The secret to fudgier cookies? It's all about the butter. (2024)

Cookies: The New ClassicsauthorJesse Szewczyk knows a thing or two about how to make great cookies. And for anyone who wants theirs as fudgy as can be, he's sharing his go-to technique below.(Heads up: At King Arthur, we only recommend the cookbooks that we, as bakers, truly love. When you buy through external links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.)

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I’ve baked nearly a thousand batches of cookies over the past few years — and that’s no hyperbole. My first cookbook (aptly titled Cookies) included 100 different recipes ranging from snickerdoodles to shortbread. I spent countless days baking cookies, adjusting bake times, ingredients, and processes until the finished product came out just right.

This formulaic approach to cookie baking made me look at them differently. Now when I eat a cookie, I notice when it’s made with shortening versus butter, when the dough would have benefited from resting in the fridge, and if it was over- or under-mixed. But one of the most obvious details I now pick up on is when a cookie is made with melted butter versus creamed butter. This might sound like a rather minor detail, but the change in texture is significant, and it’s one I don’t think is talked about enough.

What makes cookies made with melted butter different?

Creaming softened butter and sugar together incorporates air into the dough, helping cookies rise, puff up, and become lighter as they bake. Traditional wisdom suggests that failing to do so results in cookies that are dense — but what if you want your cookies to be dense?

I’ve always been a fan of cookies that are rich and fudgy in the center, so the idea of forgoing the creaming process made sense to me. About halfway through writing Cookies, I started using melted butter instead of creaming it. By switching up the technique, I omitted all the extra air that gets incorporated into the dough during creaming, and as a result, the cookies made with melted butter were significantly chewier and fudgier than those made with creamed butter.

Think of it this way: Brownies and blondies both have an amazing dense texture — not raw or undercooked in the center, but legitimately fudgy. These treats are almost always made with melted butter, omitting that extra rise that comes from creamed butter. Using melted butter in cookies helps you achieve a similar fudgy-yet-cooked texture and prevents any unwanted cakiness.

Instead of the rise coming from both chemical and physical leavening agents (baking soda/powder + creamed butter), it now comes almost exclusively from chemical agents alone. Chemical leavening agents help the cookies rise and puff in the oven but are not necessarily strong enough to prevent cookies from deflating once they hit a certain threshold of puffiness. Cookies made with melted butter often deflate and become denser when they cool, resulting in a perfectly cooked fudgy center — a similar textural result to brownies that get rapped (aka banged against an oven rack mid-bake to deflate them) or Sarah Kieffer's iconic pan-banging cookies that turn out pleasantly compact.

The secret to fudgier cookies? It's all about the butter. (2)

Jenn Bakos

Can you use melted butter in any cookie recipe?

Melted butter is best suited for drop doughs such as chocolate chip, peanut butter, and sugar cookies, as well as most cookie bars. You can usually adapt recipes that don't originally call for melted butter to use this technique if you're looking for an even fudgier texture.

To do so, use the same amount of butter called for in the recipe and melt it until just liquified but not browned. Combine that with your sugar and proceed with the recipe as written. (One bonus: Melted butter is a lot easier to mix into sugar by hand.) Because melted butter is warmer, the dough might require an hour or two of chilling in the fridge to prevent the cookies from spreading too much in the oven. (I always recommend baking off one test cookie in the oven before committing to baking the whole batch, especially when tweaking recipes for the first time.)

If done properly, your cookies should come out slightly fudgier and more compact, with a crisp-on-the-edges, soft-in-the-center texture that bends instead of snaps.

If you're a fan of cakey cookies, or love a cookie with a delicate lightness, this technique probably isn't for you. Omitting the air from the creaming process will result in a significant loss of rise. But if, like me, you love rich, decadent cookies with a pleasantly dense center, using melted butter might just be your new go-to technique. Consider this permission to break the antiquated creamed butter-only rules of the past and make the cookie you truly want.

The secret to fudgier cookies? It's all about the butter. (3)

Rick Holbrook

Cookie recipes to put the melted butter technique to use

Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies: Any variation of chocolate chip cookies is prime for using melted butter. This version, made with nutty rye flour, is a great example of how melted butter can make the centers pleasantly gooey without being undercooked.

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars: Using melted butter in cookie bars helps give them that wonderful brownie-like texture that’s crisp on the edges and moist in the center.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies: While this recipe calls for using softened butter, it's a prime example of a cookie that could be adapted to be made with melted butter. Doing so will lean into the brownie qualities of the cookie and make the centers even fudgier. Just make sure to bake off a test cookie to make sure the dough doesn't need to be chilled first. If the test cookie spreads too much, chilling the dough for one hour will do the trick.

Cover photo (Buckwheat-Cardamom Chocolate Chunk Cookies) by Rick Holbrook.

The secret to fudgier cookies? It's all about the butter. (2024)


The secret to fudgier cookies? It's all about the butter.? ›

However, in our professional opinion, the best way to apply butter to your cookies is by melting it beforehand. Cookies baked with melted butter are fudgier, more satisfying, and generally more delicious than any other way of fattening them up.

What is the secret to chewy cookies? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

What does melting the butter do to cookies? ›

Using melted butter in cookies helps you achieve a similar fudgy-yet-cooked texture and prevents any unwanted cakiness. Instead of the rise coming from both chemical and physical leavening agents (baking soda/powder + creamed butter), it now comes almost exclusively from chemical agents alone.

What is the secret to making good cookies? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  1. Always use butter.
  2. Choose the right sugar.
  3. Choose the right flour.
  4. Check your flour is in date.
  5. Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  6. Cream the butter and sugar.
  7. Beat in the eggs.
  8. Fold in the flour.

What happens when you add too much butter to cookies? ›

Too much butter makes cookies turn out just as you'd expect: very buttery. This batch of cookies was cakey in the middle, but also airy throughout, with crispy edges. They were yellow and slightly puffy in the middle, and brown and super thin around the perimeter.

What makes a cookie chewy instead of crunchy? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What makes cookies stay soft and chewy? ›

Putting a slice of fresh white bread in the container with the cookies will help the cookies stay soft: fresh bread is moist, and that slice will give up its moisture for the greater good: keeping the cookies from drying out. We recommend white bread so that no flavor is transferred to the cookies.

What flour is best for chewy cookies? ›

Bread Flour: For Chewy Texture

Bread flour contains a higher protein content (around 12-14%), leading to more gluten development. This makes it ideal for bakers seeking a chewier texture in their cookies. The extra gluten can help retain gas and moisture, producing a denser and chewier result.

What kind of butter is best for baking cookies? ›

Baking recipes typically call for unsalted butter because the amount of salt in salted butter varies depending on the brand – there is no “industry standard.” For example, if you use one brand of salted butter in a recipe, and we use another, our baked goods could end up tasting very different from one other.

What does too little butter do to cookies? ›

Butter is an emulsifier and it makes cookies tender. It also adds in the crispy-around-the-edges element. Adding too much butter can cause the cookies to be flat and greasy. Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly.

What not to do when making cookies? ›

15 Common Cookie Baking Mistakes You Might Be Making
  1. Your cookies aren't baking evenly. ...
  2. You use eggs straight from the fridge. ...
  3. You use the wrong kind of flour. ...
  4. You measure flour the wrong way. ...
  5. You soften butter too much — or not enough. ...
  6. You use stale baking powder or baking soda. ...
  7. You overwork the dough.
Nov 4, 2020

What are three factors that contribute to a chewy cookie? ›

Salted butter, softened – I prefer salted butter but you can also use unsalted and add an extra pinch of salt to the dough. Brown sugar – Just brown sugar because we will get the 'granulated sugar' flavor from the corn syrup. Corn syrup – The corn syrup is what makes these cookies CHEWY FOR DAYS.

What makes cookies taste the best? ›

When you think cookies, you likely think of sweet ingredients, but salt is essential. It balances the flavor of caramelized sugars. We even love sprinkling a little extra flake salt on our cookies to awaken the tongue and complement the sweetness.

What makes cookies fluffy and not flat? ›

Room temperature butter is just the right consistency to incorporate air when it's creamed with sugar. These trapped air pockets result in risen, fluffy cookies. If the butter is any warmer, it won't incorporate enough air and your cookies will have less rise.

Can you over beat butter for cookies? ›

This is a much more common creaming method mistake, so watch out for it. Over-creamed butter and sugar adds in too much air and alters the final texture – typically to be more gummy and dense.

How to make cookies chewy after baking? ›

The best way to soften up those hard cookies is something you probably already have in your kitchen… bread! That's right, a piece of fresh bread will make those tough treats soft and chewy.

Why don't my cookies come out chewy? ›

Not using enough fat in the dough.

A greater fat ratio (butter, margarine, shortening, etc.) to flour will result in a more tender cookie. Start by adding just a ¼ cup additional to your recipe. Melting the butter before adding it to the sugar will also up the chew factor.

What makes cookies chewy baking soda or baking powder? ›

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.