbation.

Leana LovingsI definitely want to be a part of the industry that just creates art.

Matt SlayerI think a lot of people can.

Leana LovingsGo, but you know, it doesn't always happen every day.

Matt SlayerRight. And a lot of the times they've got bills to pay. So but the fact that like I was on set for Mindgeek over the summer is just like, oh, this is literally entitled just what f*cking search words were popular on f*cking p*rnhub. Like there is zero art to this.

Leana LovingsI was recently reading the script for a shoot that I'm going to be on and I was I could tell that they did not edit the script. So it was like male talent, whoever's cheaper. It was just like, like extras, whatever. It was just like just filled in with all these bits. And then, and then there's the idea for the story, but it was like they could just sort of fill in anyone.

Matt SlayerOh, the 1% do. We were shooting for Trans Angels over the summer, and there were legitimately just recycled browsers, f*cking.

Leana LovingsNo.

Matt SlayerLaw. And so businesses don't not hire me again. But there was literally just Montreal had sent down recycled browsers, f*cking scripts and just changed it a little bit for the Trans Angels in but that's not art. That is not f*cking art.

Leana LovingsSometimes, like, it depends on what I feel like. I guess masturbating to because I don't always watch p*rn, but when I do, it's definitely like sometimes I'm not caring if it's art, sometimes it is nice to just look for a specific thing.

Matt SlayerOh, I agree.

Leana LovingsBut other times I do one like was like, f*ck, I want a storyline this time. How am I going to actually find it among, like, all of these 5000 individual files of like male cutscenes?

Matt SlayerIs that what you're looking to be into?

Leana LovingsNo, I just end up finding an unborn of.

Matt SlayerOh, yeah, I just end up finding it.

Leana LovingsOkay, if you want to know, like my super secret fetish. Okay.

Matt SlayerI mean, being internet, definitely want to know what your super secret fetishes.

Leana LovingsLesbian nuns and latex is just hot. I don't know why.

Matt SlayerWith the crucifix still, though.

Leana LovingsOh, no, no. It's just like something about like, oh, I must pray for forgiveness. And then, you know, they pray for forgiveness by eating each other. Out. I just. I love how sacrilegious.

Matt SlayerHave you ever had sex so good that you prayed for forgiveness afterwards?

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh. No. But sometimes I feel like I should.

Matt SlayerAnd there's always next week.

Leana LovingsNo. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt SlayerIt's beautiful part about Christianity. You just have to repent at some point. Yeah.

Leana LovingsYou know, it's at some point down the line. Same for the Crusades. You know, it doesn't matter what you do just as long as you apologize after.

Matt SlayerExactly. Exactly. Because what is time to God like if humanly, as you get older time, just the passage of time goes faster. Time to God must be f*cking nothing. And human lifespan must be nothing. If God. Because it's like if you ask for forgiveness now or 20 years from now, that's like less than a blink to him or her or it or however God identifies today if God actually existed.

Matt SlayerYeah, I don't believe it does.

Leana LovingsSo the way that you said that was actually really interesting because you said however God identifies today. So if God existed, did they change identities at some point in the middle of it? Just like cool times they're changing down on earth. Maybe I should change identities.

Matt SlayerHistorically, if you believe the Christian Judeo-Christian Bible, God doesn't necessarily show up in like form. Know God felt like a burning bush one day.

Leana LovingsExactly. You know what's actually interesting, though, to me, like, I was going to say something very eloquent and then I lost.

Matt SlayerI'm sure it will come back to you.

Leana LovingsOkay, so you know, how you going? Right into it. You know how like people believe that man was made in the image of God. A lot of our beliefs actually form God in the image of man and I think that that's, you know, not only pretty sexist, I mean, what is it like when DaVinci was creating the image of Jesus?

Leana LovingsIt was actually made after his Italian gay lover, which was you know, that's interesting to me because everyone has this idea of who it has to be. And I feel like our desire to find an image on it is this very silly to me.

Matt SlayerWell, yeah. And God control God if God actually exists and what people are, God has shown up in like 100 different things.

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerEverything but a golden calf.

Leana LovingsEverything but it's, it's got to be either or.

Matt SlayerYeah, well, God, it's like, not our golden curves. Golden bull, maybe golden calf. Now.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerIf you look at, like, the Jared Kushner's a God is really f*cking petty. Really f*cking petty.

Leana LovingsYeah. And I still think, like, it's just it's sorry. It's, it's the whole thing is just wild, but, yeah, it's kind of everything. I think that the idea, too, that God hates certain things is just so biased. The idea of that, like, if he did exist.

Matt SlayerWell, then that's the thing is like, oh, well, God gave you free will and can punish you for some, but it's like your sexual orientation isn't free will therefore. Why would I apologize for that? He didn't give you that choice.

Leana LovingsExactly. And, you know, it's so funny that that they say, like, God condemns certain types of sex, too, because in the Bible it actually opening openly like incur is sex and the freedom of sex and talks about like, oh, will the angels actually enjoys when do people have sex? So it's just like it's really wild to me. All the other.

Matt SlayerStuff I like to believe every time I pop, an angel gets its wings.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah. That's my favorite one, too.

Matt SlayerThat's my belief. That's my only belief when it comes to religion, like just helping angels get their wings.

Leana LovingsOf course. Really, whenever we masturbat*, it's just charity.

Matt SlayerRight? Like, I'm just helping them fly Yeah. So much fun. You have gotten so many angels. Their wings.

Leana LovingsI know.

Matt SlayerThousands.

Leana LovingsMillions at this point.

Matt SlayerYou know what? Choirs in heaven are all flying because of you?

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Leana LovingsI don't know. At that point is just, you know, you know, believe just goes in so many different ways.

Matt SlayerThe fact that any belief is so f*ckin rigid. That was just the really silly part.

Leana LovingsYeah. The way that I see it, it should just be as fluid as we are as people.

Matt SlayerSo a lot of people aren't f*ckin fluid. There's a reason, like people the same f*ckin over. That's how we've always done it. Still f*ckin happens because we're really adaptive, but we are really f*ckin certain our way as to when force stimuli forces us to change. We change, but with other stimuli, people f*ckin stay pretty goddamn stagnant.

Leana LovingsDo you know what's great about change, though? I mean, like, it's definitely happening within the p*rn world. p*rn set to change. So much over the years. I mean, it is evolving so quickly because I mean, there was what the history of p*rn when it comes to like tapes and then DVDs and now everything's online. You know, it's the history of box covers.

Leana LovingsOh, my gosh. And now everything's over Twitter, and we've had to conquer social media. And there are different avenues that we all take. And camming now is an entirely different market and then onlyfans now being the avenue where p*rn stars can create their own works and also connect with their fans more intuitively. It's absolutely amazing. And only fans has now been like the thing to change people to the point where it's become more widely accepted.

Leana LovingsAnd I'm really excited for that because I hope that there does become like less of a at least less of a stigma against p*rn for that.

Matt SlayerWell, there have definitely been a lot of people that have become sex workers in one shape, one way or another over this f*cking pandemic. The amount of people that have onlyfans now, it's honestly kind of annoying at times. It's honestly kind of annoying because it's just like, yeah, I matched with women on dating apps. This is like, all right.

Matt SlayerI but I ask, well, hey, I'm not, I'm not hidden. Are you here for an onlyfans hustle or like, you're actually looking to meet people? It's a little frustrated at f*cking times. Like I am looking to meet people, or i will edit your only trans content. I'm not one of the other like.

Leana LovingsYou know what? That's really strange to me. I've heard a lot of people comment about, like, how there are different sex workers that advertise themselves on dating sites. I've actually never taken that approach. I find that really interesting. I mean, I think it's a good way of doing it because, like, if you're swiping right on that person, you find them appealing, and then you get the opportunity to see something more intimate.

Leana LovingsBut it's not an establishment of a relationship. It's an advertisem*nt and then that just becomes a turnoff. So psychologically, I don't feel like it would be as successful of a business venture than just advertising yourself on a Reddit, like on a subreddit somewhere.

Matt SlayerBut they're really doing that as well. And the thing about is, like, you already have a built in fanbase, you already because you're doing mainstream p*rn to have some marketing behind you.

Leana LovingsThat's true too.

Matt SlayerIf you're just, Hey, I'm a bartender that's on, you know, got to know their friends during the pandemic. What my barbershop town.

Leana LovingsOh, yeah.

Matt SlayerAnd found that it's been remotely lucrative. Where do you market yourself, especially if you have no one coaching you on where to market yourself, like, hey, I just dove into this because I heard on the Internet, you can make some money at this.

Leana LovingsOh yeah. I definitely think that you're right, seeing it from your perspective and makes a lot of sense that maybe it's just something that the newcomers are focusing on more and then more experienced, like veterans in p*rn. And you know what? It's I think that at that point, maybe that is a good way of doing it. But, you know, like Twitter is also really good at getting your name out there.

Leana LovingsI know that I was privileged enough to find like another sex worker that I was following on Twitter who gave me like a list of 25 different subreddits on different leg and each subreddit had its own niche for what fit you the best and then what, like items you could sell on it, like panties and laundry and socks, all sorts y old stuff, you know?

Matt SlayerYeah, we got them and we want to buy them, sell them shirt.

Leana LovingsExactly.

Matt SlayerBut unfortunately, like, this is also been a discussion that's happened on here multiple times. Yeah. There is no p*rn one on one.

Leana LovingsThere is no p*rn one on one. You all have to find your way. You know what though? When I started camming, there are actually camming one on ones, which is really helpful. There are actually a bunch of different resources that I found where people were able to say, Hey, this is the webcam you should first get. With the very first money that I had, I bought like a Logitech C nine 20, and then I got like some light stands for a 60 bucks.

Leana LovingsAnd then it was like, okay, this is what I need to start out with. And then I like, I ventured on that. But you know what? Everything else they definitely don't tell you all of like the difficulties and the caveats that come with p*rn itself.

Matt SlayerWell, p*rn itself it's honestly not in p*rn best interest to retain you.

Leana LovingsYeah.

Matt SlayerFor the campsites, since they're making a chunk off of every cent you make, it's in their best interest to retain you and have you build a fanbase. p*rn doesn't care. Mainstream p*rn literally doesn't care if you succeed or fail because they're going to monetize you and eventually, unless you're in the top 1% of performers, you're going to be shut out.

Leana LovingsOh yeah.

Matt SlayerThis is what it is. And they know that. They know that, except that. And it's just like that's why a lot of agencies don't really have your best interest art. They just want to monetize you as best as possible is just how it is. That's just how the business is. And that's one of the things that the OnlyFans revolution has changed is like there are performers taking more control of their own careers via onlyfans.

Leana LovingsOh yeah.

Matt SlayerBut if you are not established in the industry and have no social circle that is in the industry, it's a lot of trial and error, I would imagine. Oh yeah. Or just being like, I'm on Instagram. Here's voluntary signup for the only fans.

Leana LovingsYeah, you know what? Actually, I found a bunch of girls doing that was interesting. A lot of girls are actually advertising their only fans on TikTok. That's something that I noticed has gotten really popular lately.

Matt SlayerWhich is while the music is thought to talk, like to talk about f*cking mute you for using profanity.

Leana LovingsTikTok for a lot of things. So you have to talk in very indirect ways about everything. I know tech talk when it comes to p*rn, they actually call it just corn I know.

Matt SlayerIt's so silly.

Leana LovingsThis compound, you can't even say p*rn. You can only say corn. And even though now the moderators on two on TikTok actually know it's that corn is obviously p*rn, they still don't like it. Don't do too much about it because they're like, oh, well, they're saying corn right now, so it's okay.

Matt SlayerWell, I think a lot of it is a lot of that is automated. So they don't want to have the bots f*cking blocking people.

Leana LovingsTalking about their corn fields and all of a sudden ban for illicit content. Yeah.

Matt SlayerBecause it has to be automated because on how fast they muted podcast episode one where the couple I tried them, Nathan Brown was I'm a fishing a makeup sponge out of someone on site and that f*cking got.

Leana LovingsWell.

Matt SlayerReal within an hour or two of it being up.

Leana LovingsOh, that's insane. Yeah I'm sure that a bunch of people like maybe it was just reports.

Matt SlayerNo because every other clip I've ever put up has been muted as well.

Leana LovingsOkay, I'm so sorry.

Matt SlayerIt's okay to talk because that's where my gaming stuff goes now.

Leana LovingsYeah, that's a good, that's a good avenue.

Matt SlayerTo like here. Here's me playing Apex Legends. Have fun. So it's family content. Come check out my other stuff. I said horrible things.

Leana LovingsYeah. I mean, what other content? Like, what other games do you play?

Matt SlayerOh, well, currently I play. I've discovered split get recently.

Leana LovingsOh, that sounds cool.

Matt SlayerIt is a it's basically models itself after old school hill. Oh, but involves the mechanics from portal so it's the shooter with like portals like from portal to one portal to another like teleport where on the map.

Leana LovingsOh, that's really cool.

Matt SlayerIt's a lot of fun. It's like some indie designer. It's a really well put together game for being an indie. It's a lot of fun. I play with my twitch community on Thursday nights, which is this episode drops on Thursday. So if you're hearing this come by tonight at some point and we play Ramona's clone called Couscous Duck.

Leana LovingsOh.

Matt SlayerAs I like to tell people, among us was the BlackBerry. This is the iPhone of these type of games because they took everything that made them on this good and improved upon it.

Leana LovingsOh, wow.

Matt SlayerAnd the devs are super involved in the time it took them on us to roll out a fourth map, this gamer list and dropped like two other maps. Plus they're constantly making updates. Like, if you'd like, it's free. Come play with us on Thursday. With you.

Leana LovingsOh, thank you so much. Oh, definitely think. I think I will.

Matt SlayerOh, awesome.

Leana LovingsOh, wait, wait. What days? Oh, wait. No, that's tomorrow. I don't think I can. I'm sorry.

Matt SlayerIt's okay. We do it every Thursday like it's okay.

Leana LovingsI can definitely schedule it.

Matt SlayerYeah, it's my community game night. Like, my my discord, my twitch. Let's discord community does it every Thursday. Some other industry folks occasionally pop in.

Leana LovingsThat's really cool. I will. I'm so sorry. I think that I reached at some point in my last sip a level of drunkenness where I was thinking about the chair beside me for some reason, and I was just like, how far is the chair for me?

Leana LovingsAnd I got, you know, just very distracted.

Matt SlayerOkay, okay, okay, okay. It's actually about that time we're going to call last call on this motherf*cker you know, we've been going at this for over 2 hours, so.

Leana LovingsOh, my goodness. Well, it's been a wonderful time talking with you.

Matt SlayerMy pleasure as well. Where can they find you on the things before we get out of here?

Leana LovingsAbsolutely. You can find me on Twitter as Lianna Lovings. That's capital ls l e a and a l o v i n g s and my only fans is liana lovings all lowercase. And that's the same for my Instagram.

Matt SlayerCheck out Leona. She's new she's going to be around for a minute. She's going to make some more stuff. And as always, you can find me at Matt Underscore, Sara on Twitter, Meslier on Instagram, Madoff Insider on Facebook, Twitch Star TV Slash Madoff Insider You can find the Patreon at page run dot com slash not Slayer. I have so many f*cking plugs these days.

Matt SlayerYou can find the podcast and now we've drunk on Twitter and Norwegian underscore on Instagram and until next week. Drink up, motherf*ckers.

And Now We Drink Episode 238 with Leana Lovings — And Now We Drink (2024)
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