The day the sea kissed you - BCNATL (2024)

Chapter 1: The perfumist

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After examining his patient, Dr.Parker removed the stethoscope from his ears, and let it hang from his neck.

“All is good. You can now button up your shirt, MrHeywood”.

He patted his patient’s shoulder and got up. He went to wash his hands, and then he sat at his desk to update MrHeywood's file.

Once properly dressed, his patient sat in front of him.

Mr Fred Heywood was a friendly, chatty man in his late fifties. He had been a patient of Dr Parker’s father since he contracted polio as a little boy. He recovered pretty well from it, but the consequences, like a noticeable limp, accompanied him for life.

“… and do you continue swimming every morning?” DrParker asked.

“Yes, rain or shine!” MrHeywood proudly answered.

“Good, that is the best exercise for your legs, you need to keep those muscles toned…” DrParker kept writing.

In the meantime, MrHeywood put a small flask of cologne on the desk.

“I brought this for you, my latest creation” he explained.

MrHeywood owned a perfumery shop. Apart from commercial brands, he sold soaps, colognes and perfumes with the scents that he created.

Every year, when he came for his physical exam, he brought a flask for Dr Parker, as he had done for his father many times before.

Sidney Parker raised his sight from the paper to the gentleman, and smiled.

“Thank you very much, I really appreciate it”.

He put his pen down, and sat back.

“And tell me, how is life? The shop goes well?” Dr. Parker asked, looking forward to a moment of relaxation.

“Life is good, and the shop keeps me busy…you know, navigating the eventual hardships of a small business. But I can’t complain, I love what I do. I am starting a new project. A line of scented candles, and I am enjoying it like a child with a new toy…” he reflected.

“And my lovely niece has been coming to help at the shop…have I ever told you about her?” I would like to ask you something, Dr. Parker, if you have a minute? I know you like psychology, and I am interested in your opinion…”

And DrParker nodded, hoping that this was not an intent to set him up.

He was happy with his practice, his friends and family. He had eventual flirts, and temporary girlfriends that kept his needs satisfied. However, everyone else seemed interested in having him settled with a wife. As if Eliza had never happened. As if they had not had to help him out of the gutters after their breakup.

“Of course, MrHeywood, do go on” he politely replied.

“Charlotte, my niece… she will turn twenty-four soon, but she will always be my little girl... Well, her approach to life is different from most of the people I know. She is so creative, enthusiastic and spontaneous… and I often wonder if…”

He made a pause.

“When she was three years old, she drowned in the sea… She lost her footing playing on the beach, and was caught under a wave. Her parents and I ran to the water, but it took us a few minutes to find her. I was the one that got her and dragged her inert little body out of the water. While her mother ran for help, my brother used his knowledge of first aid attention that he learned in the war. We put her on the sand, turned her to empty the water from her mouth, carefully stroked her little chest and insufflated air into her lungs. We felt how she was holding to life…she coughed hard and opened her eyes…”

Dr Parker intervened, “That is a traumatic experience…”

“Right!” MrHeywood uttered “I have always thought that her strong character and the unique way she looks at the world is a consequence of that encounter with death, that made her aware of how short our time is... ”

“What do you think, DrParker? Does my interpretation seem right to you? I am curious about it” he asked.

“Well, psychology is not my area of expertise, although I have always been interested in it. What I know, MrHeywood, is that there are uncountable factors that determine our personality. In your niece’s case, the traumatic experience of drowning undoubtedly played a role. However, the way you all have treated her since then, is what has mainly shaped her character. So it is not the accident itself but how you all reacted to it. Does it make sense?”

MrHeywood took a moment to process the answer, and grinned “Thank you, DrParker, it is nice to think that I have something to do with the making of an amazing personality…”

DrParker smiled. MrHeywood’s uncommon sensitivity and the way he expressed himself always made it a pleasure to listen and talk with him.

After that, and knowing that the doctor had other patients waiting, MrHeywood said goodbye and left for another year.

Chapter 2: Orange blossom


Thank you for your warm welcome to another Sidlotte story

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It was pouring down again.

Rain scared buyers away.

The little shop was very quiet, and with no customers to attend, Charlotte kept herself busy with other chores.

Since her uncle detested administrative tasks, he often left those for Charlotte. So she started with filing bills, and then she updated the inventory.

With the boring tasks out of the way, and still a few hours to go, she decided to change the shop window display. That was something she loved doing.

Challenging the dark grey day, she decided to distribute the different products by their colour, emulating a rainbow. She took the umbrella to step out and check how it looked from the street side.

“Uhm…” She went back in and adjusted the spotlights, and went out to check again.

She went back and forth rearranging the flasks of cologne, candles, and soap.

One more time she stepped out, she looked at the shop window and then smiled quite satisfied.

However, it would not be perfect until uncle Fred gave it the final touch. He was the artist.

At that moment, he was working in the back of the store, focused on one of his creations, and Charlotte did not want to disturb him.

She sat behind the counter, and took her folder from the drawer.

A couple of unfinished stories had been sitting there for several days. She took her pen and relaxed, letting her imagination flow, out of the shop door, climbing the raindrops to reach the clouds.

“Charlotte!” she heard uncle Fred calling, waking her up from her daydream.

“I am coming!” She closed the folder and went to assist him.

As she stepped into his lab, she saw him holding a dropper. “Come here, my dear”.

As she approached him, he gently pulled her hand, and carefully let a drop of the scent fall on her wrist, “Tell me what you think”, he instructed.

Charlotte rubbed it with her other wrist and breathed in her skin. “Floral, fresh, soapy clean… and the orange blossom adds a sweet note. I like it better now.”

Her uncle gave her a proud smile. “Perfectly put”

“What are you going to call it?” she asked him.

He put the dropper back to close the small bottle. “I am open to ideas. Do you have any thoughts?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about it for a while… How about calling it ‘You’?” she proposed.

“Uhm, I like it… and it is quite versatile… let me think about it” he replied.

Uncle Fred could not fool her, she knew when he did not like one of her ideas. But he was always careful not to hurt her feelings.

“Why don’t you take a rest now, and come one moment to the front? I want to show you the arrangement I made on the shop window, and if you have time… can I read one of my stories to you? I am kind of stuck…” she frowned.

“Writer’s block? So early in your career?” he joked.

She poked his shoulder. “Very funny!”

Charlotte used to share her stories with him. She appreciated his point of view and ideas to improve them. He kept encouraging Charlotte to send them to an editor. “Just write, Charlotte, don’t go back to nursing school. You can work with me until you start living out of your creativity!”.

Uncle Fred’s free spirit was admirable, and she welcomed his constant support, but she knew that writing was just a hobby, and she saved every penny to resume her studies.

Since she was a little girl, Charlotte had always said that she would be a nurse. She idolized them, just listening to stories of how essential they were during the war. To her, they personified the virtues that every woman should possess.

However, after all those years at nursing school, she feared that she would never be one of them. She had never been good at following instructions, and her tendency to get distracted created some situations that made her feel incompetent and miserable. When she compared her performance with the other girls, she could hear a little voice inside of her saying that she was not done for the job.

When her parents asked her to put her studies on hold, and come back home to help with her younger siblings, she felt relieved.

However, she was not ready to give up her dream, and her immediate goal still was to raise the funds needed for it.

Chapter 3: What a coincidence!

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The taxi picked Dr.Parker up at the conference center in downtown Montpellier, and drove him along the vineyards to the Châteaux where he had chosen to stay. He was pleased after another day of enriching conferences and social interaction with colleagues around the world. He was thankful for that opportunity to learn about medical advances directly from reputed doctors and researchers.

“Monsieur Parker?” the beautiful receptionist asked him as he absentmindedly strode into the lobby.

“Oui, c’est moi” he answered, giving her a charming smile.

“You have a call from Monsieur Crowe” she replied in English but with a strong French accent. She handed him the note with Crowe’s message and phone number.

He unfolded the note and read “All is fixed, but give me a call anyway”.

“Do you mind placing a call to this number?” He asked the young lady. “I will take it in my room”.

“Avec plaisir” she suggestively replied.

On the way to his room, he wondered what was the nature of Crowe’s call. It seemed like a problem had arisen, but he had already solved it.

Francis Crowe was a dependable friend. Sidney Parker did not know what he would have done without his help all those weeks since Tom and Mary had started their travels.

His irresponsible brother’s words resounded in his mind: “Everything is organized for the coming six months, Sidney. Mary left instructions for all the staff; the housekeeper, the chauffeur, the cook, the maids and the nanny. Everyone at Sanditon House knows that they will need to help out with the children while you are at work. You only need to play uncle Sidney, as usual…”

Not exactly the truth. In the first week, Sidney had to pay multiple bills that Tom “thought” he had taken care of, and he also had to face their frustrated staff who were never told that they had to work extended hours.

Tom and Mary’s children loved being alone with their uncle, but after a number of weeks they had already started missing their parents, and they had become somewhat needy and tiresome, especially when they started their summer break from school, as days got extremely long. Alicia, Jenny and Henry were seven, six, and four, respectively, and full of energy. What parents in their right mind would leave their children for so long? Sidney couldn’t understand.

When he received the invitation to attend the International Congress of General Medicine in Montpellier, in the south of France, he thanked providence for that. After two months of acting as substitute dad and mom, he was ready for a break.

And then Crowe helped him overcome his own doubts about leaving for that week and a half. He assured him that he would be fine being the master of the grand estate for some days. He was there so often that they even called one of the guest rooms ‘Crowe’s room’. He was considered practically a Parker family member, and Tom’s children called him Uncle Francis already.
Crowe told Sidney that he would bring the files to work on some cases from his father’s law firm while staying at Sanditon, and the possibility to go to the beach every day would make him the happiest man. He actually made it sound like Sidney was doing him a favor by letting him take care of Tom’s children. He was a good man.

Lost in these thoughts, DrParker opened the door of his hotel room. He took off his hat and put it on the top shelf of the cabinet, and carefully hanged his suit jacket. He loosened the knot of his tie, straightened it, and put it in the drawer.

He was tidy and meticulous. Tom made constant fun of his occupational habits transferring to his personal life.

He sighed. Tom.

He had unbuttoned the top of his shirt when the phone on the bedside table rang. He sat on the bed, and picked it up.

“Your call is ready, Dr.Parker. Please let me know if I can do anything else for you”, the soft voice of the receptionist offered.

“I will, thank you…” he replied.

A second later, he heard Crowe’s playful voice “Hello, mon ami!”

They exchanged some friendly banter before Crowe proceeded to explain the situation at the house.

What happened was that the long-time reliable nanny, MrsDout had a family emergency. Her husband had a serious health complication, and she had to leave to attend him for an undetermined time. The housekeeper and the maids took care of the children, while Mrs Fuchs, DrParker’s efficient assistant, helped Crowe to find a new nanny.

Thankfully, it only took them one day. The new nanny arrived swiftly, and she had been with them for a couple of days already. “I didn’t want to spoil your time away, Parker. We had the situation controlled, and I just wanted to make sure that this person fitted, before telling you.”

And although Crowe made an effort to conceal it, Sidney frowned as he recognized the cheerful and optimistic tone of his friend’s voice. “I think that she will be all right. She is much younger than MrsDout, and has no prior experience as a professional nanny, but she seems quite capable, and the children like her...”

Sidney tried to elicit some more information to understand what was going on. “But what are her credentials? Spare me the ‘I think’ and the ‘quite’, Crowe. I want facts! You know what is important to me”, Sidney demanded in a stern tone.

“Whoa! Calm down… Of course, of course, let me finish”, Crowe replied, “She started nursing school in London, but dropped in her third year to help out at home. She plans to resume her studies in one year, and…”

Crowe made a pause, trying to recall a detail that Sidney would appreciate. “Oh, yes! You will like this. You know her uncle, a MrHeywood? He is a patient of yours. She has been working for him at his perfumery”.

“She is Mr Heywood’s niece?” Sidney asked, surprised.

He recalled the conversation he had with his patient just a couple of months ago.

Mr Heywood’s words echoed in his head: creative, spontaneous, … and lovely. A sunny personality that, unfortunately, didn’t match with the qualities that Sidney would be looking for in someone working for him. He needed methodical, organized, and disciplined people around him.

Crowe kept talking, “Yes, her name is Charlotte. Charlotte Heywood…” and sensing his friend’s reluctance, he added “And I like her, Sidney. She is sweet, smart and a hard worker. The children adore her already.”

“Well, it will have to do for now, but please tell MrsFuchs to keep looking. I have my doubts about MsHeywood ” Sidney commanded.

“Sir, yes sir” Crowe mocked him, using a military address. “I will do that.” And he terminated the call, with no intention at all of continuing the search. He had found what he wanted. MsHeywood didn’t know it, but Crowe had chosen her not to be the nanny, but to become Mrs. Sidney Parker.

Sidney hung up quite frustrated. Should he pack up and return home earlier? He still had a few more days of organized meetings and conferences ahead and Crowe seemed to be navigating the situation perfectly fine…so he decided against it. He knew that they could live without him bossing around for a few more days.

He relaxed and let his back fall on the bed. The smile of the receptionist came to his mind. She was cute and seemed inviting…

He shook his head, got up and went straight to take a shower.

Perhaps they were right in their matchmaking attempts. It had taken time to forget Eliza, but he admitted to himself that he was beginning to feel ready for another try.

Chapter 4: You live, and you learn

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“No, no, Ms.Charlotte. This is not my jacket, this is Jenny’s…” Alicia complained about Charlotte choice of clothes for the girls. “Well, I will need your help to organize your closets so it I don’t get confused…would you like that? Charlotte suggested, thinking of a solution that the girls would enjoy.

“No, no, Ms.Charlotte, we never read before going to bed…” Jenny whined when Charlotte proposed quiet games and reading time after dinner. “Well, summer days are so long that we can sit in the living room and take advantage of the sunlight. And if you are too tired, we can read a story together…would you like that?” Charlotte tried to overcome the little girl's reluctance to reading.

“No, no, Ms.Charlotte. Henry needs to eat by himself…” Alicia advised her during dinner time. “Well, I will just cut his food into smaller portions, would you like that?” Charlotte winked at the four year old, while putting a smaller fork in his little hand.

“No, no, MsCharlotte, do not shut my door completely…” Jenny protested the first night, after Charlotte tucked her into bed. “Well, I will leave it cracked open, and I will sit with a book on the window bench out in the hallway. I will wait until you all fall asleep…, would you like that?” Charlotte conceded.

When the job opportunity fell on her hands, her uncle Fred pushed her to go and help the Parkers. She did not remember meeting them personally, but she had heard many things about them. MrHeywood was very fond of old Dr.Parker, the hero that helped him to combat polio as a child, and he had a very good opinion of the son who took over his practice when the old physician passed away.

She would work at Sanditon House for a few months only, to cover the current nanny’s leave, or until they found a permanent person. The pay was very generous, so she took it without thinking twice about it.

Charlotte showed up at the grand estate convinced that her experience of handling her younger siblings, combined with the years spent at nursing school, would make the job a piece of cake.

However, she quickly realized that taking care of three children was not that easy, that it would take her some time to learn, to get to know them, and to adjust to their family dynamics and routines.

Living in such an enormous estate presented some challenges too. The house rules, the schedules, the tasks of each member of the staff…although everyone had been welcoming and helpful, she felt quite overwhelmed.

The housekeeper, MsGriffith, reminded Charlotte of that nun at nursing school that made her life difficult. But Charlotte had learned the lesson there, observing what the other girls did: Be quiet, listen, nod, conceal the frustration with a nice smile.

She applied this strategy with MrsGriffith, and it seemed to be working. “You live, and you learn!” she proudly told herself.

Each night since she started with the Parkers, she had gone to bed exhausted. Quite satisfied with her day, but so tired that she had not been able to write a line. The two stories in her folder would have to wait to be continued.

She had not had time for writing, but she was enjoying reading. She had discovered that the Parkers' library was extensive and up-to-date, so in the early afternoon while Henry was napping, and in the evenings when the children were in bed, Charlotte would relax in the improvised reading corner that she had fixed for herself on the hallway window.

Chapter 5: Dulcinea

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Dr.Parker had been almost two weeks away when he called Sanditon House from Heathrow airport. He told MsGriffith that he would take the train from London to Sanditon, and would arrive in the late afternoon. "Yes, sir, MrNicholds will be there to pick you up" she replied diligently.

When she hung up, she started giving orders left, right, and centre. The entire house entered a state of fuss and commotion that Charlotte observed amused. Everything needed to be perfect to welcome DrParker.

MrCrowe thought a good idea that they should all go to greet him at the station, so Charlotte got the children ready. Perfectly clean and well groomed, with matching outfits that made them look elegant and tidy.

When she came down the stairs, MrCrowe was waiting there, and he furrowed his brow when he saw her wearing an apron. “The children look perfect, but you, MsCharlotte… You have to make a good impression too!… please take that thing off, go change and fix you hair a bit” he gestured “I like it when you put those hair clips on the sides… and that dress with the little flowers”

Charlotte was in awe. MrCrowe was a box of surprises. There he was, assessing her on her image. She was so shocked that she just went upstairs and did what he said. She put on the floral button front dress, and arranged her hair, to keep her curls out of her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror "should I put some lipstick on?”. She shook her head . Makeup was something that she could not withstand. But she put a couple of drops of perfume behind her ears and on her wrists.

MrNichols, the old chauffeur, prepared the Rover, the new grand family car that Tom Parker had recently purchased. Mr. Crowe, Ms.Charlotte and the three children jumped inside, and they all went to the station.

They all waited on the busy platform for the train to arrive. There were many people waiting, and the children were excited. The moment the train arrived, and they could see their uncle emerging from the train, Alicia and Jenny let go Crowe and Charlotte’s hands and ran to him “Uncle Sidney!”.

“I can’t see him…” a frustrated Henry was about to cry. Seeing his quivering lips, Charlotte tried to pacify him by lifting him in her arms, so that he could see between the people standing in their way.

She followed Crowe with her gaze. A few meters away she saw Alicia and Jenny jumping into the arms of a man in his early thirties. DrParker was much younger than she expected. The title and the respect that people showed when talking about him, had made her picture an older man.

“He is there! Uncle Sidney!” Henry said, pointing at him, bouncing in Charlotte’s arms excitedly.

Sidney put the girls back on the ground, and rose to his feet to give Crowe a friendly hug. “Thank you, my friend! Thank you for taking care of them…” He said, patting his back.

Crowe shook his head, “Everything has been all right, really. Amazing holidays for me. Beautiful house, great hunting grounds, good food, sunbathing and swimming… plus amazing company” he said, gesturing at the children and Charlotte. “I can’t ask for more!”

Sidney looked at the direction his friend had just pointed at, to discover a cute curly brunette that was holding Henry in her arms. He stopped listening to Crowe and strode straight to his nephew. The boy threw himself from Charlotte’s arms into his.

Sidney hugged and kissed Henry. “I missed you, buddy”. And with the little boy’s arms still around his neck, he extended his hand to Charlotte. “You must be MsHeywood, pleased to meet you“.

Charlotte shook his hand and gave him a broad smile. “Pleased to meet you, too, DrParker “

Angel face. Unruly. Overconfident? That was his first impression, based on her looks, how she held eye contact, and her firm handshake. “Is your uncle doing well?” he asked out of politeness, a small sympathy smile on his face.

Distant…self-important... Charlotte thought as she felt his eyes scrutinizing her. She nodded “Yes, sir. He sends his regards, and asked me to tell you that he is swimming every day, as you recommended” she added, trying to please him.

“Good” he said approvingly.

Seeing their uncle busy with Henry, the girls took Charlotte’s hands. Crowe took his suitcase and commanded “MsHeywood, we will follow you to the car!”

Charlotte assented and led the way to the exit with Alicia and Jenny, unaware that Crowe had created an opportunity for the two men to admire her figure.

Crowe smiled as he noticed the change in his friend’s demeanor. Sidney Parker was an open book to him.

“Just like Dulcinea… do you remember her?” he asked Sidney.

How could he forget? Every day for months, on their last year of secondary school, they sat on the street bench in front of the dry cleaner, admiring Dulcinea. They would buy a bag of sunflower seeds at the small grocery store by their school, they would walk the long street to the shop, and sit on the bench, cracking and eating the seeds, chatting and joking while looking at the perfect body of the girl doing the ironing by the window of the dry cleaning business.
The white uniform dress perfectly fitting her curves, and her movements, pressing the iron slowly, up and down, her arching back, her rocking hips… made Babbers, Crowe and Sidney fall in love with her. They called that magnificent female specimen ‘Dulcinea’, inspired by the platonic love of Don Quixote, the mandatory book that they were studying at school. Their innocent stalking ended naturally, as the three of them started going out with girls their age from the nearby all-girls school, and Dulcinea became just a sweet memory of their adolescence.

“Crowe!...” Sidney scowled at him, but couldn’t say or do much with Henry in his arms. Francis took advantage and made a quick escape to MrNichols and the car.

Seeing Mr.Crowe pass by in such a hurry made Charlotte stop and turn to look at Dr.Parker, wondering what was going on. “You can sit in the front with MrNichols, MsHeywood” Sidney commanded dryly. “MrCrowe and I will be with the children in the back”.

Charlotte nodded, and while the chauffeur loaded the luggage in the trunk, she accommodated the children. Hiding her unease, she walked to take the front seat. She could not shake off the feeling that DrParker disapproved of her.

Chapter 6: Where clouds come from

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Alicia noticed her uncle’s stern face when he sat and shut the car door, and she tried to cheer him up. “We saw a cloud factory on our way here! Have you ever seen one, uncle Sidney?“.

He looked at her, and he could not avoid mirroring her smile. The topic picked his curiosity “Cloud factory? Uhm, I did not know that Sanditon had a cloud factory…” Sidney replied, raising both eyebrows with amused perplexity.

Jenny jumped into the conversation. “Yes, there is one. Ms Charlotte showed it to us!” and then she addressed Crowe “Will we pass by it again, uncle Francis?”

Dr Parker was totally lost in that surrealistic conversation and, searching for clues, he looked at MsHeywood. Although she pretended that she was not listening, keeping her eyes fixed on the road, he could tell that she was pressing her lips holding a smile.

Crowe replied. “I think so… and then your uncle Sidney will believe us… “ He then looked at his friend ”I don’t blame you, Parker, I was surprised too… I would never have thought to find such a thing in this corner of the world.”

A moment later, when driving through the industrial zone of the city, the children unveiled the mystery. They pointed at the three tall cylindrical chimneys of the ugly thermal power plant, releasing huge amounts of fluffy white smoke into the air.

A factory of clouds, indeed. Sidney Parker reflected. A poetic name for such a prosaic object.

The smooth drive to Sanditon House, along the winding road by the cliffs with the beautiful scenery, and the happy chatter of the children had a soothing effect on Charlotte. She listened to Dr Parker asking questions to the children and bantering with MrCrowe, and she decided that she had had him wrong.

The sound of the gravel chiming against the car wheels, awoke her from her reverie.

“I see you brought Budd” Sidney said as they arrived at the estate and Crowe’s Springer Spaniel came to greet them. Alicia and Jenny jumped out of the car as soon as Mr Nichols opened the door, and they raced to play with the dog.

“Of course, I can’t hunt without it” Crowe justified, “but do not worry, MrFastidious. Budd doesn’t go into the house, he is a well-behaved and polite canine.”

Hearing Crowe use his well-earned nickname made Sidney roll his eyes “You know I like Budd, but the rules are the rules”.

Crowe smiled naughtily and walked to the trunk to help with the luggage, while Charlotte took Henry’s hand and started walking to the grand house.

Sidney spent a moment patiently listening to MrNichols. The chauffeur updated him on car maintenance matters, as well as some handyman works that had kept him busy. “…but I am afraid that rotten fence needs to be replaced soon…” he continued, enumerating many other matters that needed to be taken care of.

Landing to reality after days away, was painful “Thank you, MrNichols. I will take a look.” Sidney sighed. “About tomorrow, please have the car ready at six o’clock. I have a lot to catch up at the office.”

“Six am sharp, sir.” Nichols confirmed, and then he asked “No hospital tomorrow?”

Dr Parker clarified “No, my shifts at the hospital begin on Wednesday. I will ask MrsFuchs to give you and MsGriffith a copy of my schedule.”

MrNichols nodded and left to park the car.

Sidney joined Crowe, and they started their way towards the old stone staircase that led to the house. Charlotte and Henry were chatting at the bottom of it, looking at something on the ground. As he distractedly passed by them, Sidney felt someone strongly grabbing his arm.

“Careful, DrParker!” Charlotte alerted.

He stopped in his tracks right before putting his foot on the first step, and he turned to see her immediately crouching down, and delicately picking something up.

Charlotte stood up and showed the treasure that she had found, holding her palm open flat. It was a minute snail. “Look, isn’t it a marvel?” she said lovingly looking at it. “It is the smallest I have ever seen…”

She raised her gaze and found Sidney’s eyes, observing her with curiosity “I am sorry, DrParker,… I couldn’t let you step on it… “ She added an apologetic smile, and turned to Henry “Come, let’s leave it out of the way…”.

Sidney’s gaze followed Charlotte striding to the nearby bushes, with Henry trotting after her. She showed it to the little boy one more time before gently placing the tiny snail in a safe place.

Discovering cloud factories and minuscule creatures… less than one hour in her company, and DrParker was already agreeing with his patient. Mr Heywood’s niece had a particular way of perceiving the world.

Crowe patted his shoulder. “Go, freshen up, my friend” and then addressed Charlotte. “MsCharlotte, please make sure that you are all ready for dinner on time” he gave her a wink.

“Of course, MrCrowe”, she smiled back.

It was a beautiful afternoon, and to give DrParker a rest, she took the children for a walk in the immense park that surrounded the estate.

They were back a couple of hours later, and Charlotte started the strenuous task of bathing three children. That evening they were so excited about having their uncle back, that they were particularly difficult and uncooperative. As soon as they had their pajamas on, before Charlotte could finish drying and combing their hair, they raced downstairs. Showing up barefoot and disheveled in the living room.

They interrupted the relaxed conversation and drink that Sidney and Crowe were sharing. Sidney put his glass down, and looked at them frowning. “You three go immediately upstairs, your nanny is clearly not done with you” he strode out and pointed at the stairs.

The children obeyed him, and Charlotte thanked him from the landing, turning to follow them as the three little ones rushed back upstairs.

A little later, they all came back looking better. At least, all their heads were combed, and they all had their slippers on.

“I am sorry about earlier, DrParker. They are so happy today, that I couldn’t contr…” Charlotte began to apologize.

“Please, MsHeywood, just have a seat and let’s start dinner. It has been a long day, and I am quite tired”, Sidney replied with a wave of the hand.

The maid came in with the main course and Charlotte helped her to dish out the plates. She made sure the children ate and kept their manners, cutting Henry’s piece of fish into small pieces that he could punch with his fork.

“I don’t like fish!” Henry pouted.

“Oh, but this is not fish anymore, look, this is a train…” Charlotte aligned the pieces like an array of wagons ”start by eating the locomotive” and she would help him take it to his mouth. “Good, uhm?” and she encouraged “Let’s see how the first class car tastes…” and one by one the little boy ate it all.

Sidney shook his head imperceptibly.

He felt sorry for the nanny, but he needed someone stricter and with more authority over the children. MsHeywood seemed nice and resourceful, but she was clearly out of her depth.

Charlotte was so stressed about wanting to please DrParker, that she forgot about her own plate. Crowe gave her a sympathetic smile. “MsCharlotte, the children are fine, but your food is getting cold.”

She nodded at him and looked at Sidney for approval, but he was looking at his nieces ignoring Charlotte's presence. She ate a few quick bites, and got up to help the maid.

As soon as dinner was over, and the gentlemen stood up to retire to the living room, Alicia asked Crowe “Will we play chess today?”. She wanted to impress her uncle with the new game she was learning.

“Play?” Sidney furrowed his brow. “No. It is bedtime now…”

But Charlotte interfered, “Sir, if I may? I have been allowing the children a moment of quiet games or reading in the living room before bed…there is still so much sunlight…”

Sidney raised one eyebrow at Crowe, and he confirmed with his head.

The children quickly took advantage of the disagreement between the adults. “Please, please, please, uncle Sidney” they begged.

“All right, but just for a bit. Remember I have been traveling since very early this morning… ” he sternly answered MsCharlotte. She lowered her gaze, aware of her misstep.

They all went into the living room and took their places. Alicia sat in front of the chess board with the match she had started the day before with Crowe. Jenny went to fetch her book and sat on the sofa. And Henry got the story book for Charlotte, and jumped on the sofa too, waiting for her to sit down and make himself comfortable on her lap.

However, DrParker dismissed her coldly, “Please, come back to take them to bed in half an hour, MsHeywood”.

Crowe looked at him in disbelief.

Charlotte stepped out and headed towards the stairs processing his rejection, without noticing that DrParker had stepped out behind her.

“MsHeywood, a word, please” she heard his deep voice, and turned to see him pointing at his study.

She followed him. That wasn’t a good start.

He sat down at his desk and gestured for her to sit in front of him. “MsHeywood, I am sorry we have not had a moment to have a talk yet, and I think that it is necessary”. He reclined his elbows on the desk and adopted a tense position.

He looked at her seriously. “Let me start by saying that I appreciate you joining the staff at such short notice. MsGriffith has spoken well about your attitude and hard work… and I am well aware that my brother’s children can be a handful…”.

He made a pause. “As you know, your uncle has been a patient of mine for many years and I consider him a friend. I admire and respect him. To me, that you are MrHeywood’s niece, is your best credential…” he gave her a courteous smile.

Charlotte was moved by Dr Parker’s kind mention of her dear uncle, and felt her eyes watering. She swallowed, encouraging him to continue.

“However, I would like to make sure that you understand the following: I. like. order. I. need. order. “ He said, making pauses, stressing each word.

“I have many responsibilities, and I need a well-oiled machine to fit all I have to do. My patients rely on me and I can’t improvise. If you follow the rules, you make my life easier. I need things done in a specific manner, and the sooner you understand that, the better for us all… so, do you think you can do that?” he concluded.

Unsure of what to say, and afraid of how it would come out, Charlotte decided to go for the safe strategy. She kept quiet, nodded, and concealed her frustration with a nice smile.

“Thank you, MsHeywood” he dismissed her. They got up from their chairs.

Charlotte went upstairs.

DrParker returned to the living room.

Jenny was turning the pages of a picture book. He checked the chess game and lightly tousled Alicia’s head. Still quite wet, he thought disapprovingly.

He’d better start addressing the staffing problem. If MrDout’s health issues were as important as he thought, the former nanny would not be able to come back to her position at the house. He would have to talk to MrsFuchs, to speed up the process of finding MrsDout’s permanent replacement.

Like reading his uncle’s mind, Henry pouted. “I want MsCharlotte to tell me a story.”

Sidney breathed deeply, and sat with him “Well, today you got me. Come here, which one do you want?”

Half an hour later, Charlotte came into the living room and shyly asked “Shall I take them to bed, DrParker?” She walked to Henry and saw him half asleep on the sofa. “I will carry him” she said, whispering and taking the child in her arms.

She turned to the girls. “Jenny, Alicia, please say good night…”

The two girls obeyed, leaving what they were doing and kissing goodnight to Sidney and Crowe.

The gentlemen quietly observed Charlotte leaving the room carrying Henry, followed by the girls. Noticing that Sidney was not reacting, Crowe got up and strode after her. “Please, MsCharlotte, allow me to help you”.

She nodded and smiled, “Thank you, he is not that heavy… but I appreciate it” she whispered, passing the boy to the man.

Crowe gave her a sympathetic smile “Of course, my dear”. Sidney heard him, and saw them disappear upstairs.

Crowe came back after a few minutes, and shrugging his shoulders, he reprimanded him “I don’t know what came up to you, Parker, really”, he added “You have been terribly rude... One more day like this, and I will kick your ass back to France” he shook his head. “Ms Charlotte has been a blessing, and you should be kissing the floor she walks. I will not allow you to doubt her”.

“I have not questioned her…” Sidney lied.

“Yes, you have…” Crowe replied.

“Well, you are right... However, you know as well as I do that she is a temporary help. I must start the search for a professional nanny that can stay with us for a longer period of time …”

Crowe rolled his eyes “and that is less of a walking temptation, I would add”, he thought.

“Mind your business, Crowe”, Sidney said, throwing him a pillow.

Crowe chuckled ‘Did I say that aloud?”

“No, you didn’t. You didn’t need to”, Sidney smiled.

They poured themselves a night cap, and said goodnight.

Crowe stayed longer reading his book, while Sidney went upstairs to rest.

Seeing light still coming from Alicia’s room, he walked to it and caught a glimpse of Charlotte energetically drying the little girl’s hair. He listened to them while waiting for MsHeywood.

“Will you read outside my room while I fall asleep, Ms. Charlotte? Alicia asked.

“Yes, darling, don’t be afraid. I will sit on the window bench, which is actually pretty uncomfortable…” she joked, making the girl giggle ”but I brought a lamp from another room, to have more light for reading, so I will be all right”.

Charlotte tucked her in, and kissed her on the forehead. “Good night, Alicia.”

When she went out of the room, she carefully left the door a bit open, and was startled to find Dr Parker there.

“I am sorry, sir. I know it’s late, but I didn’t want her to catch a cold… “ She explained.

“You did well… I was going to ask you about that” he said, pointing out to the hallway improvised reading corner.

“I have been sitting there, reading for a little while until they all fall asleep…” Charlotte replied “Do you mind if I keep doing so?”

“No, but just remember: schedules are important to me, so don’t stay late” Sidney answered, trying not to sound harsh. “Goodnight MsHeywood.”

“Good night DrParker, have a good night's rest” she said to him in the same endearing tone that she had used for the children. It warmed his heart.

MsHeywood was really sweet. In that, he had to agree with Crowe, Sidney thought as he headed to his room at the end of the hallway.

Chapter 7: Run, mother fox, run!

Chapter Text

The first day back at work, DrParker’s appointment book was full, and his office was swamped with patients.

He had a rocky start. His first patient was a little girl complaining of acute abdominal pain that he sent to the hospital by ambulance. Although the mother claimed that it was an indigestion, it was clearly an appendicitis attack. He was glad that he caught it on time.

The rest of the morning went fast, with checkups, walk-ins, and a couple of small procedures. MrsDout’s husband came in too, to share some test results with DrParker. Unfortunately, his heart disease had a poor prognosis.

With no time for a reasonable break, he had a coffee and a sandwich brought to his office for lunch.

In the early afternoon, he had his assistant, MrsFuchs call Sanditon House to see if everything was all right. The housekeeper gave her a summary: MrCrowe was at the beach, the children were playing in the greenhouse with their nanny. Dinner would take place at 6pm.

After listening to the brief summary, DrParker gave MrsFuchs a couple of tasks: “Please call the hospital and inquire about the little girl. I want to know if the surgery went well.…” and he added “also, MrsFuchs, we have been so busy today, that I forgot to thank you…”

MrsFuchs raised her sight from her notebook, and DrParker clarified “for bringing MsHeywood, the nanny… she is a great help. However...”

The experienced assistant finished the sentence “… after seeing MrDout this morning, you think that his wife won’t be able to come back to work at Sanditon House…”

He assented “That is correct. Please, call a couple of agencies. To substitute MrsDout we need someone experienced, with references, willing to stay for a few years… I will think of other requirements, but you can start with that”.

MrsFuchs took her notes. DrParker breathed deeply and got back to work.

At 6pm sharp that day, everybody was sitting at the table. MsCharlotte seemed to have things under control. The children were already in their pajamas, looking clean and tidy. Heads combed. They were all quiet. Just what Sidney needed.

Prompted by Crowe, he told them about his trip to France.

At some point, Charlotte made a comment “The south of France…I long to visit it. My uncle uses extracts of aromatic herbs that grow there for some of his parfums…” and then she added “because Montpellier is in Provence, isn’t it?”

Sidney used his napkin to dry his lips before answering “No. It belongs to the Occitane region, but it is not in Provence.”

“Oh, I guess I need to review my geography…” Charlotte blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Crowe gave her a hand “understandable mistake, MsCharlotte, until today I was convinced that my friend here had been to Marseille for his congress… Marseille, Montpellier, Montparnasse… all these French names sound so similar…” he winked at her, and Charlotte replied with a grateful smile.

“So, what have you been up to all day?” Sidney asked Alicia, moving on to another topic.

Alicia and Jenny told him that they had been working in the greenhouse the whole day. “We have been cleaning it all. Organizing the pots, the soil, the tools…I swept the floor, and Jenny has cleaned the table and benches, MsCharlotte has cleaned the glass panes... Even Henry helped move small plants around!” she giggled “MsCharlotte said that there were spider webs still from Lady Denham’s times!”.

The girls laughed, remembering the anecdote.

“And why did you all do that?” he inquired.

Jenny explained it as if it was obvious “So that we can do some art work on that table! MsCharlotte said that we will play with clay, and we can paint there… without spoiling the house!”

“Oh, I see…” Sidney looked at Charlotte expecting a further explanation, but their favourite dessert came in, and the general excitement interrupted the moment.

“Strawberries and cream!”

As soon as they were done with their dinner, Alicia convinced her uncle to play chess again, before bed. ”Yes, but just a little while”, he strictly replied.

The children happily headed to take their positions in the living room, following Crowe.

Sidney made a sign for Charlotte to wait “I will need you to tell me about the greenhouse works, MsHeywood“.

Jenny popped her head from the living room, interrupting them “Will you join us today, MsCharlotte?”

Noticing that DrParker seemed crossed with her again, she answered “Oh, I don’t think so, my dear, I will come to take you all to bed in half an hour, does it sound good?” she asked DrParker.

But, before he could utter his answer, Crowe popped his head out to insist “Ms.Charlotte, I think Jenny is tired, and she may prefer one of your stories, instead of reading today… please, join us”

Charlotte turned to Sidney, “I don’t want to intrude, sir. What would you like me to do?”

“It is fine, MsHeywood, if you take Jenny and Henry, I will play chess with Alicia” he consented.

When they stepped into the living room, the image was idyllic. Alicia was sitting in front of the chess board studying the pieces. Crowe on the chaise working on the newspaper’s crossword.

Jenny and Henry on the sofa, sharing a picture book. They made some space when they saw Charlotte approaching them, and she sat between them. “So, whose turn is it, today?” She asked.

“MINE!” they both answered.

“Uhmm, you know what…?” she whispered “Let’s ask MrCrowe”.

And knowing that Crowe was always funny, both children agreed.

“MrCrowe?” Charlotte said “Would you give us the magic word, please?”

Sidney was trying to focus on his game, but listening to whatever was going on was too tempting. He forced himself to focus his gaze on the chess board, though.

Crowe was focused on the crossword “…with a pointed muzzle and a bushy tail…3 letters…” he smiled, had just found one of the answers. He uttered “Fox!”

Charlotte smiled, the made-up story should have a fox in it.

Jenny and Henry made themselves comfortable, and she started.

“On the outskirts of a little town called Willingden, there was the little farm of MrHoward. He was a grumpy-cranky old man, who lived there with the only company of his grumpy-cranky old dog...”

Jenny and Henry were totally immersed in the story, smiling at Charlotte’s rhymes.

“Every day, MrHoward ran the different chores of the farm; like taking care of the vegetable garden, milk the two cows, feed the pig and the chickens, pick up the eggs…and every day he would get grumpier and crankier finding out that the rabbits had been feasting on his lettuce, or a sly fox had been stealing eggs from the chicken coop…

One day he woke up and decided to set up a trap for those unwanted intruders. He told his old grumpy-cranky dog, Troll, what they would do to catch the rabbits and the fox.

MrHoward was so busy working on his plan that he did not notice what a fine day it was.

He did not see the light blue sky, or the first leaves emerging from their buds. He also missed the barn owl, getting comfortable for his morning nap.

Meanwhile, the warm spring sunrays entered the den where a young fox and her cubs were sleeping. The sun caressed mother fox’s eyelids. She slowly opened her eyes, and stretched her legs, careful not to wake up her babies. She quietly left the den, to catch a nice breakfast. She knew that they would wake up very hungry, so off she went.

She took the path to MrHoward’s farm with the intention of sneaking into the chicken coop, and take one egg or two.

As she got closer, she hopped from a bush to another, making her advances unnoticeable.

When she was just a few feet away from the chicken enclosure, she heard someone alerting her.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo…Don’t!”

It was the barn owl.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo, mother fox, I saw the farmer placing a trap!”

Mother fox jumped back and hid behind a tree. “Thank you, MrsOwl…”

“Hoohoo, hoohoo, stay there quiet for a while, they are waiting for you…”

“Hoohoo, hoohoo, I will tell you when it is safe”

Mother fox stayed hidden, and from time to time she would look at the owl, who, standing on the top of a tree, was able to see the farmer and his dog waiting for the fox to make a move.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo, be patient … I will tell you when they get back to the house.”

Finally, both tired of the long wait, the farmer and his dog retreated.

“Next time, old friend, next time” the farmer said to a frustrated Troll “that fox will make a risky move, and we will get it!”

When the owl saw the house door closing behind them, she told the fox.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo, run now young fox, go to your cubs! And don’t come back!”

Mother fox nodded to the wise owl, and ran away, back to the forest.

She was worried about her cubs. She had never been away for so many hours.

Run, mother fox, run!, the birds sang.

She was sad because she had not been able to get them breakfast.

Run mother fox, run!, the crickets sang.”

Charlotte kept telling the story, looking at a mesmerized Jenny, and caressing little Henry’s head that was laying on her lap.
She was unaware that Alicia and Sidney had stopped playing, and Crowe had stopped reading. All of them were listening to her.

“She crossed the little stream jumping from a rock to another.

Run, mother fox, run!, the cicadas sang.

Finally, she got to the den, and she had a great surprise.

Foxie, the male cub who was very skillful, was waiting outside. A nice fish was moving under his paw.

“Oh Foxie! I am so proud of you! This will make a delicious breakfast!” his momma said.

She went into the den to wake up Fixie, the little female cub, but she could not find her there.

Mother fox came out worried, but just a second later she saw Fixie carrying a big long worm in her mouth.

“Fixie! Good job! What a feast!”

Fixie mimicked her brother, and kept the worm still under her paw.

“You should have seen me, mom! I jumped on it just like you taught me!”

Mother fox rubbed Fixie with her nose, pleased with her little girl.

After they ate, Mother fox told their cubs how the clever owl warned her about the farmer’s trap.

Foxie and Fixie looked at her with worried eyes. They all held paws, and made a promise. They should never go to MrHoward’s farm again.

On the other side of the forest, the barn owl went to bed feeling wiser than ever that day. Happy that she had been useful to mother fox, one of the most loved animals in the forest.

And they all lived happily ever after.”

Jenny hugged Charlotte. “I loved this one, MsCharlotte”

“Thank you, Jenny, shall we go to bed now?”

She looked at Henry, who had already fallen asleep. And then she checked the rest of the group. Mr. Crowe was working on the crossword. Alicia was looking at Charlotte in awe, still thinking about the story. DrParker seemed immersed in the chess game.

Feeling her eyes on him, Sidney reacted “I will take Henry”.

And the five of them went upstairs, while Crowe looked over the rim of his newspaper, hiding his grin.

As soon as the children were in bed, Sidney approached Charlotte in the hallway. “MsHeywood, do you mind a minute?”

Charlotte nodded.

“I need to tell you about a couple of things that I didn’t quite like today”

He rubbed his neck “I think that it was a good idea to habilitate the green house for messy works like clay or paint. However, if you had told MrsGriffith, she would have someone from the staff to clean it for you all, I will not tolerate Alicia and Jenny doing that type of work“

Charlotte gave him a smile “Well, they say that work dignifies…and we all enjoyed it, DrParker. We spent the whole morning and the result is fabulous, you should go and see it… the children were very happy to contribute. I assure you…”

Sidney answered dryly “MsHeywood, I am not discussing it with you. It is an order. My house, my rules. Do you remember?”

Charlotte nodded as her smile was fading. “What is the other thing that you disliked, sir?“

“Well, it is about your story telling… I must admit that you are creative, and sort of entertaining... But, I’d rather have my nieces and nephew be read a good book. Children brains are like sponges, MsHeywood. Take advantage that you have all their attention and pick a fable or a tale from a classic writer. Have you heard of the Brothers Grimm or Aesop? Please read those stories to the children. Their vocabulary will get richer, the stories are well structured, and they can draw morally correct conclusions” Sidney said, satisfied with himself.

The ‘Be quiet-Nod-Listen-Conceal the frustration with a nice smile” strategy shattered in a million pieces, and disappeared into nothingness.

Charlotte was appalled. “Excuse me, sir? The purpose of my stories is to develop their imagination while make them feel cared for, to create a bond... You seem to have forgotten that the parents of these children have been away for more than two months now, and you have just arrived from many days away too…”

She could see that Sidney was enraged, but she continued “and do you think me so ignorant as not to be aware of the simplicity of my stories? I am sorry that I gave you that impression, sir…”

Charlotte was blushing “and let me ask you, what made my tale not morally correct?”

Sidney wanted to shout, but knowing that the kids might still not be fully asleep, he controlled his tone of voice “Really, MsHeywood? Siding with the sly fox, depicting the male characters as grumpy, brooding, evil-minded…while making the female characters wise, caring, generous… ”

Charlotte could not take his tirade seriously. She chuckled, and replied playfully “You didn’t listen to the all the details, sir. Foxie, the little male, was skillful …”

Sidney huffed, and Charlotte realized that she had spoken out of turn.

“I tried to give you a constructive opinion about your story telling time, MsHeywood. Forgive me. I have obviously chosen the wrong words, and I have offended you” and Sidney continued “however, if instead of hiding behind your shield of over confidence and witty remarks, you try to get the true meaning of my comments, you would see that I was actually trying to help you to do your job better”.

There it was, the question of her not being qualified for the job again expressed "You gave me food for thought, sir.” Charlotte whispered, walking to the window bench and turning on the lamp.

“Good night, MsHeywood” Sidney dismissed himself.
“Good night DrParker”, she answered, fighting to find her voice.

Sidney strode to his room, aggrieved at the outcome of their argument.

He sat on the bed and took off his shoes letting them fall carelessly, he removed his clothes and irately threw them on the chair. He put his pajamas on, and walked into the ensuite bathroom.

Putting both hands on the countertop, he looked at his reflection on the mirror. He was furrowing his brow, he looked angry and menacing.

Was he the old grumpy fellow of her tale? Did she see herself as the threatened fox?

He was quite sure that MsHeywood was not aware of how her unconscious had helped her fabricate the characters in the story.

And he could not blame her. Observing his expression again, and reflecting on the different encounters with her, he could totally understand why she felt that way about him.

He relaxed his facial muscles and his expression softened. He saw a tired, sulky man in the mirror that he didn’t like. He splashed some water on his face and brushed his teeth.

He liked MsHeywood, more than he had shown, more than she had sensed, and…more than he was ready to admit.

Perhaps he should go now, and apologize to her. She was probably still reading in the hallway…but the thought of getting dressed again made him reject the idea. He was too tired.

He would talk to MsHeywood the next day. The day light and a good rest would be on his side.

Charlotte tried to read, sitting on that uncomfortable window bench, getting the lamp closer to get enough light. She humphed.

She knew that it was not only the seat and light, it was the situation with MrParker that was uncomfortable.

Since DrParker arrived, things had gone awry. MrCrowe stepped down, the children were overexcited, and she felt that she had no room for initiative or creativity. With sharp words or with cold stares DrParker kept showing his constant disapproval.

She recognized that she tended to be prideful, and struggled with authority. She would not obey blindly, would question decisions, and liked to have a say. She had had her run-ins with a teacher at Nursing school too…

She felt like leaving Sanditon House, run and hide again under the wing of uncle Fred. She stood up and turned off the floor lamp.

However, before heading to her room, she turned her head to check if DrParker was still awake. There was no light coming out from under his door, so he probably had fallen asleep already. He looked exhausted too. She pictured him laying in his bed, resting to get forces to keep carrying the weight of his world all alone, and she felt her anger vanishing.

She shut the children’s doors and became aware that this time it was not books, needles and bandages that she was leaving behind. These little people and the grown ups as well, whether they like it or not, depended on her until they would find a replacement.

This time she should make a mature decision. She would not turn her back on them, she would bury the hatchet, and come to an agreement with Dr.Parker on the next day.

Chapter 8: Count to twenty


Slowly getting there!

Chapter Text

A rooster called in the morning, alerting Charlotte that it might be too late. She wanted to have a conversation with DrParker before he headed to work.

She jumped from her bed and put on a robe on top of her nightgown.

She left her room and swiftly reached his door, at the far end of the corridor. She had to knock several times before he answered.

He had taken a shower, and was shaving in the bathroom when he heard someone knocking at his bedroom door. He turned off the faucet, and dried his face, surprised that someone was there so early in the morning. He covered his lower body with a towel and walked to the door. “I am coming!”.

He opened the door a few inches, and poked his head, to find MsHeywood's eyes.

She forced herself to keep her gaze on his face, although she was aware of his partial nudity. “Excuse me DrParker, I was wondering if we could have a conversation, before you head to work?”

Sidney fought his instinct too. Keeping his eyes on hers instead of letting them slide down her neck, exploring the skin that her messy, quickly fastened robe had failed to cover. "Of course, MsHeywood… we can talk over a cup of coffee. I will meet you downstairs.”

She gave him a shy smile “Thank you”. She turned, and as she heard his door shut, she rushed to her room to get ready.

He rested his back on the shut door and looked at the mess in his room, a reflection of how he felt the night before.

The recent interaction with MsHeywood made him think that he could still stand a chance. He picked up the discarded clothes from the day before, hung them properly, and brushed his shoes.

He went back to finish shaving, and splashed some cologne on his neck. Would she appreciate that he was using MrHeywood’s creation? Hopefully, she would understand that he regretted being so hostile and was looking forward to improving his relationship.

Sidney had already eaten his toast and was filling up his second cup of coffee when Charlotte showed up in the dining room.

“Good morning, MsHeywood, please have a seat. I told MrsPeters to bring your breakfast, if that is all right?”

Charlotte nodded, while quickly assessing the seating options. Opposite or next to him? While her eyes were quickly going from a chair to another, Sidney pulled the chair next to him.

Charlotte sighed.

“Thank you, DrParker. And sorry for intruding, I, I… after our conversation yesterday, I felt it was important that we could have a talk as early as possible…to discuss my future in this house”

Sidney gave her a polite smile. “I agree, I had the same thought”.

Charlotte bit her lip. Shall she start, or let him talk?

Again, he made the choice “Please, MsHeywood, go ahead.”

Charlotte was candid about her reasons for taking the job, the challenges that she had encountered, and how she liked the children “…I understand that good intentions and hard work is not enough if the overall performance does not meet your expectations, DrParker. You were giving me feedback yesterday, and I failed to listen. I talked back to you, and I was out of line. And the truth is that I can’t promise I won’t be again… I am well aware of my impulsivity and other flaws in my character…”

She looked at her coffee and stirred it. Sidney waited for her to finish.

She raised her eyes to meet his. “But I would like to help here, as long as it takes you to find someone else. That is, if you like, of course. I would stay a couple of days to help her to take over, to make sure that the children feel comfortable…” and feeling that she needed to explain her reasons further, she added “my uncle thinks highly of you and I would not like you to resent him because of your poor opinion of me”.

Sidney did not answer right away. He needed to process her words.

He stirred his coffee too, and sipped a bit.

“Flaws, MsHeywood? Poor opinion of you? No, no, no…” He shook his head and lowered his eyesight, embarrassed. “Please forgive me. I have been a brute making you think that.“

He took his napkin and folded it, placing it properly on the table. “You have been very honest with me, and I think that you deserve that I am too”, he raised his head and looked her in the eye. “I am overwhelmed with the household management, MsHeywood. And I have unfairly taken it all out on you. I apologize.“

Charlotte’s eyebrow expression changed from concern to surprise as he kept talking.

He straightened up, adopting his neutral, distant, professional attitude. “I think that you have a very nice character, indeed. You are patient and resourceful, and have strategies to get things done. And I was not at my best yesterday, when I criticized your creativity. I am sorry.”

He smiled “I appreciate your generous offer to stay, MsHeywood. I must confess that I was prepared to beg you…I value how invested you are in our well-being, and I must say that your work ethic is commendable”.

Sidney made a pause, and asked her “How could we make the rest of your stay here better? Perhaps MrsGriffith could spare a maid, to help you at your demand?”

She tilted her head and lightly shrugged her shoulders “That would be nice in the evenings, at bath time…”

But noticing that she didn’t seem totally satisfied, he offered “may I ask if I, I…could do anything?”

Sidney regretted making that offer the moment he saw a timid smile appearing on her face.

Charlotte bashfully uttered “If only you could count to twenty before criticizing any of my initiatives…”

He felt relieved. “I think that I can try that”, he extended his hand to her, and she shook it.

“I am glad we have an agreement, DrParker.”

Sidney finished his coffee, and excused himself. He stood up. Charlotte made the gesture to get out too.

“Please, don’t bother. Enjoy your breakfast. I need to go to the office now, MsHeywood. I may be able to come in a bit earlier this evening”.

Charlotte nodded “Thank you, DrParker. I wish you a good day”.

She felt much better after their conversation, she was content that he praised her work ethic, and that he respected her more than it had transpired.

She finished her breakfast reading the headlines of the folded newspaper that he had left on the table, and seeing that it was still early for the children to wake up, she decided to take a walk around Sanditon House’s gardens.

It was a beautiful estate, and the Parkers took good care of it. She knew that it had belonged to the family for over one hundred years, since Lady Denham left it to a Thomas Parker, a visionary who made the town thrive in the early nineteenth century.

The town legend said that the Lady of the town imposed only one condition for them to enjoy the inheritance: To keep the house and the fortune, the Parkers had to devote their lives to the town of Sanditon and its people.

Well, Charlotte knew that Tom and Mary Parker's current trip’s purpose was related to attracting investments from remote countries… one of their last whereabouts being Saudi Arabia.

However, based on what she had witnessed during her stay and what uncle Fred told her, DrParker was the one doing a most admirable task, as a caring and dedicated doctor. “He could go anywhere, Charlotte, anywhere. Mount Sinai in New York, Mayo Clinic in Rochester…but he stayed in Sanditon. Taking care of us”.

On her way back to the house, she passed by the shed and saw some bicycles leaning on the walls. Perhaps she could come later and check them with the children. She looked at the time on her wristwatch, and headed to wake them up.


It was the late afternoon when Sidney came back from work, straight from several house calls. He ordered some tea to be brought to his office and he sat at his desk.

He took a blank paper from the drawer and started the list of qualities that the new nanny should meet, as he had told MrsFuchs he would do.
Capable of handling 3 children, experienced, organized, methodical, in her forties, no family ... “Uhmmm” he bit his pen.

The children's voices playing outside put him off. He got up and walked towards the window.

Henry was sitting on a bench next to Alicia, while MsHeywood was holding the bicycle for Jenny. “There you go… Now, push the pedal! Again… again… Keep the handle straight. Pedal... Good, good…again…again…I am holding you!”

They went down the path several times, until finally MsHeywood let her go. Jenny went by herself several meters and fell.
“You did so well! Would you like to try again? Your uncle will be so proud of you!” Charlotte praised her, while helping her up.

Sidney could tell Jenny was holding her tears, but the little girl went up the bicycle again. And MsHeywood was straining her back, holding her down the path over and over again.
He went back to his desk and added one more item, “energetic”. He put the pen down. He would continue the list later.

As he headed outside, Sidney heard clapping and cheering. Jenny was riding by herself with a proud smile on her face. She went down the path and was even able to make a turn and ride back towards him. She pressed the brakes, avoiding running him over.

Sidney laughed “Good Jenny, good”. The little girl jumped from the bike into her uncle’s open arms, followed by Alicia and Henry.

Charlotte was all sweaty and disheveled. She closed her eyes and stretched her back. She saw DrParker taking her in. ‘Is he really counting to twenty?’ she asked herself.

It seemed so, because after a few seconds he uttered “MsHeywood, you’d rather go to freshen up. I will take care of them.”

Charlotte was positively surprised that he had been able to voice his criticism in quite a polite way. She disappeared inside the house, and minutes later a maid came out carrying some lemonade for the thirsty group sitting at the table on the terrace.


When Charlotte came back, MrCrowe had joined them and was sitting with them too.

“Please take a seat, MsCharlotte…” he invited, and then taking a second look at her, he added “I have to say that you look radiant today! Your eyes are bright, your cheeks got some sun…isn’t it, Parker?” Crowe asked rhetorically.

Self-consciously, Charlotte covered her cheeks, and replied with a smile “I probably got too much sun”. Then, she proceeded to take a seat and could not avoid emitting an unladylike light grunt as she leaned her back on the seat.

“Excuse me, I’ve been holding the bicycle for Jenny… and my back is complaining” she gave them an apologetic look.

Henry walked to her, and she poured some lemonade in a glass for him. While she was assisting the boy, Crowe faked an innocent look and commented “Looks like you could use a massage…”.

He did not fool Sidney, who stiffened and threw a murdering gaze in Crowe’s direction.

Smart Alicia noticed the change of demeanor of her uncle and it piqued her curiosity. It was clearly related to that unknown word for her. Massage. “What is a massage?” she asked.

Leaving Henry’s glass on the table, and unaware that Crowe was using her to tease his friend, Charlotte answered Alicia, “a massage is a physical therapy to relieve pain or tension...” She gestured “It mainly consists of rubbing a part of the body… come, I will show you how” Charlotte gently draw Alicia towards her “I learned some massaging techniques at Nursing school…”

Crowe kept looking at Sidney. “Interesting…”

”Yes!” the little girl shouted excitedly, and Charlotte helped her sit on her lap.

Attracted by the novelty, Jenny quickly went to her nanny’s side to observe with curiosity. Charlotte smiled at her and explained what she was doing. She started massaging Alicia’s shoulder blades, doing circular movements with her thumbs for a few minutes, and finally kneaded the muscles of her neck. “How does it feel?” she asked.

Alicia giggled “I like it!”.

Jenny uttered “I think I can do that! I want to try, I want to try! Would you like a massage, uncle Francis?”

Charlotte noticed Dr Parker’s brow beginning to furrow. He was clearly in disagreement with the activity… What was the problem now? What was wrong with a massage?

“Jenny, maybe your uncle Sidney needs it more, after a long day of work…” she directed Jenny to him, in an attempt to involve him.

Sidney looked at Charlotte disapprovingly “MsHeywood….”

But at that moment, he could feel Jenny’s little hands already on him. Stroking and kneading his shoulder blades, causing first a big smile to appear on his face, followed by an explosion of laughter.

“Uncle Sidney! I did not know that you were so ticklish!” Jenny chuckled, making the rest of the group laugh too.

Sidney took her little hands, and kissed them. “Yes, I am…you just discovered my weakness!” and he proceeded to tickle Jenny too. “Stop, stop, please…” The little girl laughed.

He raised his head, instinctly checking if MsHeywood was paying attention to him. When her genuine smiling eyes met his, he mentally agreed with Crowe once again. She was radiant.

Sidney’s courtship display was noticed by an amused MrCrowe, who observed his friend parading his family man skills, unconsciously seeking for MsCharlotte’s approval.

The endearing moment was interrupted by Evelynn, one of the maids, announcing that dinner would be ready in one hour, and that she could help MsCharlotte get the children ready.

“Thank you, Evelynn” she got up and smiled at Sidney, “and thank you too, MrParker”.

“Naturally” he replied, kindly patting Henry’s behind, sending him towards Charlotte.

That day after dinner, everyone had already taken for granted that the children would have their quiet play time, and Charlotte would be there. She had picked the fables of Aesop from the library room, as advised by Dr Parker. Crowe played chess with Alicia, while Sidney went to his office to finish some work.

After a short while of reading the classic tale, Alicia realized that Charlotte had gone quiet. She pulled Crowe’s sleeve and pointed at her.

She was resting her head on the sofa pillow, sound asleep. Jenny and Henry’s heads resting on her lap and her shoulders respectively.

“The power of the classics”, Crowe thought.

He had just signaled Alicia to be quiet, when her uncle came in.

Sidney stopped in his tracks when he discovered the sleeping group. Crowe stood up and walked towards his friend holding his palm out and a naughty smile.

As he reached him, Crowe whispered in Sidney’s ear “I can take Henry, and you can carry MsCharlotte…”.

Sidney turned to check on Alicia. “We will be right back, sweetie”, and he put a hand on Crowe’s shoulder, dragging him outside the living room.

“These jokes have to end, Crowe” he whispered. “You are embarrassing me…besides, I had a talk with MsHeywood. She knows that we are on the lookout, and we will be hiring a replacement for MrsDout soon ”.

A disappointed Crowe shook his head. “So, you have started looking for a new nanny? Already?”

“Yes, I have made a list of the requirements that the candidate should meet” Sidney said proudly, “and MrsFuchs will send it to the agency tomorrow.”

“Your requirements”, Crowe pointed out.

“My requirements”, Sidney confirmed.

Crowe chuckled “Well, please keep that list away from me… and when you find the monster who meets them… keep it away from me too!”.

“Shhh… Alicia will hear you ” Sidney put his index finger on his lips.

“Now let’s take them upstairs” he turned and strode into the living room.

He smiled as he caught Alicia moving the pieces on the chessboard. “Well, well, well…”

“I was playing for uncle Crowe…” she justified herself.

He approached the little girl, and kissed her forehead. “Of course, darling… Now, please be a big girl and help out. It seems that Jenny and her bicycle used MsHeywood’s energy up”.

Alicia walked to her sister and patted her hand to wake her up, while Sidney carefully took Henry.

Feeling Henry sliding from her side, Charlotte opened her eyes, fluttering her eyelashes. “I am sorry, I am sorry, DrParker, it was not my intention” she mumbled, terribly embarrassed.

He shook his head. “It is all right, MsHeywood”

When she turned to take care of Jenny, she was surprised to see that Alicia was already holding her and leading her to the stairs.

While Charlotte tucked in the girls, Sidney put Henry in bed.

They met back in the hallway. “Thank you, DrParker, I am ashamed that I fell asleep. I guess it’s been a long day…”

“Yes. We have started it with you interrupting my morning routine…” Sidney began to admonish her.

An image of DrParker wearing a police uniform, blowing a whistle and giving her a fine, came to her head. “The man just cannot resist it…every night he needs to hand me the list of my infractions…. “ Her own thought made her smile.

“Have I said something funny, MsHeywood?” he asked, searching her eyes.

She shook her head. “No, no” she lied “I am just thinking that I will skip the window bench tonight and go straight to sleep. Have a good night, DrParker”.

“Good night, Ms. Heywood” and when he was going to walk away, a thought crossed his mind “sorry, one more thing…”

Charlotte turned to face him. “Yes, sir?”

“It was very kind of you to teach Jenny how to ride her bike… putting in that effort and patience. I admire your values, MsHeywood”

She stared at him processing his words of appreciation.

“That is all” he turned and strode to his room, leaving Charlotte in awe.

Chapter 9: Strawberries and cream

Chapter Text

“Thank you, MrNichols. A wonderful drive, as usual”, Dr.Parker said as he closed the door of the Rover.

Home sweet home, he thought as he cheerfully climbed up the stairs of Sanditon House.

“Good evening sir, I see you had a good day?” MrsGriffith greeted him at the door, happy to see a relaxed smile on his face.

He took off his hat, and it took him a second to come up with an answer to keep the inquisitive housekeeper’s sixth sense at bay.

“Yes, thank you, MrsGriffith. An uneventful day at my job is always good”.

He was satisfied with his long day that had started with a shift at the hospital, and had concluded with routine cases at his private practice…that was true.

But it was not the real cause of his good mood. What he was trying to conceal from the old woman, and deny to himself, what made his heart beat with anticipation… was the certainty that in a short while he would see MsHeywood.

“Any updates here?” he kindly asked MrsGriffith, as he usually did. And like every day, she gave him a brief summary on their way to his study “… and Alicia resumed her piano lessons today. Her tutor just arrived from his stay at the conservatory of music in Vienna…”

“Impressive fellow” Sidney answered, and as they passed by the music room he took a glimpse of Alicia sitting at the piano next to her patient tutor, MrStringer.

Sidney entered his study, leaving his hat and briefcase on the desk, and the housekeeper finished her explanations, stopping at the study door “… we will serve dinner at 6pm, if that is all right?”.

“Yes, thank you, MrsGriffith”. He dismissed her, and took his blazer and tie off, carefully hanging them on his valet stand. He could hear the choppy piano notes, and he felt curious about how Alicia was doing. He quietly walked to observe her from the hallway. Both student and tutor were very focused, so he chose not to interrupt them.

The girl’s little fingers were stretching over the keys, and Stringer was instructing her how to place her hands to avoid the struggle.

Tom and Mary insisted that Alicia should start piano lessons. However, at that moment, Sidney wondered if it would be better to pause them and wait another year.

He turned to go back to his study, when he heard something that made him stop in his tracks.

“And what is your new nanny’s name…, again?” MrStringer asked Alicia.

“MsCharlotte” she naively replied.

Sidney’s heart skipped a beat. It seemed that Mr. Stringer had met MsHeywood.

He resumed walking to his study, while an intense feeling of possessiveness invaded him. He immediately rejected it using all sorts of syllogisms “I care for the people in this house, MsHeywood lives in this house, I care for MsHeywood” “I am responsible for the staff, MsHeywood is part of the staff, I am responsible for MsHeywood”… all the logic of the world, though, could not suppress his growing antipathy towards MrStringer.

He sat in his comfortable study chair with a need to relax. He closed his eyes and listened to Alicia’s repetitive practice.

From time to time, he would hear Stringer correcting her, or encouraging her to attempt another set. “Let’s try this line now…”

And Alicia played it again, and again.

The music finished, and Sidney heard her tutor putting the thick music sheets together. “You did a good job today, MsAlicia, and I am thinking… Do you know where MsCharlotte is? I could walk you there, and explain your progress to her… I am sure she will be happy to hear…”

The vision of MrStringer captivating MsHeywood with his handsome smile, made Sidney spring up from his seat.

The force of jealousy beat time and space, and it took him one second to show up in the music room, startling Alicia and her tutor.

”Oh! Good evening, DrParker. I was not aware that you were here” MrStringer greeted him.

“Good evening, MrStringer” Sidney extended his arm to shake hands. “Excuse me, I could not help overhearing you. Will you please share Alicia’s progress with me?”

MrStringer kindly told Sidney how Alicia was doing: her improvement, her weaknesses…and insisted that she should practice every day. “…and I already told her father that, to be effective, the lessons should be weekly at least, now that I am back. You know, to be more effective…”

Sidney faked interest in his words, nodding from time to time, but only one thought occupied all his mind. He did not want Stringer anywhere near MsHeywood “Thank you, MrStringer, I appreciate your explanations. I will have to let you know about that because I need to talk with my brother first”.

He took Alicia’s hand. “If you don’t mind, I will take my niece to her nanny now. You can see yourself out. Goodbye”.

And hand in hand, Alicia and Sidney headed towards the greenhouse.

They first spotted Henry carefully carrying a little watering can from the nearby fountain.

As they got closer, they saw Jenny and MsHeywood. The little girl was helping Charlotte to cover the seeds on a planter with some potting soil. “Come now, Henry, water here, please” she asked, and the little boy felt important.

“Hello!” Alicia said from the door.

They all raised their heads towards her voice, and they were surprised to see who accompanied her.

Sidney followed the little girl inside the greenhouse, towards the little group. “I hope I am not intruding” he said, addressing Charlotte.

She felt his intense gaze on her, and she quickly removed her gloves, left them on the table, and proceeded to tuck her loose hair behind her ears. “No, no, of course not, DrParker”

“I thought I could come to see the transformation of the greenhouse…” he shyly asked.

Charlotte flashed him a big smile. “And we will happily show you around…” she looked at Jenny “MsJenny here will give you a tour on the planters…” she said, mimicking the host of a show.

Jenny took her uncle’s hand and pointed out “We have started these two planters with vegetables. One with tomatoes and the other with green beans”.

“And we have to water them a bit every day!” Henry added.

“I am impressed…” he said, tousling Henry’s hair.

Alicia wanted a chance to bright too. “Can I show you our artwork, uncle Sidney?” and she pulled her uncle’s hand to the huge wooden table where they had been painting, and where their works were spread, some still drying.

“Look, these are some of our artwork. For these we have used paint, but for these collages… Am I saying it right, MsCharlotte?”

Charlotte nodded and gave her a wink, and Alicia continued “…for these collages we have used glue and seeds, petals, leaves, see?… Those are lentils…“ she showed proudly.

To help the little girl with her explanations, Charlotte moved next to him to access the sheets and bring them closer. Her arm brushed his, he felt her skirt touch his leg, and he turned his body towards her, breathing her in.

“Look at this butterfly! And this rainbow! I think that we should hang some of these in the house. They are so bright and full of colour! Don’t you agree DrParker?” Charlotte asked.

Sidney nodded. Her enthusiasm was so contagious that Jenny and Henry pushed their way to look at the artwork too, inadvertently making Charlotte lean on Sidney. “I am sorry, sir” she said, biting her lip, and stepping to the side.

“No harm done” he whispered, and trying to conceal his arousem*nt, he forced his gaze back to the worksheets on the table, examining them as if they were masterpieces, “I agree, they would cheer up my study… Which ones would you choose, MsCharlotte?”

Always the most observant, Alicia was the only one that seemed to notice her uncle’s slip of the tongue. He had said ‘MsCharlotte’ instead of MsHeywood... The little girl looked up at him with the intention of making a remark, but her open mouth turned into a smile when she saw Sidney staring at her nanny as if she was his favourite dessert: strawberries and cream.

MsCharlotte seemed to be totally unaware of the situation. Her eyes were browsing the works, and she replied “Well…the butterfly, and the rainbow, for sure…and maybe that one of the sea?”

He nodded, and she offered “I could take the children to town one of these days, and have them framed for you, if you like?”

“That is a good idea” he agreed. “Now, we should get back to the house to get ready for dinner.”

They tidied up, and headed out.

Alicia and Jenny left, while Sidney and Henry waited for Charlotte to shut the greenhouse glass door.

“MsCharlotte, I am curious. May I ask you why did you choose the painting of the sea?”

She took a minute to answer. “Your question makes me think that my chatty uncle Fred told you about my accident…am I right?”

He nodded. “I am sorry, if you don’t want to answer…please, forget about it.”

“It is fine, do not fret…I was too little to remember, and my parents…” Charlotte turned her head away and took a moment to think if she should share something so intimate with him…and she decided in favor “My parents always refer to the accident as the day that the sea kissed me… Isn’t beautiful?”

Sidney looked at her in awe “The day that the sea kissed you…Yes, it seems a line from a love poem…” and his reaction made her blush “you come from a singular family, indeed”.

“Yes, I guess so…although, I am not sure that that is a positive thing…” she elaborated “Singular, unique, original… I have often heard those adjectives related to my family or myself, and although most of the time people mean well, in many cases it is a polite manner to say that I don’t fit…”.

Sidney stopped walking, making her look at him “MsCharlotte, please don’t be mistaken, I said it out of admiration…” and he explained “I think that you have a special sensitivity. What I have seen at the greenhouse… what the children are doing under your guidance… I think that you are… very talented, and you should explore ways to fully develop your abilities…“

“Thank you, sir...” she began saying, and at that moment Evelyn came to help Charlotte get the children ready for dinner, and their conversation was interrupted.

Chapter 10: Untie me!


Sorry, sorry, sorry! I am so focused on writing the story that I often forget to say how much I appreciate you support, your kudos, and especially your comments!
Thank you very much, you keep me motivated :)

Chapter Text

While Charlotte went to bathe the children and get them ready for dinner, Sidney retreated to his room. He needed to calm down. He went over their last conversation. Had he been too explicit?

Feeling her closeness in the greenhouse had triggered his eagerness for her. He could not deny anymore that he was very attracted to MsCharlotte. Charlotte…, disheveled Charlotte, enthusiastic Charlotte, smiling Charlotte, shy Charlotte, he sighed… even sweaty Charlotte was the most appealing sight he could think of.

Always a man of science, he tried to rationalize his emotions. She is young, she is beautiful, she is smart, she is kind… I am a man, I am young, I am alone, it is just natural that I react to her. The grace of her movements, the spark in her eyes. She is probably not aware of how nature has taken over her body, altering her hormones, sending all sorts of signals to mine… I can feel a thousand chemical reactions transforming me into a fool in love. But I will resist.

And to resist, he would have to use strategies. He would start by having dinner sent to his room that evening, to avoid further exposure to her charms.

They all understood when MrsGriffith announced that DrParker had retired early, and would have a light supper in his room. They missed him, but they knew that his demanding schedule had him worn out.

As it had become a routine after dinner, Charlotte and Crowe moved to spend a while with the children in the living room. Alicia ran to the chess board. “You need to continue where uncle Sidney left off yesterday, uncle Francis!”

Crowe rubbed his hands and then cracked his knuckles, in a funny attempt to intimidate the little girl. “Are you sure you want that?”

“Yes, please!” she said, pulling out his chair and quickly jumping on hers, not offering any other option.

Charlotte smiled amused at the sight of MrCrowe being submitted by a seven-year-old. “MrCrowe, do you think DrParker would mind if I told them a story instead of reading one, tonight?” she asked.

“Of course not, MsCharlotte, go ahead” he winked at her, like a partner in crime.

She nodded and looked at Jenny and Henry “Whose turn is it to say the magic word?”

“MINE!” they uttered at the same time.

And they all laughed.

Upstairs, in his suite, Sidney had finished his dinner in peace, sitting on the table by the open balcony. Enjoying the light sea breeze that had first caressed the cliffs, and then crossed the thick forest, bringing a fresh scent to Sanditon House, on that beautiful summer evening.

He felt proud of himself. He was resisting his instincts, and he was actually enjoying the moment.

Sitting in his comfortable chair, with his feet up on the ottoman and a good book in his hands. The Odyssey, at last. He had always wanted to read it… since he was a boy, and his dad would explain the different episodes in Ulysses' travels.

He read half of a page.

The sound of the merry voices from the living room traveled upstairs, slipped under his bedroom door, and acted like the Sirens in his book. But unlike Ulysses, Sidney didn’t have a crew to keep him tied to the mast, in this case his chair.

He could not resist. He did not want to resist.

He put his shoes back on, and swiftly started his way downstairs, forgetting about all his previous resolutions.

“Cloud!” Henry said.

“Heart!” Alicia proposed.

“Uhmm…. Uhmm…” Charlotte exaggeratedly scratched her chin, like looking for inspiration.

“All right…” she started “This is the story of Heart and Cloud.

Heart was a white square pillow with a pattern of light pink little hearts.

Cloud was a white and light blue, cloud-shaped pillow.

They arrived at MrsBell’s home goods store on the same day, in different boxes, and as they were of the same sort, decorative pillows, similar size, similar tones, and similar themes, they were placed on the same shelf.

They were very lucky because, from there, they had a great view of the street and the store, and they would never get bored.

Heart and Cloud started talking the day after they arrived, when MrPeter, a shop window designer that helped MrsBell each season, came to work.

They watched MrsBell gesturing and giving explanations about the different items that she had placed on the counter. She had selected those for MrPeter to use in the new display.

Heart and Cloud curiously observed MrPeter taking off his jacket and shoes, and stepping into the large shop window. He spent a while emptying and cleaning it, removing the old items, needles, threads and adhesive tape from the previous display. He also cleaned the huge glass until it was spotless.

Then they saw him go out in the street and look at the empty storefront to visualize what he was going to do.

“What a nice job!”, said Cloud “Being able to create a work of art, making the passersby to stop and look at it... What an exciting challenge to create beauty with a few given elements in a limited space. Create a world of fantasy behind the glass...”

Heart added “I agree, what a wonderful ability to make people dream, and get away from their problems for a moment… Those ladies that I saw yesterday, rushing to their jobs at the fresh market, taking a glimpse of that beautiful tablecloth, hoping that someday they would have a dining table worthy of it”.

“What a nice job!” they uttered at the same time.

And the two pillows continued to watch MrPeter, unfolding some napkins, ironing them and hanging them on the wall, arranging them as a group of birds flying away.

And then placing here a set of towels, and some throw pillows there. With some needles and nylon thread hanging an apron in a way that it seemed it was dancing with a colourful kitchen towel.

Cloud and Heart were in awe.

That experience gave them a lot to talk about, and they discovered that they enjoyed each other's company very much.

The days that followed, they saw MrsBell putting for sale the items removed from the previous display, and they heard some customers making bad remarks about them “Yes, these towels have a good price, but look…their colour has faded...”

And those beautiful things that had felt so much joy under the spotlights, receiving admiring glances for months, were now piled up in ‘for sale’ baskets, clinging to the hope of still being able to please someone.

The fate of those products pained Heart. Cloud tried to cheer it up, “They haven't changed, the light that illuminates them has changed… You will see, in a few days they will all be gone to a new home!”

Heart was happy that Cloud was right. When the Christmas season arrived, all those items and others left the store, to fulfill the fantasies of their buyers.

But then Heart worried again. What if nobody wanted a heart patterned pillow? What if someone bought Cloud?

“We are pillows, Heart, everybody likes us. We make their lives more comfortable. We brighten the room. They hug us to laugh, to shout, to cry. We can even have fun fights. We will have a good life. No worries!” Cloud comforted Heart, it always knew what to say to make Heart feel happy.

And then, one day it happened. A young couple expecting their first baby came into the store looking for something very special, and they purchased both.

Heart and Cloud went to the same room in the same house.

And do you know what? Since then, Heart does not worry anymore, because it always sleeps next to Cloud.

They have a lot of fun when they share a bath in the washing machine, and they love it when they are hung to dry outside and the wind tickles them.

Heart is really ticklish!”

They all giggled. “Just like you, uncle Sidney!” Jenny said, revealing the presence of her uncle standing by the living room door frame.

Sidney had been listening to the story, trying to decipher Charlotte’s inner thoughts.

She had chosen a setting that she knew well, a store. MrPeter was the alter ego of her uncle, Fred Heywood whom she adored and admired. That part was quite obvious.

Cloud, the ethereal, chirpy pillow, was clearly her.

But Heart, who was Heart? Could it be a still unknown side of her, an insecure Charlotte? Could it be someone she wanted to be with?… the square-shaped suggested logical, hardworking… Could it be him? The ticklish accent could not be a coincidence, could it?

“Parker!” Crowe greeted him. “Are you feeling better?”
His friend’s playful tone of voice brought Sidney back from his trance.

“Yes, yes…I came to see if MsCharlotte needed my help” He locked eyes with her and walked to check if Henry was awake, or faking being asleep, as he very often did in order to be carried upstairs.
He bent his back, bringing his face close to hers. They both looked at the little boy, and exchanged a complicit smile.

“I thought Henry liked your story-telling, MsHeywood… but he keeps falling asleep… I think he should skip it tomorrow, and go to bed right after dinner…” Sidney said.
That made Henry jump fully awake “Noooo!” provoking general laughter.

Charlotte and the children left for the night, while Crowe and Sidney stayed up a little longer.

“And how is the nanny search progressing?” Crowe asked.

“I will be meeting a handful of candidates tomorrow, in my office” Sidney answered, “and we will hopefully find someone soon.”

“Hopefully?” uttered an incredulous Crowe.
“You surely understand that I can’t start a relationship while she is my employee, don’t you?” Sidney whispered.

“Wow! That is a revelation… At last! What happened?”
“Chemistry happened” Sidney smiled, and Crowe shook his head.
“Lie to yourself all what you want, life is a lot more than just science, Parker… Oh, and let me give you an advice: You’d better sharpen your seduction skills, my friend…”

Charlotte had just turned off the floor lamp in her reading corner, when she heard Sidney's steps on the stairs.

She stood up, and waited for him. “Good night, sir. I will retire now…”
He kept walking towards her, needing the thrill of being around her a bit longer. “Thank you for your story, MsCharlotte… I liked it very much, indeed.”

“Really? It was a bit surreal this time…” she said, avoiding his direct gaze.

“Are you fishing for more compliments? Because I think I have exhausted them all for today…” he playfully answered , and then rubbing the back of his neck he added “I, I wanted to apologize for not being present at dinner time with you all… I needed a moment for myself”

“We all understood… I am glad you could rest a bit. You deserve it, sir” she replied with a smile.

The dim light of the hallway, the softness of her voice and feeling her beautiful eyes on him, created a very dangerous situation. Resist! He told himself.

Talking business would be safe “Mrs Griffith mentioned that you need an afternoon off next Friday?”
“Yes, sir. It will be my parents' twenty-fifth anniversary in one week. I would like to have lunch and spend a while with my family… But if you need me, they will understand…”

“No, no, no, MsCharlotte, please…I will tell MrsFuchs to clear my afternoon for that day” he offered.

“Well, then…thank you, DrParker, and have a good night”
“Good night, MsCharlotte”

Chapter 11: DrParker's busy weekend. Part I.


Thank you for your patience, I hope to finish the second part of this chapter soon. It is short, but I could not let the weekend go without a little update. <3

Chapter Text

Since she contacted the nanny agencies, MrsFuchs had been receiving resumes from quite accomplished applicants. For about two weeks, she had been discarding many, selecting only those that met DrParker’s strict list of requirements. She went over their files with him, they finally came up with six good candidates, and then she called them to set up the interviews on Saturday morning.

And there she was, opening the window to ventilate the waiting room, collecting the dispersed magazines and putting them properly aligned on the side table, setting up a jar with lemon water and glasses, carefully folding some paper napkins next to it…she gave it a quick last look before heading to the restroom and checking that it was also in a good condition.

Although they were closed on the weekends, MrsFuchs understood DrParker’s motives for meeting the prospective nannies in his office instead of Sanditon House. Less prying eyes, less stress for the children, more freedom for him to make decisions. She adored young DrParker, and was happy to help him in any way she could.

After spending the morning interviewing the candidates, Sidney was not convinced about anyone. He was worried about not making the right choice, hiring someone in a rush, blinded by his need to pursue Charlotte.

When the last applicant left, he put aside the pile of resumes, and held his hands over his face.

And that is how MrsFuchs found him, when she entered in his office to hear his verdict. She furrowed her brow “Are you all right, DrParker?”

He raised his head, letting his hands slide down his face. “Yes, yes, MrsFuchs…but I need you to shed some light on this. What do you think about them? I am afraid we all have gotten so used to MsHeywood now…”

MsFuchs interceded “I think you can not go wrong with any of them, really. They should all be good to take over MrsDout’s job. Besides, you all knew that MsHeywood was a temporary help…” she paused like looking for the words to explain herself better “When I first met her, I noticed the shadow of a doubt in regards her return to nursing school… but she is young and capable, and she deserves time to plan her future, and that is difficult when she is so busy taking care of three children…” she replied.

Sidney sat back and looked at his assistant with admiration. “I totally agree, MrsFuchs”.

MrsFuchs checked her wristwatch. “You need to be at the hospital in one hour, DrParker…”

“Right, right... “ He said, standing up and leaving the resumes on his desk “there are two candidates that may be what we are looking for. I will make a decision during the weekend, so that you can call the agency on Monday”.

“Yes, sir” MrsFuchs stood up too, and headed to get her coat and purse.

They left the office together, and found MrNichols waiting for DrParker in the car, ready to take him to his shift at the hospital.

“Can I offer you a ride, MrsFuchs?” He offered.

“No, thank you. I will see you on Monday. I hope you have an easy shift tonight, DrParker.”

He nodded “Thank you, see you on Monday!” and he sat in the car, feeling satisfied about having accomplished a goal. He would have to talk with MsHeywood on Sunday, and plan the next two weeks, to make the transition to the new nanny easy for everyone.

In the meantime, MrCrowe, Charlotte and the three children were enjoying the beach.

Jenny, Alicia, and their uncle Francis were climbing the rocks by the water chasing small crabs, while Charlotte and Henry dug a deep hole in the sand. “You will see Henry, you will be surprised!”. Charlotte laid down on the sand to reach the bottom of the hole with her hand, to make it deeper, and a minute later she felt very wet sand. “We got it!” Then they made the hole wider, and Henry sat at the edge feeling the water in his feet.

After a while, Crowe and the girls were back, all excited and wet. “Go, enjoy the water, MsHeywood. It is so nice! I will keep an eye on them.”

Charlotte didn’t need him to insist. She ran and splashed into the sea. MrCrowe observed her swimming to the far buoy, and when she got there, she laid on her back and let herself float for a few minutes. She came back to the shore exhibiting an impeccable style. She came out of the water and squeezed her hair, and walked towards them catching her breath.

“I am such a good friend…” Crowe whispered to himself, admiring her glimmering skin, her curls dripping water, and the sexy intimate details of her body, revealed by her wet swimming suit.

Charlotte smiled at them all, and totally unaware of his thoughts, she sat on the towel next to him. “What were you saying?”

“Oh, only that I am sorry that my friend Parker can not enjoy the delights of a beautiful beach day…” he closed his eyes and laid on his towel with a big grin on his face.

“I am sorry too…” Charlotte said, “it would be good for him to relax a bit… maybe… have you checked the weather forecast? Maybe we could come back tomorrow with him…” Charlotte said, and then she bit her lip, and put her hat on to conceal her face.

Something in that comment made Alicia recall how her uncle was looking at her nanny in the greenhouse, and she began “I am sure uncle Sidney will want to come, if you ask him, MsCharlotte… ” but the little girl could not continue her explanation because Crowe jumped on his feet and created a huge diversion “Who wants an ice cream?”.

Saturdays were busy days at the hospital. He would not get home until probably nine or ten at night, Sidney thought, while changing into scrubs. Everybody would probably be in bed by then, he sighed.

He walked to the cafeteria to get a light lunch and a coffee, before his shift.

“Hello stranger!” DrBabbington said as he met him at the self-service line. “Mind if I join you?”

“No, of course! I am glad to see you! …. But don’t get mad, please” he said, holding his palm out. “I need to eat quickly… I am a bit tight on time.”

On their way to a table, Babbington started the interrogation: “How was it in France? You just came back, right?”.

“It went very well. I learned a lot, indeed… but that was already a few weeks ago...” Sidney answered.

Babbington was confused. “Oh! And where have you been hiding all these days?”

“Hiding? I have attended my shifts here…so I guess we don’t have matching schedules...” Sidney smiled.

Babbington was suspicious. “Uhm, but you haven’t been to the club neither…”

“I have a busy life, Babbers, between here, my office, house calls, and the three little beasts…” he, justified, and trying to satisfy his nosey friend, Sidney explained how the situation with MrsDout had required him to spend more time at home “I thought that Crowe would have told you…he has kind of made himself the master of Sanditon House this summer” he chuckled.

“Well, tell me as soon as you get some free time. Esther has a friend that is very interested in meeting you..” Babbington replied, giving him a wink.

“I am not available” Sidney said too hasty.

“Are you dating someone?” Babbington asked, with eyes as big as saucers.

Sidney quickly denied it. “Oh! no, no, no! As I said, I won’t have much time until Tom and Mary get back from their travels.”

He checked his watch and stood up. “I will see you soon. I need to get going.”

Chapter 12: DrParker's busy weekend. Part II.

Chapter Text

“All right, off we go. Straight to jump in the bathtub!” Charlotte instructed the children, as soon as they arrived at their home.

And eager to get rid of the itchy feeling of the dry sea salt in their skin, the three little ones ran upstairs, followed by their nanny and the maid that used to help her in that endeavor.

“Look at this!” Charlotte heard Alicia say. And as soon as she reached the top of the stairs her eyes followed the direction that the little girl was pointing at.

“Oh!...” Charlotte covered her wide open mouth with her hand, when she discovered the changes in her reading corner.

“How do you like your surprise, MsHeywood?” Evelynn asked with a grin on her face, and whispered “I heard MrsGriffith giving instructions to MrNichols and one of the gardeners to bring one of the comfortable chairs from the library”.

Charlotte smiled and walked to it, observing that they had brought a better lamp, too. She knew that she would not be many more weeks working there, and yet, it was very thoughtful of them to care for her comfort.

She knew that it had probably not been MrsGriffith’s idea, though… but DrParker had many other things to worry about, right? She pushed the thought out of her mind, feeling ashamed of that admiration for her boss, that kept growing out of control.

“You are all so kind!” she said, letting herself fall on the new chair and turning on the lamp “this is so much better!”.

The rest of the afternoon at Sanditon House went fast and quiet.

After bathing, the children played and read peacefully until dinner time. Charlotte told them a short story afterwards, and they didn’t offer much resistance to going to bed early.

She sat in her new spot and opened her book, Pablo Neruda’s love poems. She never thought she liked poetry until she found this book.

She browsed the pages and chose to read ‘You are the daughter of the sea’.


And so at last, you sleep, in the circle

of my arms

that push back the shadows so that

you can rest-

vegetables, seaweed, herbs: the foam

of your dreams.”

She reread it. And reread aloud. Beautiful…

The grandfather clock downstairs chimed nine times, and Charlotte decided to go to bed. Not yet to sleep, but to rest. She got up, turned off the lamp and, with the book in her hand, she walked to shut the children’s doors on the way to her room. At that moment, she heard someone coming up the stairs and she waited.

“MsCharlotte! I thought you had retired already…” Crowe said.

Charlotte pointed at the chair, and smiled “No, I wanted to try my new reading corner, first.”

And Crowe used the opportunity to advocate for Sidney. “Well, you will have to thank my chivalrous friend Parker, always caring about everyone’s well-being…”

The confirmation that DrParker was behind that surprise, made Charlotte’s heart beat accelerate. She kept talking, trying to conceal her excitement “Of course, I will… MrCrowe, by the way... I am thinking of a farewell gift, a book for each of you for when I leave… I have yours and the children’s picked up already, but which one would DrParker like? ”

Crowe gave her a naughty smile. “Uhm, you shouldn’t have told me about it, MrsCharlotte. I can’t bear the suspense… which one are you getting me?”

She shook her head and mimicked his playfulness “If you tell me what he would like, I may give you a clue about yours…”

“Deal! So for Parker… a classic, perhaps? He is reading the Odyssey now…” Crowe explained.

“Uhm…” Charlotte's thoughts flew to the classics she knew, and that could have something to do with her storytelling, some compilation of tales… she would have to think about it.

Crowe threw another option: “Or… maybe poetry? He may not look like one…but he is an incurable romantic” and then reaching at the book in her hand, he asked “May I see?” and reading the cover he exclaimed “Oh! What a coincidence… poetry too…”

Charlotte justified her choice “Yes, I never cared for poetry before… it was hard for me to understand it, but this writer has a way with the words… it talks straight to my heart…”

“Well, MsCharlotte… you may want to think about it. They say that you can only understand poetry when you are in love…” he replied. He was aware that it had been a risky move, but those lovebirds were running out of time, and they needed a push.

Charlotte blushed, but she was certain that the dim light of the hallway didn’t allow MrCrowe to notice, and she kept conversing, trying to sound unaffected “Uhm… I will surely think about it” she chuckled.

“You have been very helpful indeed, MrCrowe. I have some ideas now for DrParker, and I will honour our deal. Here is the clue about my pick for you: You said that you couldn’t bear suspense... However, I am sure that you will enjoy some Mysteries…”

She stepped back to head to her room. “Have a good night, MrCrowe”

He remained still in his spot, lost in his thoughts, trying to solve the riddle “Good night, MsCharlotte”.

Crowe had just shut the door of his bedroom, and was about to take his shoes off when he saw the lights of a car entering Sanditon House’s driveway.
He tsk-tsked. His friend missed lovely MsCharlotte by just a few minutes.
He headed downstairs and saw Sidney walking to his study along with the housekeeper, who was giving him an update on the day.
“… and I will bring you some supper to the dining room in a moment” Crowe heard her say, while following their voices.
“Thank you, MrsGriffith” Sidney dismissed her.
He was loosening his tie when Crowe entered the study room. “Hey Parker, how was your day?”
Sidney continued making himself comfortable, and smiled “Pretty good, actually. I saw Babbers at the hospital…”
Crowe joked “is he hurt?”
Sidney rolled his eyes. “Really? Will you make the same joke, every time?”
Crowe chuckled “Yes! I think it is hilarious!”
Sidney smiled and patted his friend’s shoulder. “Come, tell me about your Saturday and Youknowwho’s…”
They both sat at the dining room table, and while Sidney enjoyed his meal, Crowe entertained him by retelling the beach day with many, but not all, details “… and she insisted that we should go back tomorrow…”
Sidney raised his head from the plate, questioning Crowe’s intentions, and his friend defended himself with a naughty smile and adding “…with you!”.
A broad grin replaced the frown on Sidney’s face. “That would be nice…” and he remembered “Did she say anything about the chair in the hallway? ”
“Yes! She was ecstatic… and we had a conversation that… well, made me think that you actually have some chances…, although I can't understand are so boringly fastidious!”, he teased him.
Sidney could not hide his satisfaction. “Thank you, Crowe…” he dried his lips with the napkin, folded it and left it on the table.
“Let’s call it a day?” he asked while standing up.
Crowe nodded “Yes, I will check on Budd, and I will go to bed soon. Have sweet dreams, Parker…”
“Have a good night, too, my friend” Sidney happily answered.

Charlotte was reading in bed, when she discerned DrParker’s heavy footsteps climbing the stairs. She heard him going into the children’s bedrooms to kiss them goodnight, the click of their doors being shut, and his steps fading away in the corridor on the way to his room.
She breathed relieved, happy that he was already at home. She made herself comfortable, and was going to turn off the light when she heard a loud noise coming from downstairs.
It sounded like if a crystal chandelier had fallen on the floor. Only that there was none…
She got up, put on her night robe and slippers, and walked out of her room.
She saw DrParker running down the stairs, and she flew after him “What happened?” she asked.
But he could not answer, he was still assessing the situation, seeing Crowe covered in blood, walking in their direction.
Sidney reached him, and made him sit on the first chair that he found.
“MsCharlotte, please bring some clean towels, and watch out, the floor is covered with shards of glass!

“Yes, I will be back in a moment” Charlotte answered, heading quickly to the cabinet where clean linen and towels were stored.

“Let me see you, my friend”, Sidney calmly told Crowe, and he carefully proceeded to examine him. He had a cut on the forehead, not important, but bleeding abundantly. A severe cut on his right wrist, and another deep one on his left index finger which Crowe was holding in pain.
Charlotte came back with several towels, and Sidney proceeded to wrap Crowe in them, putting pressure to stop the bleeding.
“MsCharlotte, we will take MrCrowe to my office, he will need stitches… Please get changed and meet me at the garage”.
Charlotte nodded “Yes, sir” and she ran upstairs.
On their way to the car, Sidney saw what had happened. It seemed that the old swinging glass door that connected the dining room to the kitchen area had accidentally broken on Crowe, when he pushed it in his way to refill Budd’s water bowl.
“Damned old house!” he cursed.
Crowe was unable to utter a word. He was shaking with pain.
“I…I just pushed the glass door, …I don’t know how it happened… it seemed stuck” Crowe babbled.
“You will be fine, no worries, keep calm…” Sidney said, opening the car door.
Charlotte arrived promptly. “How do we do this, sir?”
Sidney answered “You enter first, and hold him, please”, so Charlotte sat at the far corner of the back seat, acting as a cushion for Crowe, who leaned his back and head on Charlotte’s chest and shoulder. She kept pressing the towel on his head, to stop the bleeding, while he kept the pressure on his wrist and finger.
Feeling the softness of her body, Crowe could not avoid teasing Sidney. “This is actually a great way to travel, Parker, you should try it…”
Sitting at the driver’s seat, Sidney checked on them using the rear mirror, and seeing her confused expression, he excused his friend, “I am sorry, MsCharlotte… he is in shock” and gave her a reassuring smile.

Charlotte tucked her rebel curls behind her ear, and returned the smile.

Sidney kept talking to her. “I prefer to go to my office because the hospital will be packed. It’s a Saturday night. It was already very busy when I left, about two hours ago… Do you think you will be able to assist me?”

“Yes, yes, of course” she said. “I am just worried about the children. I hope they don’t wake up in the middle of the night.”

Crowe replied “It will be all right, they were exhausted from the beach… by the way… I don’t think I can go tomorrow… but you two can go and…”

“Please, MrCrowe, don’t exert yourself…” Charlotte said sweetly.

“Yes, let’s not think about that now”, Sidney added “I am so sorry, Crowe, this old house requires so much maintenance… I should have noticed that that door was not in a good condition…”

“Don’t blame yourself, Parker, it was an accident…I am just glad it’s been me, not one of the children…” Crowe said, relaxing in Charlotte’s arms.

They entered DrParker’s office, and they helped Crowe to lay on a gurney.

DrParker took two fresh coats from the cabinet and offered one to Charlotte. “We don’t want to spoil your lovely dress, right?” and then he asked her to follow him. They both washed their hands, and he gave her a clean towel and disposable gloves.

They returned to Crowe, and Sidney sat on the stool next to him.

“We will start with the cut on the finger. I will require your help handing me the utensils and materials. Everything is in that cabinet”.

And Charlotte proceeded to prepare everything for Sidney to start: cotton, gauzes, alcohol, syringe, ...

He carefully cleaned the skin, administered local anesthesia, and proceeded to stitch the deep cut, while Charlotte helped him, becoming an extension of his body, successfully guessing what his next move would be and what he would need. Another gauze? Hold those tweezers? Move the lamp closer?

And then he stitched the cut on the wrist.

The forehead didn’t require stitches, just a few wound closure strips.

“I need to remove his clothes and make sure that there are not more cuts or broken glasses. Do you mind waiting outside, MsCharlotte?” Sidney asked.

Sidney checked Crowe. Wearing trousers had saved him from further damage.

He called Charlotte back in, and they proceeded to cover all the wounds with sterile gauzes and bandages.

“We are almost done, I will administer the tetanus vaccine, because you haven’t had a dose in years, right?” and without waiting for his friend's answer, Sidney instructed him. “Please turn to your side, I need to see a little of your cute buttock.”

Crowed turned a bit, and faced Charlotte. Winking at her, he said “Parker, you are embarrassing me in front of the lady…”

“MsCharlotte is a professional, and does not care a fig about it, right?” he said, focused on his task.

“Right” she quietly answered, letting herself enjoy the sight. It was a pleasure to observe DrParker in his element.

He enjoyed his work, and was good at it. He looked confident, and there was a glow around him, like when uncle Fred was working on his perfumes. She could not avoid admiring his handsome profile. “Make yourself useful, Charlotte” she thought. “DrParker, shall I call Sanditon House?”

“Yes, of course, please use the telephone on my desk.” He said, finishing up with Crowe.

Charlotte sat in his chair, and dialed the numbers that Sidney dictated.

She spoke to MrsGriffith, explained what happened, and gave her instructions “….yes, MrsGrifith, he will be all right. An unfortunate accident, that is all. A few cuts that needed stitches. At Dr Parker’s office. We should be back in less than one hour…” she raised her gaze and looked at Sidney “Right?” he nodded, and she continued “I know it is late, but can you please have someone take care of the broken glasses? It is dangerous… Also, if you could have some tea ready for DrParker and MrCrowe it would be nice. Yes, in their rooms. Yes, only tea. Thank you MrsGriffith, we will see you soon”.

Charlotte hung up, and saw both gentlemen looking at her. Crowe was grinning, DrParker seemed to have seen a ghost.

“Is something the matter?” she asked.

“It is just that…you spoke like you are the mistress of Sanditon House, MsCharlotte. Not even Mary gives orders this clear to MrsGriffith”

Charlotte blushed. ”Oh! I am sorry… it must be the circ*mstances… Shall I call back, to apologize?”.

“Don’t mind him, MsCharlotte. You did wonderful”, Sidney said “Now, Crowe, I need you to keep lying down for a few more minutes, so we can tidy up and go back home”.

Sidney and Charlotte disposed of the used materials, cleaned the tools, and washed their hands side by side. “You have given a good account of yourself, again today, MsCharlotte” he said, giving her a side glance.

“Thank you, sir” she replied. “I must say that seeing you at work has been very inspiring…”

“Do you mean that I could be the protagonist in your next story?” he said flirtatiously.

She couldn’t avoid batting her eyelashes “You may”. She took the borrowed white coat off, and gently left it in the laundry bin, swiftly returning to Crowe’s side.

Sidney smiled to himself, and threw some water on his face to freshen up.

They made it back to Sanditon House, and headed to their rooms, looking forward to having a good night's rest.

Sidney fell in his bed tired after his long day, and when he closed his eyes something his dad used to say to his mom came to his mind, “Darling, it is so nice to be the two of us”.

He felt that Charlotte would be sharing his concerns and his worries, and would be multiplying his hopes and happiness.

He was quite convinced that Charlotte was his other half, and thinking of the course of action he should follow in order to do things properly, he fell asleep.

At the other end of the hallway, Charlotte slipped under the covers and tried to relax. She didn’t mention anything, but she had seen the candidates' files sitting on Dr Parker's desk when she had sat there to call MrsGriffith.

Now she had the certainty that in a matter of days, someone would be hired. She felt her heart cracking a bit. She would miss Sanditon House. And after reflection, she corrected herself, she would miss the people in Sanditon House…and she corrected herself again, she would miss some people: the children, dear MrCrowe … and she would terribly miss DrParker. Strict and meticulous, but trustworthy and caring DrParker.

She felt a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Oh! Come on, Charlotte!" She told herself "don't you want to go back to London? And finish your studies?"

That thought distracted her from her lovesickness, and she fell sound asleep.

Chapter 13: A pleasurable punishment

Chapter Text

He woke up with the smell of coffee and toasts that MrsGriffith had left in the sitting area of his suite. He jumped from his bed, drew back the curtains and uncovered a beautiful day. He smiled, unless Crowe needed him, he would be taking Charlotte and the children to the beach.

He walked to the table and took the newspaper and tray with the food. He enjoyed enormously the pleasure of having breakfast in bed, and he would not let anything spoil one of his favourite moments. Hiding in his cocoon, reading the newspaper and solving the Sunday crossword without any rush, in the quiet of his room.

It was mid-morning when, well rested and nicely shaved, Sidney headed downstairs. He had made a decision, and was resolved to follow his plan. He knew what he wanted, and he felt confident.

The voices coming from the living room guided his steps, and as he got closer his legs felt weaker, and he started doubting himself. She was so beautiful, kind, smart… and she was much younger too, seven years to be precise. Why would she be interested in a boring guy like him? And then a terrible thought crossed his mind… what if she had a boyfriend? Impossible. Crowe would have known.

He slowed down and breathed in.

“…no, he didn’t stitch the one in the forefront because it wasn’t that deep, and the scar would spoil this handsome face of mine” he heard Crowe say, and the laughs of the children made him smile.

“What? You don’t find me handsome?” Crowe jested, and the children laughed and laughed.

Sidney stopped at the door frame admiring the scene. Crowe was lying down on the chaise longue, surrounded by the little crowd. Charlotte was sitting on a nearby chair, with Henry on her lap. Alicia was leaning at the end of the chaise by Crowe’s feet, and Jenny’s little hands on his shoulders were giving him a massage.

“MsCharlotte, your pupils need a punishment, I say. Take them to the beach and make them build at least three sandcastles and collect 30 shells!” and then he playfully scolded her “Do I see a smile on your face, too? I must think of a punishment for you also…, MsCharlotte” he scratched his chin. “You will have to swim back and forth to the furthest buoy, using butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle… With their uncle Sidney”.

“But uncle Sidney is innocent…” Jenny said.

“Well, this finger is itching really badly, I guess he has something to do… Also, someone has to make sure that MsCharlotte does not cheat” he chuckled.

And they all laughed again.

Crowe was a real family man, Sidney thought. Maybe they should use Esther’s matchmaking stratagems to find him a partner.

“Can I see it?” Alicia asked.

Crowe extended his hand with the wrapped finger “Maybe MsCharlotte could remove the gauze and …”

“Ahem… “ Sidney interrupted. “I think that the doctor would have something to say…”.
All the heads in the room turned to him “Good morning, everyone… I see you feel a lot better, Francis… How did you sleep?”

“Well, I had to take some painkillers when the anesthesia effect wore off, especially the finger hurt terribly… But I am much better now…”

Sidney walked to him, and checked his temperature by touching his forehead.
“Do you have a fever?…” he asked.

“No, no, I don’t. I am fresh as a daisy. MsCharlotte checked a moment ago”, Crowe said, pointing at the thermometer on the table.

“Good.” Sidney said, acknowledging her.

“Alicia, will you please go ask for a jar of water?” Sidney instructed, and then addressed Crowe “You need to be well hydrated…and I will check the wounds in a moment”.

“Sounds great. Thank you, Parker”, Crowe replied.

Sidney then turned to Charlotte. “May I talk to you in private, MsCharlotte?”

She furrowed her brow “Yes, of course” she answered, taking Henry off her lap, and quickly standing up.

“We will be back shortly” he looked at the children. “You take care of uncle Francis, uh?”

Jenny and Henry nodded.

Sidney and Charlotte headed to his study “Is something the matter, sir?” she asked in their way, sensing him worried.

“No, no, all is good” he assured her, producing a little smile, and letting her enter the room before him.

They sat down, and Sidney took a moment to clear the table. He carefully put his expensive fountain pen back in its case. He closed his agenda and kept it in the drawer. He stood up and opened the window. He sighed.

Charlotte observed his random choreography.

She could only think of a topic that involved her, but she could not understand why it was so difficult for him to bring it up “DrParker, if I may, is this about MrsDout’s replacement? I saw the resumes sitting on your desk…”

He met her eyes and nodded, and she bashfully explained “unintentionally, when I called MrsGriffith from your office“.

He relaxed, and walked back to his desk. He sat down and finally elaborated “Please do not apologize, MsCharlotte… You are right. I haven’t told you anything until now, because it has been difficult to make up my mind. I am sure that you know how much I…, the children…, we all appreciate you, and that has made the new hiring process harder. But after many considerations, I think that we have found a candidate. MrsFuchs will call the agency tomorrow, the person in question can start in one week… “ He paused, observing Charlotte’s reaction.

She unconsciously brought her hand to her heart. And then she tried to look unaffected and forced a cheerful tone. “Of course… Count on me until then, and I can stay to help in the transition, for one or two days… just, if you like… I will be happy to”.

“Thank you, that would be a good idea, as long as you don’t warn her about her annoying, meticulous, and occasionally rude new boss…” he said, lowering his gaze, clearly seeking her attention.

His tactics made her smile.

She bit her lip, and took a moment to answer “I guess we had a rough start, but it was not entirely your fault… I am well aware of my unruly character…“

They locked eyes and Charlotte added “In fact, after giving it many many thoughts, I have decided that I am not going back to nursing school…”.

It was the first time she had voiced it, and it felt unreal.

Sidney raised his eyebrows in surprise, and she felt encouraged to explain her decision “I can’t bear the idea of going back to London, leaving my loved ones, and facing the strict studies, rules and protocols… I guess I have finally accepted that I am not made for the job…” she tilted her head “I plan to apply to a part-time position as a reporter for the Sanditon Gazette… I want to learn how to write, and I feel that it could be a job that would better match my nature“

Sidney processed her words, and stared at her in awe. “You are brave, MsCharlotte. It is never easy to change course… and I am truly happy for you because you would probably not achieve personal fulfillment if caged in the walls of a hospital…" and he added “However, I disagree on something you said; you are very capable to succeed in any path you choose, like you showed us last night”

She blushed “Thank y..”

A knock at the door startled them, and MrsGriffith went in. “Sir, shall MrNichols get the car ready? MrCrowe told me that you are going to the beach”.

Charlotte and Sidney smiled at each other. “Yes, I really need some bracing exercise…”

And so they went.

One arm pulls, the other recovers, breathe, legs kick, faster! One arm pulls, the other recovers, breathe, legs kick…faster!… Almost there. Charlotte decided to dive the last meter to the buoy, wanting to be first in their race.
She grabbed the giant buoy’s chain and emerged onto the surface. She exhaled and opened her eyes to find Sidney already there, looking at her with a broad smile on his face. He raked his wet hair back with one hand. With his other hand, he was holding onto the buoy, too.

He immediately turned to look at the children standing on the sand, waiting to know who had won, and he raised his arm, proclaiming himself the winner. The little ones cheerfully clapped, and then grabbed their plastic shovels and sat down, resigned to wait for their uncle and Charlotte to come back.

“Well done, MsCharlotte!... You made it difficult…” he said, breathing in.

“It is my usual exercise, I have done it millions of times with my uncle. And I must admit that I did not expect you to be in such a good shape … ”

Sidney arched one eyebrow. “Don’t I look fit enough to you?”

Charlotte chuckled “It is just that I don’t see when you can possibly exercise…”

They were floating, using the buoy to resist the current. Enjoying that precious moment alone.

“Well, to take care of others, I have to take care of myself too…so I swim when I can, and I play tennis at the club…” and then he admitted “although it is true that I haven’t done much of it, lately… I have preferred to get home as early as possible after work…”.

They locked eyes.

And his gaze confirmed what he could not voice yet.

Charlotte smiled, and Sidney mirrored her. His heart was beating wildly with the certainty that she was open to his advances.

A seagull landing on top of the buoy, broke their trance.

Feeling self-conscious, Charlotte turned her head to check on the children. “We should get back to them… Can I challenge you, again?”

He let himself off the buoy, thankful for the small waves that pushed him away from her and helped him resist the impulse of kissing those beautiful lips “Will your pride resist a second defeat?” he said in jest.

“My pride does not have anything to do, and I am afraid I am not a competitive person, DrParker. I’d enter any race, just for the fun of it!” Charlotte replied playfully.

“Just for the fun of it, MsCharlotte?… I am a grown-up man, and it is not story-telling time yet…” he said, enjoying their banter.

She chuckled “Well, I have to use any strategy is allowed to put you off, right?… Now, ready? Three, two, one, go!”

One arm pulls, the other recovers, breathe, legs kick, faster! One arm pulls, the other recovers, breathe, legs kick…faster!… and again, and again. When Charlotte felt the shallow waters, she stopped swimming, and stood unstable on her feet. She pulled her hair back, just to see that Sidney had won again.

With a big grin on his face, he made a step towards her and extended his arm to grab her hand, pulling her out of the backwash “The current is quite strong today…MsCharlotte, and I am sorry for the sea, but I won't let it kiss you again…”
She instinctively batted her eyelashes “Thank you…” and seeing Jenny coming over to them, she let his hand go, and she concealed her excitement “And you won again, but don’t think that I have thrown the towel…” she replied, panting.

“I must say that I would be very disappointed, otherwise” Sidney bantered, also breathing in.

They walked to the rest of the group, and a short while later they packed up and drove back to Sanditon House. Thirty shells in their pocket were the proof that they had paid the pleasureable punishment imposed by Crowe.

Chapter 14: A sweet apple pie


Thank you very much for all you comments and support! I hope this story is making you happy <3

Chapter Text

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… went fast that week.

Charlotte and the children went to town to get their artworks framed for Sidney. At that same store, she bought a unique small wooden frame. She thought that the aquarelle that she had painted for her parents' anniversary would look pretty on it.

Afterwards, they visited a bookstore to get the farewell gifts that she had planned. She knew that there was no need, but she truly wanted them to have something from her.

As they stepped in, they saw that a puppet play was about to start at the young readers' corner. While the children sat in front of the wooden booth to watch the show, Charlotte had time to shop freely.

The one that she wanted for Crowe, though, was in such high demand that the bookstore didn’t have any copies left. They had to call a supplier in London to order it. “Are you sure that I will have it by Friday?” Charlotte asked the manager, “It is for a gift that I need to give that day…” she whispered, checking on the children that were absorbed in the performance.

“Yes, madam, do not fret. I will have the boy deliver all your books to Sanditon House on Friday afternoon, so you don’t need to carry them now, if you want to keep the surprise…” she replied whispering too, pointing at the children with her chin.

Charlotte nodded and smiled “That is a good idea” and handed her the ones that she had chosen for the children, a nicely illustrated story book for the girls and a colouring book for Henry.

She held DrParker’s in her hand for a moment before giving it to her. She looked again at the cover. It was a beautiful edition, the picture of an ornate moorish window facing a dark blue night sky with multiple stars and a silver crescent moon. As Crowe suggested, it was a classic, and she had checked the library to make sure that he didn’t have it. A fantastic compilation of stories… The Arabian nights.

She caressed it and found herself daydreaming. She could see herself cuddled in his arms, listening to his deep voice reading it just to her.

She sighed.

“Excuse me, are you with the Parker children?” A voice behind her brought her to reality.

Charlotte turned and looked at the lady who was asking, “Yes, I am their nanny…”

“Esther Babington” she extended her hand, and Charlotte hesitantly shook it “Pleased to meet you, I am Charlotte Heywood.”

“I am a friend of Sidney’s. I mean DrParker. My husband and I work with him at the hospital…”

“Oh.. Yes, DrBabbington, you are good friends with MrCrowe too, right?” Charlotte quickly reacted.

“Oh, Crowe!” Esther chuckled “I guess he is using his accident as an excuse to be spoiled by everyone at Sanditon House, right?… he called me the other day, in front of poor Sidney, saying that I would have done a better job on the stitches…” she smiled and shook her head.

“So, MsCharlotte, you took the children out for a fun day in town?”

Charlotte nodded “Yes, I needed to run a couple of errands… and we ran into the puppet show here” and added “I think it is a nice initiative!”

Esther agreed, “Yes, I was walking by and when I saw the sign, I walked in too” she pointed at a red-headed toddler sitting next to Jenny. “That is my son, Robbie”.

And while Charlotte innocently looked at the little boy and told her how adorable he was, Esther took a moment to observe her, and came up with an explanation of why Sidney Parker had been absent from their lives for the past weeks.


“DrParker, wait!” MrsFuchs called Sidney when he was at the door, about to leave the office for the day.
She was holding the telephone, and covering the mouthpiece “It is MrsEvans, from the dairy farm…”.

Sidney stepped back in and gave her a worried look, “What is it?”
“It seems that MrEvans has an acute flank pain…” MrsFuchs said with a frown.

“Please, tell her that I will be there in about half an hour”, Sidney instructed.
It was probably another renal colic. MrEvans had recently had a previous episode. He would need an injection of a strong analgesic, Sidney thought, while going back to the pharmacy cabinet and putting in his briefcase the drugs that he considered necessary.

MrNichols drove him to the farm, and he found MrEvans curled up in bed with the symptoms of kidney stone pain. He treated him, and as soon as the suffering eased and his patient was resting, Sidney left the room and sat down to talk with MrsEvans at their humble kitchen table.

“MrsEvans, I am afraid that these colics will keep happening… Has he followed the diet that I prescribed? Has he quit smoking?” he asked.
She answered without looking him in the eye “Not completely, but I must say that he has been behaving…”

‘Patients don’t always tell the truth’, Sidney’s dad's wise words echoed in his mind and he replied, adopting a more authoritative tone, “All right. He needs to stop smoking and follow that diet. It is mandatory. I will leave these painkillers here for the coming hours. He should be better in a couple of days, but make an appointment at the hospital. I need them to run these tests” he said, writing all the instructions on a prescription.

“Come to my office with the results, and I will explain the next steps” he said, standing up.

The old lady patted his forearm. “DrParker, would you like to stay for some tea? You look tired. It will make you good…” she kindly offered.

“Thank you MrsEvans, maybe another day… tonight I’d rather go home. I have to be at the hospital very early tomorrow, and I’d like to say goodnight to my nieces and nephew…” he kindly replied.

“Oh, of course…so your brother is still away… Give me one moment. Take some apple pie that I baked, I know you all love it” and without waiting for his answer, she moved quickly around the kitchen wrapping the delicious food.

Sidney sat in the car thinking about MrEvans. These kidney stones were a sign of a major problem... He took his agenda from the briefcase and made himself a note to have MrsFuchs call them in a few days, to ensure they had made an appointment for the tests. In his experience, when pain disappeared, patients would not follow the recommendations, and would aggravate their conditions by disregarding medical advice. It could be frustrating, he thought, on his way home three hours later than he had planned.

He had chosen that life, though, he was used to it, and he liked it… but what would happen when there was his wife and children waiting for him?

Saturday would be the last day of Charlotte at Sanditon House, and he was wishing to use the next couple of evenings to get closer to her, and find a way to ask her out.

The sweet intense smell of the pie invaded the cabin of the car, and made him really hungry… and the image of Charlotte’s shiny tanned body coming out of the water came back to his mind, again. It had been torturing his senses since Sunday, pushing him to work more efficiently than ever to get back home as early as possible.

That thought made him check the time on his wristwatch, and his heart jumped at the realization that it was not that late. Perhaps he would still catch Charlotte reading in the hallway, or if he was really lucky, he would make it on time to hear the sweet noise of her lips kissing the children’s foreheads goodnight.

He shook his head and smiled, what a romantic fool he had become. His judgment was completely clouded by her powerful sex pheromones, and he was relishing the high of being in love.

The car stopped at the main door of Sanditon House, and Sidney jumped out of it. He strode into the house, and quickly checked if there was light in the hallway upstairs.

MrsGriffith welcomed him and Sidney handed her his briefcase, while walking away. “Please take it to my study, and get my dinner ready. I will be right back. There is a pie in the backseat of the car…”.

The housekeeper, incapable of uttering a word, just nodded. She was stunned. What could possibly have happened that altered Dr Parker’s habits? She had prepared the summary that he usually asked for on his way to his study. Instead, she was holding his briefcase, while he was flying upstairs.

Charlotte was absorbed in her book, when she heard the noise of Sidney’s fast approaching steps. She raised her head and saw him reaching the top of the stairs. He was still wearing his jacket and his tie, and his handsome face brightened when he discovered her.

Charlotte’s heart jumped with anticipation, sensing his eagerness.

She rose from her chair, and flashed him a lovely smile. “DrParker… How was your day?” she asked, trying to conceal her excitement.

He slowed down his pace, and stopped a couple of feet before her “MsCharlotte…”

How could it be that her eyes appeared brighter, her lips fuller, her cheeks rosier, her hair softer… He was totally lost in her, imagining how it would feel caressing her neck and devouring her lips. He caught his breath and fought his basic instincts. Resist! He told himself, just two more days.

He rubbed his nape, and tried to hide his state of arousal “…it was good, uhm… how was yours?“

“We went to the shop to frame the artw…” Charlotte did not finish the sentence, she lightly furrowed her brow and made a step towards him. She closed her eyes and breathed him in.

“I am sorry, I couldn’t resist… you are wrapped in a delightful pie scent”, she said a few seconds later, opening her eyes and fluttering her eyelashes.

Sidney chuckled “how irresponsible of me.. I forgot that you are quite an expert in scents and perfumes…” and without caring at all about being too forward, he suggested playfully “and now that you caught me, I will have to share MrsEvans wonderful apple pie with you… can I offer you a piece of it, in exchange for your company while I have some supper?” he asked with pleading eyes.

Charlotte took a moment to assess the situation; Crowe was already resting, the children were asleep too, so it would be just the two of them… with the eventual maid on duty. Would that be proper? No. She knew it wouldn’t be.

She looked at his slightly open lips, and once again in her life, impulsivity won over sensibility.

“Well, I guess that I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t try it…” she said, locking eyes with him.

She made another step towards him, and slowly put her arms around his neck. She tiptoed and whispered “Sidney…” He was initially shocked, but the pleasure that invaded him put him totally at her mercy. And then Charlotte placed her lips on his.

He wrapped his arms around her delicate waist, careful not to offend her, and he searched for her lips. Slowly pulling her body closer, making her feel that he was kissing it with each inch of his.

At that moment, he knew what happiness was. He felt complete, full. He didn’t need air, water or food, he could live entirely out of his love for Charlotte.

She caressed his stubble, and her gaze met his smiling eyes. “Angel face, unruly… that is what I thought when I first met you…” he said, “and since then I’ve been dreaming of tasting those strawberry lips of yours”.

And he chased her lips, again. More passionately this time, his tongue seeking hers. He had cornered her against the wall, looking for some support, while his hands pressed her harder against him.

Charlotte broke the kiss to get some air, and tried to make him aware of where they were, while Sidney started kissing the side of her neck.

“Sidney, we should stop…” she said, looking at the children’s bedroom doors.

“I know…but I can’t let you go..” He replied, holding her tight, “Charlotte…”

Some noise downstairs made him come to his senses.

“Please, come with me… my supper may be ready” he whispered.

She shook her head, and gently took his hands off, “I’d better not… everybody here counts on my help until Saturday, and their respect is important to me… they will notice if we …” she put her hand on his chest. “but you know that I am yours, Sidney… ” she said getting lost in his incredulous eyes.

“What kind of torture is this, Charlotte? I can’t believe that you care more about MrsGriffith’s good opinion than me…” he whispered, holding her again.

She put her hands on both sides of his face, and brought his lips to hers, melting in an endless kiss.

“All right, I will behave…”

They smiled at each other, and Sidney went downstairs to finish his day while Charlotte walked to her bedroom, both of them counting the hours until Saturday evening.

Chapter 15: It was her brother!


Just a short chapter today ;)
I may need to add a few more, I hope you don't mind!

Chapter Text

Friday at dawn, the alarm clock woke up Sidney. After a restless night, constantly debating between staying put in bed and knocking at Charlotte’s door to continue their exchange of kisses and caresses, he jumped from his bed unexpectedly energetic.

The early shift at the hospital would allow him to make it home in the afternoon, and since MrsFuchs had cleared the rest of the day, he might even have time for a short nap if needed, before Charlotte would arrive from her family’s celebration.

He showered, shaved, got perfectly dressed, and went downstairs to have his breakfast.

Since it was too early to have the new one, he opened the old newspaper in search of some distraction while drinking his coffee.

However, he soon put it away. Charlotte telling him that she was his… had made Sidney extremely happy, and he felt so grateful and full of joy that going over the abundant news about human miseries and pain made him feel guilty.

A little poem that a classmate read aloud in class, when he was in high school, came to his head “… Why only earthquakes, blizzards, and fires are in the news? The poppies in the wheat field, the shells left by the tide, the swallows building their nests… these should be in the news too!...”. He smiled, it would be the kind of poem that Charlotte would write.

He finished his coffee, folded his napkin, and checked the time. Mr Nichols would be waiting with the car at the main door in a short while, so he should get up to go upstairs and finalize reading himself.


A few minutes later, he emerged from his bedroom, fresh and full of energy. ‘It is a beautiful day to improve lives’, he thought as he strode along the hallway.

“Sidney!” Charlotte whispered, poking her head out of her door.

He stopped in his tracks right before going down the stairs, and turned towards her voice, trying to discern her shape in the shadows of the still dark corridor.

She approached him, and he could see that she was wearing that button-front dress that accentuated her curves. She had arranged her still wet hair with some clips, and her curls were drying in a very becoming manner.

He walked to her, extending his arms to grab her hands, “Did you wake up so early just to see me?” he playfully whispered.

Charlotte nodded, her gaze meeting his “Yes, I… I have been wondering if last night really happened… or it was a dream…” she said, and then she bit her lower lip, embarrassed of so obviously being unable to resist him.

And before she could continue, her lips were blocked by his, and Sidney’s hands were pressing her body against him, telling her how much he wanted and desired her.

She sensed uncle Fred’s perfume on him, and she brought her hand to caress his perfectly shaved face. A moan escaped her, while she left a trail of light kisses on his jaw and his neck.

“Oh, Charlotte… you have no idea of what you do to me” he murmured in her ear.

She melted at his words, and leaned her head on his chest. “Mr Nichols must be waiting for you, you need to go now…” she looked at him, faking a pouting face.

Sidney smiled and ducked his head to place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I could very well get used to this morning greetings, …” he said, “I will be here when you get back...” He took her hand and kissed it, “have fun with your family, my darling”.

She gave him a wink “Have a good shift, DrParker”.

That was a wonderful prelude to the rest of their lives, Sidney thought while jumping in the car.

"Good morning, MrNichols" he said.
"Good morning, sir" the chauffeur answered. It was the first time that DrParker had made him wait.
Using the back mirror, MrNichols spied on the young man. He was raking his disheveled hair, and adjusting his tie... Interesting, the chauffeur thought, perhaps the rumors that he had heard at the staff's quarters were true this time.


By mid-morning, Sidney placed a call to Sanditon House from the public phone at the Hospital. He wanted to make sure that MrsGriffith had prepared a special dinner to celebrate Charlotte’s last night at the house. He asked to speak to Crowe too.

“What’s up, Parker?” Crowe asked him.

“Hello, I wanted to remind you that I will be removing your stitches this evening… as soon as Charlotte gets back from her family reunion…" he started, and Crowe jested "Did you just make it sound like a threat?"

Sidney chuckled "... in truth, I was wondering if you could purchase a nice bunch of flowers for the kids to give her...” Sidney lowered his tone.

“Of course… how is it all going?” Crowe inquired.
“It is going well, very well, indeed… Do you mind telling her to get the phone, now? Is she around?” Sidney was avid for hearing her voice.

“I am sorry, my friend, she left just a few minutes ago…” Crowe was tempted to tease Sidney, by telling him that a handsome guy on a motorbike had picked Charlotte up, and skipping the part that she had introduced him as her brother...

But he decided against it, he didnt want a crossed doctor taking care of his stitches.

Chapter 16: That's amore


I hope you like surprises :)

Chapter Text

When Charlotte arrived at her parent’s home she was ecstatic to find her whole family there; grandmother, uncles and aunts, siblings and cousins.

The dining and living rooms had been transformed for the occasion. The furniture had been rearranged to make space for the temporarily added table extensions and extra chairs.

The crystal ware on the delicate tablecloth, the flower arrangements, and the special candles that uncle Fred had provided, created a beautiful atmosphere.

Allison, Charlotte’s younger sister, had designed pretty cards with the name of each member of the family, and had placed them on the table to indicate where they were supposed to sit. Margo and Gerard Heywood, the honoured couple, were sharing the head of the table, and the rest of them were distributed mainly by age groups, having the younger ones sitting at the far end.

Two maids were hired to help with the food and to handle the kitchen, so that they could all relax and enjoy their meal together. The Heywood’s have been preparing every detail of this event to make it unforgettable.

“Lucky me!” uncle Fred said, finding out that Charlotte was to sit next to him.

She gave him a peck on the cheek “I’ve missed you, uncle…”, and she asked him about the perfumerie right away, looking forward to listening to his projects and ideas.

However, Fred Heywood preferred to learn about Charlotte’s stay at Sanditon House, so he didn’t talk much about his things, “Tell me about your experience at the grand mansion, darling. How is DrParker doing?”

The table was noisy and loud, and even though MrsHeywood sat a few places away from her brother-in-law, she was able to single out his question in the middle of the chatter as only mothers can do. She concealed her curiosity, keeping her gaze on her glass of wine and nodding at her husband, but all her senses were focused on Charlotte’s reply and reaction.

By the corner of her eye, Margo noticed her daughter lowering her eyesight, and drying her lips with the napkin, attempting to hide her blush.

“Uhm, DrParker is fine. Busy. Really busy” she answered, emphasizing the word ‘busy’. Trying to send a message, He-has-no-time-to-care-about-me, to that extra uninvited pair of ears that she could sense in their conversation.

Unfortunately, her tactic had the opposite effect, and it definitely convinced her mom that there was something going on between Charlotte and the man she was working for.

Very intelligently, Charlotte started talking about her position in the newspaper, and uncle Fred could not refrain himself from showering her with all sorts of advices.

Their lively chat drew the interest of the other guests, so there was silence for a while, as they all looked and listened to Charlotte explaining what she would be doing at the Sanditon Gazette.

Margo observed her enthusiastic daughter. Her heart swelled with joy seeing her so immensely happy. However, it was her motherly duty to have a talk with her.

As they were done with the main courses, Charlotte got up and took some of the empty dishes back to the kitchen, to help clear the table for the cake and coffee. Margo took advantage of that opportunity to approach her. “Charlotte, darling, do you mind helping me out one moment? …”

“Of course, mom, what do you need?” Charlotte’s big eyes looked at her mom, trying to discern if there was another intention behind it.

Margo smiled to appease her “follow me” and led her upstairs to her room.

Entering her parents' bedroom she breathed in the well-known scent that made her always feel like a little girl. Memories of jumping into her parents' bed to calm down from a nightmare, opening her mom’s closet and putting on her necklaces, sitting at her vanity with Allison and trying her makeup, playing hide and seek behind the curtains…

Although she knew that her mom intended to corner her, she walked into that court-martial knowing that her intentions were for good.
“Please help me with this zipper, it feels a bit too tight” Margo said, turning her back to her daughter.

Charlotte pulled it down half an inch. “Is this better?”

“Bufff, yes. Much better, “ She said, relieved “I don’t think anyone will notice, right? Is my back exposed? Does my hair hide it, or shall I put on a shawl?” Margo asked, looking at her daughter’s reflection in the mirror.

“Don’t put a shawl, it is too hot... Your hair covers it. You look beautiful, mom”, Charlotte smiled.

“I will do as you say, then” she said, sitting down on her bed and patting at the side “Sit down here now, darling, I need to ask you something”.

Charlotte sat down and locked eyes with her, “Yes, mom?”

“Are you convinced about definitely dropping nursing school?”

Charlotte nodded.

“But it was your dream… are you sure? You have invested so much, and … I know that it was hard for you…but I don’t want you to regret your choice in a few months…” Margo insisted.

“I have thought it through, mom…” Charlotte replied.

Margo tried to elicit more information. “Don’t you want to go back to London? You will have more options there…”

And finally Charlotte elaborated more, “No, mom. I want to stay in Sanditon, I really want to learn how to write, and the newspaper is offering me an opportunity to learn. I know that I will start following reporters covering unimportant events and doing whatever other people will not want to do, but I am looking forward to it.” And she added “Besides…you all are here…”

Her mother’s eyes got bigger. “Us all… the family, and someone else, right?”

Charlotte couldn’t lie to her, and she reddened “Yes, the family and someone else…”

Margo sighed, “And this ‘someone else’, of course, prefers that you stay around than you leave for the big city…”

Her mom’s implication frustrated her. “No, mom. Don’t go that way, please. It was my choice!”

“All right, darling. I am sorry…” her mom said, caressing Charlotte’s hand “I just want to make sure that you look after yourself… men are selfish. I have seen so many bright women ending up in boring marriages and without a purpose in life. You are very special, Charlotte. I hope he knows that.”

Charlotte smiled at her mom. She appreciated that she was a direct and practical woman, and that they had always had open conversations about any topic.

“I think he does, mom. However, we are at the very beginning of our relationship… I don’t know yet where we are heading,…”

Her mom chuckled “Based on your bright eyes and silly smile, you are heading to your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in about twenty-six years!”

“Mom!” Charlotte shook her head.

“How old is DrParker, Charlotte?” Margo asked without doubting who was the recipient of her daughter’s heart.

Charlotte was in awe. Was there anything her mom did not know?

“He is seven years my senior…” she confessed, worried about her mom’s opinion.

“Well, believe me. Although we are in 1957, there are things that never change, darling. Men, even the best ones, have only one idea in their heads… and I need to ask you, Charlotte: Please don’t be naive, and value yourself. If DrParker loves you as you think he does, he will find a way to pursue you in an honorable way... Do you think that it is a good idea that you keep sharing the same roof?”

Charlotte pursed her lips, and defended herself. “We haven’t done anything untoward mom…I am quite sure that he is waiting to ask me out after I finish my work there tomorrow…”

“I know he is a gentleman... Still, you need to lead him in the right way.” Margo stood firm, and looked at her daughter’s furrowing brow.

They were quiet for a few seconds.

Whatever choice Charlotte would make, someone was going to get hurt. Either her mom, if she didn’t follow her advice, or Sidney, who had probably prepared a special evening for her.

A knock at the door startled them.

“A Sidney Parker is here asking about Charlotte…” Allison excitedly announced, making both daughter and mom’s jaws fall open.

Margo Heywood panicked. “How do I look? Quickly, pull that zipper up again!”

The two sisters exchanged smiling glances, and laughed at their mom’s comical reaction.

Charlotte helped Margo, and flew the room with Allison. “I am glad he is a doctor, because the surprise has put all of them at the verge of a heart attack!” Allison giggled.

They went downstairs, and when they entered the living room, they found Sidney shaking hands with an astonished Gerard Heywood, under the stunned gaze of the rest of the family.

Charlotte was paralyzed at the door frame, unsure of what to say or what to do. Understanding what stage panic meant.

Following the eyes of MrHeywood, Sidney turned and discovered Charlotte.

Allison pushed her sister in, and whispered “Go help him, Char!”

She walked swiftly to his side, but her initial embarrassment made his confidence plummet. “I…I finished my shift and I… I thought that I would stop by, and congratulate your parents on this milestone…”.

Charlotte then gave him a lovely smile, and sensing her eyes getting lost in his, gave him the strength to continue his endeavour.

The pleased voice of MrsHeywood awoke him from his reverie. “And we really appreciate your visit, DrParker. I am Margo Heywood, and I am pleased to meet you”.

Sidney raised his head and looked at the beautiful older version of Charlotte that was welcoming him, and he extended the bunch of flowers that he had been holding for a while.

After exchanging pleasantries and introducing the rest of the family, uncle Fred made Sidney sit in his place and he found himself a space with the younger ones.

Charlotte caressed his hand under the table and softly told him “I am glad you changed your mind, and showed up here, Sidney… It is very important to me…”.

Their moment was interrupted as the cake and coffee began to be served, and Mr and Mrs Heywood rose from their chairs to deliver a speech. It was splendid. With cheerful words they expressed the good and the sad moments of all those years together, bringing smiles and tears to their audience.

Uncle Fred got up from his place and walked to the kitchen. He came back pushing a small piece of furniture with wheels on it. It had a cover, and nobody could tell what exactly it was.

He pushed it into the wall and plugged it.

He pulled the cover off. “Ta Taaa!” he uttered, showing a record player “This is my gift…”

“Ta Taaa!” Allison shouted from her seat, showing a record in her hands, “And that’s ours” she said, gesturing at her siblings.

“Ohhhh!” Margo covered her open mouth.

“It is Dean Martin’s That’s Amore!” a thrilled Gerard said, “This is an amazing present, Fred! And you all… Let’s play it!”

The record jumped from Allison’s hands to others, until it quickly reached Uncle Fred’s. He skillfully placed it on the player.

As soon as the song started, Gerard pulled Margo’s hand to dance it with him. And a second later, other couples formed and joined them.

“Would you dance with me, Charlotte?” Sidney said, getting up from his chair.

“Of course…” Charlotte replied, putting one hand on his shoulder, and placing her other hand on his.

They danced, locking their eyes, listening to the song, dying to kiss each other but aware that they should keep a respectful distance.

However, after checking that his surroundings were safe, Sidney could not avoid moving closer to her ear and whispering “I love you, Charlotte…”.

“…that’s amore…” the song went on.

The day the sea kissed you - BCNATL (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.