Ride With Us in Las Vegas (2024)

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (1)

Catch an all-electric Motional IONIQ 5 autonomous vehicle (AV) when traveling between popular locations on the Las Vegas strip.

Motional robotaxi service on the Uber network

Motional’s all-electric IONIQ 5 robotaxis are available to Uber riders in select areas of the Las Vegas Strip. Those interested in taking an autonomous ride can hail a ride on the Uber app and select the UberX or Uber Comfort Electric options. If a Motional robotaxi is in your area, a notification will appear and it will be dispatched to your location.

Uber and Motional have a 10-year multimarket framework agreement that is expected to create one of the largest deployments of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on a major ride-hail network. Motional is also conducting autonomous deliveries for Uber Eats customers in Santa Monica.

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Ride With Us in Las Vegas (2)

Motional's robotaxis are conducting autonomous deliveries with UberEats in Los Angeles!

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  • I don’t know why but I had the expectation that I would feel different, but I felt like a passenger in the car. It’s just normal.

    Uber rider feedback

  • I just enjoyed it, it was fun driving in this vehicle; it felt like a normal car, yet it did wonders. It surprised me, I mean it knew when to brake, it didn’t speed, and it followed traffic laws perfectly.

    Uber rider feedback

  • That was pretty cool; I've never seen anything like that, and it was pretty neat. Throughout the ride, I didn't feel any type of, like, unsafe feelings or anything like that. I think it's really cool, and I can’t believe how far it has come!

    Uber rider feedback

  • I was thinking of a pedestrian who just ran in front of the car, wondering if it would stop, but I see that it did. Not only that, it seems like it's more aware; it was two steps ahead of the person, as if it had calculated that this person was going to do that. I like the speed too!

    Uber rider feedback

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (7)

Providing autonomous rides in Las Vegas since 2018

For over five years, Motional’s AVs have been available to public passengers on the Lyft network in Las Vegas. The service has introduced hundreds of thousands of consumers to safe driverless technology - with the vast majority of passengers giving their ride a top rating!In 2022, Lyft passengers began taking rides in Motional’s new, all-electric IONIQ 5 AV. The autonomous IONIQ 5 features advanced driverless technology and was custom-designed for passenger comfort and ease-of-use.

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Why pick an autonomous ride?

Autonomous vehicles have the potential to bring many benefits to communities:

Safer Transportation

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (8)

AVs are never drunk, drowsy, or distracted. Motional has driven over 2 million autonomous miles with zero at-fault incidents.

Better Access

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (9)

40% of Americans have said they don’t have reliable access or any access to public transportation.

Improved Quality of Life

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (10)

Theaverage American spends approximately an hour commuting each day- time better spent resting, working, or socializing.

More Sustainable

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (11)

A Motional study in Singapore found that autonomous ride-hails could reduce the reliance on personal vehicles by two-thirds.

Motional's legacy in Las Vegas

  • Ride With Us in Las Vegas (12)

  • Ride With Us in Las Vegas (13)

  • Ride With Us in Las Vegas (14)

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    Motional and Lyft first launched their autonomous ride-hail service, where Motional’s AVs are available on the Lyft network, as a pilot at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2018. The pilot was so well received that Motional and Lyft made the service permanently available to Lyft riders in Las Vegas.

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    Since launching in 2018, Motional has conducted over 130,000 autonomous rides on the Lyft network in Las Vegas and introduced hundreds of thousands of consumers to driverless technology. Over 95% of riders have awarded their ride five-out-of-five stars, and many first-time passengers have become repeat riders.

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    In 2022, Motional also began conducting rides on the Uber network in Las Vegas. Catch the service today and take an autonomous ride between popular destinations on The Strip.

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (15)

Motional’s IONIQ 5 Robotaxi

Motional developed the all-electric IONIQ 5 robotaxi through strategic collaboration with Hyundai Motor Group.

The IONIQ 5 robotaxi is an SAE level 4 autonomous vehicle, meaning it can safely operate without a driver. The autonomous technology is the result of decades of R&D by the Motional team and over two million miles of testing.

Read about the passenger experience

Ride With Us in Las Vegas (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.