Officers (2024)

NameCaptain Maneuver
activated when officer is captain of a ship.Officer Ability
activated when officer assigned to bridge
inc Below Deck: if applicableBelow Deck AbilityGroupRarityArkady Ivanov

Officers (1)

Always Enthusiast - When the shield is depleted, Arkady has a 50% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for 3 rounds.Shields Refractor - Arkady increases the Shield Health of the ship by 10%.Enterprise CrewUncommonHikaru Sulu

Officers (2)

Do Not Test Me - When the ship is getting hit by a Critical Hit, Sulu has a 40% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for one round.Ranking Fire - When the ship has Morale, Sulu increases the total damage made by Energy Weapons by 15%.Enterprise CrewUncommonMontgomery Scott

Officers (3)

Miracle Worker - Scotty reduces the time needed to repair the ship by 10%.Born Engineer - Scotty increases the total Hull Health of the ship by 10% of its original Hull Health.Enterprise CrewUncommon'Bones' Leonard McCoy

Officers (4)

I'm a Doctor, not a... - McCoy gives a bonus of 20% to all the Officer Abilities of the Officers on the bridge during combat.Excellent Medicine - Every time the ship gets hit, McCoy increases the Defense of all the officers on the Bridge by 10%.Enterprise CrewRareSpock

Officers (5)

Logical - Spock increases the Accuracy of the ship by 15% at the beginning of each Round in combat.Illogical - While the ship has Morale, Spock restores Shield Health to an amount equal to 25% of the Defense of the Officers on the ship.Enterprise CrewRareNyota Uhura

Officers (6)

Hailing Frequencies Open - When the shield is depleted, Uhura has a 50% chance of delaying the next opponent weapon fire by one Round.Target That Signal - Uhura increases the Accuracy of the ship she's in by 40%.Enterprise CrewRareJames T. Kirk

Officers (7)

Leader - As long as the ship has Morale, Kirk gives all Officers on the ship a bonus of 40% to all their stats.Inspirational - At the beginning of each round, Kirk has a 50% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for 2 roundsEnterprise CrewEpicKoth

Officers (8)

Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor.Open Them Up - As long as the opponent's ship has a Hull Breach, Koth increases the damage dealt by Kinetic Weapons by 5%.Klingon PatriotsUncommonM'Ral

Officers (9)

On the Hunt - M'Ral increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 20%.Strengthener - M'Ral increases the total Attack of all Officers on the ship by 10%.Klingon PatriotsUncommonWoteln

Officers (10)

Scattering Field - If the opponent's ship is a Battleship, Woteln increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%.Interceptor Affinity - If the ship is an Interceptor, Woteln increases its Dodge value by 15%.Klingon PatriotsUncommonAzetbur

Officers (11)

Armor is Obsolete - When hitting the enemy with a Kinetic Weapon, Azetbur has a 20% chance of causing a Hull Breach for 2 rounds on the opponent's ship.Contribution - Every time the ship hits with a weapon, Azetbur increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 10%.Klingon PatriotsRareChang

Officers (12)

Cry Havoc - As long as the opponent's ship Hull Health is under 60%, Chang increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%.Dogs of War - If the ship deals a Critical Hit to the opponent's ship while it has a Hull Breach, Chang has a 30% chance of delaying its next weapon attack by 1 roundKlingon PatriotsRareKerla

Officers (13)

Evasive Maneuvers - When the shields are depleted during during battle, Kerla increases the Dodge of the ship by 50%.Attack Maneuvers - Kerla increases the Critical Hit Damage by 20% when firing with a Kinetic Weapon.Klingon PatriotsRareGorkon

Officers (14)

Quick Victory - Gorkon increases the chances of dealing a Critical Hit by 10% for the first 2 Rounds.Creating Opportunities - When the ship hits the opponent with a Critical Hit, Gorkon has a 70% chance of causing a Hull Breach for three rounds on the opponent's shipKlingon PatriotsEpicArix

Officers (15)

Plasma Backlash - Every time the opponent is hit by an energy weapon, Arix has a 10% chance of Burning it.Powered Armor - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 70% of its value at the start of combat, Arix increases its Armor by 15%Nero's CrewUncommonJavaid

Officers (16)

Overwhelming Fire - Javaid increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 20%.Reinforcements - If the ship is a Battleship, Javaid increases its Armor by 15%Nero's CrewUncommonVella

Officers (17)

Overmatch - If the opponent's ship is an Explorer, Vella increases the damage of weapons by 10%.Sturdy Companion - Vella increases the total Health of all Officers on the ship by 5%.Nero's CrewUncommonVemet

Officers (18)

Romulan Tenacity - If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of the following attacks during the same battle, the battle is lost but Vemet heals 5% of the Hull Health and the ship survives.Feel the Heat - At the beginning of each round, if the opponent's ship is Burning. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship.Nero's CrewRareKumak

Officers (19)

Discipline - At the beginning of each round, Kumak increases the stats of all Officers on the ship by 5%.Watch the World Burn - As long as the enemy ship is Burning, Kumak increases the Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge of the ship by 40%.Nero's CrewRareLivis

Officers (20)

Wartime Repairs - Livis decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 10% if it is a Battleship.Bolstered - If the ship is a Battleship, Livis increases its maximum Hull Health by 20%.Nero's CrewRareNero

Officers (21)

Joy in Vengeance - At the beginning of each round, if the opponent's ship is Burning, Nero increases the Damage of the weapons by 40%.See the Flaws - Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds.Nero's CrewEpicQa'ug

Officers (22)

Excel Under Pressure - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug decreases all the stats of the officers on the opponent's ship by 35%.Blood and Honor - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug increases Accuracy by 30%.Blood & HonorUncommonLinkasa

Officers (23)

Way of the Klingon - After winning a battle, Linkasa increases the Defense of all the Officers on the ship by 10%.Defensive Tactics - At the start of combat, Linkasa increases the Armor of the ship by 25% of the total Attack of the crew.Blood & HonorUncommonYan'agh

Officers (24)

Klingon Tactics - When the opponent's ship Shield Health are depleted, Yan'agh increases the Weapon Damage by 10%.Wolf Among the Ships - Yan'agh increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the crew's Health.Blood & HonorUncommonKrell

Officers (25)

Retribution - Every time the ship gets Shield Health damage, Krell has a 30% chance of dealing a Hull Breach to the opponent for 1 round.Federation Contacts - Krell increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crew's Defense.Blood & HonorRareKuronNo Negotiations - Kuron has a 50% chance to automatically reload the first Kinetic Shot.Merciless Pursue - After Killing a ship, Kuron increases the Impulse Speed by 25% for 30 seconds.Blood & HonorRareMara

Officers (26)

Icy Analyst - When fighting Interceptors, Mara increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%.Wife of a Dahar - As long as the opponent ship has a Hull Breach, Mara decreases its Dodge by 20% at the end of each round.Blood & HonorRareKang

Officers (27)

Dahar Master - At the start of battle, Kang has a 80% chance of dealing a Hull Breach to the opponent for 3 rounds.Blood Oath - At the start of battle, Kang increases the Accuracy of the ship by 100% of the Attack of the crew on the ship.Blood & HonorEpicD'jaoki

Officers (28)

War of Endurance - After winning a combat, D'jaoki increases the Health of all officers on the ship by 10% for 1 minute.Shatter Defenses - As long as the opponent's ship is Burning, D'jaoki decreases the opponent's crew Health by 20%.Romulan PatriotsUncommonL'Nar

Officers (29)

Romulan Health - L'Nar increases the Health of the Officers on the Bridge by 20%.Klingon Pursue - L'Nar increases the Damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew's Attack.Romulan PatriotsUncommonSeverusSpreading Fire - When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus decreases the opponent's Hull Health by 10% each round.Exploit Overheat - When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus increases the Damage of the ship by 20%.Romulan PatriotsUncommonDecius

Officers (31)

Reckless - When fighting a ship with a bigger Strength, Decius increases Accuracy, Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing of the ship by 10%.Honor Guard - Every time the ship gets hit, Decius increases its Weapon Damage by 6%.Romulan PatriotsRareMirek

Officers (32)

Burning Vengeance - Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponent's ship for 1 round.Acid Bitterness - Mirek increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crew's Defense.Romulan PatriotsRareTalLoyal Officer - When fighting Battleships, Tal increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%.Resistance - As long as the opponent ship is Burning, Tal decreases its Hull Health by 5% each turn.Romulan PatriotsRareLiviana Charvanek

Officers (33)

Romulan Tactitian - When the ship's Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has a 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds.Mind Games - At the start of combat, Charvanek increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Health of the crew on the ship.Romulan PatriotsEpicGeoffrey Hadley

Officers (34)

Galaxy Traveler - Hadley increases the Warp Speed of the ship by 15%.Survey Trainer - Hadley increases Ship Experience gained on Survey ships by 40%.Shakedown CruiseCommonHendorff

Officers (35)

Excellent Security - As long as Hull Health is below 60% of its value at the start of combat, Hendorff increases Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection by 20%.Explorer Trainer - Hendorff increases the Ship Experience gained on Explorers by 20%.Shakedown CruiseUncommonMae Darwin

Officers (36)

Defending Power - When the ship is attacked by a player, Darwin increases the Weapon Damage by 10%. (PvP)Interceptor Trainer - Darwin increases the Ship Experience gained on Interceptors by 20%.Shakedown CruiseCommonFrank Leslie

Officers (37)

Minor Damage Control - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 35% of its value at the beginning of combat, Leslie restores it by 5% at the end of each round.Battleship Trainer - Frank Leslie increases the Ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20% each turn.Shakedown CruiseUncommonMarlena Moreau

Officers (38)

Keep Going - After winning a battle, Moreau heals the Shield Health by 40%.No Fear - Moreau decreases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of Hostiles by 30%. (PvE)Shakedown CruiseRareChristopher Pike

Officers (39)

Teaching Moments - Christopher Pike increases the effectiveness of all the Officer Abilities on the bridge by 20%.Advanced Training - Christopher Pike increases the Ship XP earned by combat by 20%.Shakedown CruiseEpicHelvia

Officers (40)

Parsteel Miner - Helvia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Parsteel.Gold Rush - As long as the Cargo of the ship is empty, Helvia increases its Warp Speed by 50%.Surveyors & MinersCommonK'Bisch

Officers (41)

Tritanium Miner - K'Bisch increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 50% when mining Tritanium.Defensive Mining - As long as the ship is mining, K'Bisch reduces the damage dealt by attacking opponents by 12%.Surveyors & MinersCommonDomitia

Officers (42)

Dilithium Miner - Domitia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Dilithium.Hurry Home - As long as the Cargo of the ship is full, Domitia increases its Warp Speed by 50%.Surveyors & MinersCommonStonn

Officers (43)

Ore Miner - Stonn increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Ore.Pack Rat - Stonn increases the Cargo size of the ship by 20%.Surveyors & MinersRareT'Pring

Officers (44)

Gas Miner - T'Pring increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Gas.Hidden Stash - T'Pring increases the protection of The Cargo by 50%.Surveyors & MinersRareBarot

Officers (45)

Crystal Miner - Barot increases the rate of Crystal Mining by 20%.Deceptive Weakness - When the ship becomes attacked while mining, at the beginning of combat, Barot decreases the opponent's Hull Health by 10%.Surveyors & MinersRareElea Makinen

Officers (46)

Advanced Mining – Elea Makinen increases the mining speed of the ship by 10%Isogen Mining – Elea Makinen increases the rate of Isogen Mining by 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%Surveyors & MinersUncommonRaphael DuPont

Officers (47)

Grade 3 Miner – Raphael DuPont increases the rate of G3 Crystal, Gas and Ore Mining by 40%Adds to the Ships Protected Cargo by 50, 100, 150, 200 or 300%Surveyors & MinersRareZahra

Officers (48)

Station Expert - When defending the Station, Zahra increases the ship's Hull Health by 10%.Home Engineer - When defending the Station, Zahra increases the Weapon Damage by 5%.Auxiliary ControlsCommonJabilo M'Benga

Officers (49)

Break Through - When defending the Station, M'Benga increases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of the ship by 10%.Slip Through - When defending the station, M'Benga increases Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection by 10%.Auxiliary ControlsCommonOfficer 0718

Officers (50)

Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station.Computer Precision - 0718 increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship by 5%.Auxiliary ControlsUncommonKeenser

Officers (51)

Emergency Repairs - As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Hull Health by 20%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus.Fine Tuning - As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Shield Health by 20%. Goes up to 40% at Rank 5.Auxiliary ControlsRareCarol Marcus

Officers (52)

Applied Science - When defending your Station, Carol decreases the Weapon Damage from opponents by 40%.Weapons Expert - Carol increases the Weapon Damage by 20%.Auxiliary ControlsEpicGary Mitchell

Officers (53)

Home Protector - Mitchell increases the Stats of all Officers on Board by 20% when defending the Station.Think or Sink - When getting hit by a Critical Hit, Mitchell increases the ship Weapon Damage by 30%.Auxiliary ControlsEpicVel K'Bentayr

Officers (54)

Dilithium Hunter - Vel increases the Dilithium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. (PvE)Chirurgical Precision - If the opponent is a Hostile, Vel increases the damage made by the Kinetic Weapons of the ship by 7%. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyCommonShev Akria

Officers (55)

Tritanium Hunter - Shev increases the Tritanium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. (PvE)Justice Dealer - If the opponent is a Hostile, Shev increases the damage of the Energy Weapons of the ship by 5%. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyCommonGaila

Officers (56)

Parsteel Hunter - Gaila increases the Parsteel rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. (PvE)Critical Avoidance - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gaila decreases the damage from its Critical Hits by 20%. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyCommonT'Laan

Officers (57)

Thorough Scans - T'Laan increases the Ship Experience gained by fighting Hostiles by 15%. (PvE)Objective Defense - If the opponent is Hostile, T'Laan decreases the Damage done by its Kinetic Weapons by 7%. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyCommonGrace Chen

Officers (58)

Modifications - Chen increases the Dodge, Shields Deflection and Armor of the ship by 20% against Hostiles. Works against Hostiles under level 50 (PvE)Energy Absorber - If the opponent is a Hostile, Chen decreases the damage done by its Energy Weapons by 10%. Works against Hostiles under level 50. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyUncommonLucia Gonzales

Officers (59)

Solution Finder - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the chances of dealing a Critical Hit by 8%. (PvE)Problem Solver - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the damage of Critical Hits by 5%. (PvE)Starfleet AcademyUncommonKomalBattleship Specialist - When inside a Battleship, Komal increases Weapon Damage against players by 20%. (PvP)Resist Kinetic - If the opponent is a player, Komal decreases the damage made by its Kinetic Weapons by 5%. (PvP)Glory In The KillCommonRukor

Officers (61)

Explorer Specialist - When inside an Explorer, Rukor increases the Weapon Damage against players by 20%. (PvP)Energy Boost - If the opponent is a player, Rukor increases the damage made by the Energy Weapons of the ship by 5%. (PvP)Glory In The KillCommonVartoq

Officers (62)

Interceptor Specialist - When inside an Interceptor, Vartoq increases Weapon Damage against players by 20%. (PvP)Kinetic Boost - If the opponent is a player, Vartoq increases the damage made by the Kinetic Weapons of the ship by 5%. (PvP)Glory In The KillCommonKlaa

Officers (63)

Hot Pursuit - Increases the Impulse Speed of the ship by 25%.Critical Strike - Increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by 8%.Glory In The KillUncommonVixis

Officers (64)

Fake Communiques - At the beginning of each round, Vixis has a 6% chance of delaying the opponent Weapon Fire by one round.Energy Absorption - Decreases the Energy Weapon Damage of opponent players by 10%.Glory In The KillUncommonKras

Officers (65)

Art of War - Decreases the effectiveness of the opponent's Captain's Maneuver by 20%.Know Your Enemy - Decreases the Attack, Defense and Health of all the Officers on the Bridge of the opponent's ship 20%.Glory In The KillEpicCadet Montgomery Scott

Officers (66)

Sturdy Ship - Increases the Ship Hull Health by 10%.Warp Theory - Increases the Warp Distance of the ship by 3.Another TimeCommonInstructor Spock

Officers (67)

Knowledgeable - Increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 5%.Kobayashi Maru - Increases the Shield Deflection, Armor, and Dodge of the ship by 12%.Another TimeCommonCadet Nyota Uhura

Officers (68)

Scan the Enemy - Decreases the Weapon Damage of the opponent's ship by 10%.Negotiations - Increases the Shield Health of the ship by 9%.Another TimeCommonCadet Hikaru Sulu

Officers (69)

Big Shot - Increases the damage of first shots on the ship by 5% for the first round.Fighting Spirit - Increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 10%.Another TimeCommonCadet James T. Kirk

Officers (70)

Motivational - Increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 20%.Tactician - Increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 8%.Another TimeCommonCadet Leonard McCoy

Officers (71)

Doctor - Increases the Health of all Officers on the ship by 10%.Psychologist - Increases the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver by 6%.Another TimeCommonJoachim

Officers (72)

Patient Tactician - When attacking a Station, Joachim has 50% chances of greatly increasing the mitigation of the ship for one round. Increases to 100% Chances with maximum Synergy Bonus.Unflinching Resolve - When attacking a Station, Joachim decreases the Weapon Damage of all opponent’s Ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. Increases to 30% at Rank 5.Khan's CrewRareJoaquin

Officers (73)

Firewall Protection - Joaquin increases the Protected Cargo of the ship by 50%. Goes up to 100% with maximum Synergy bonus.Data Miner - Joaquin increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 40% when mining Corrupted Data and Decoded Data.Unflinching Resolve.Khan's CrewUncommonKati

Officers (74)

Hail of Fire - At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Kati increases the Chances of a Critical Hit by 4% for that round. Goes up to 10% with maximum Synergy bonus. Destroy the Defense platforms by triggering more Critical Hits!Enhanced Weaponry - When attacking a Station, Kati increases the Critical Hit Damage by 15%. Goes up to 40% at Rank 5Khan's CrewCommonKhan Noonien Singh

Officers (75)

Ruthless Mind - When attacking a station, 50% chance of drastically reducing the mitigation of all opponent's ships and defense platforms for 2 rounds.Savage Tenacity - Everytime the ship is hit by a Defense Platform, Khan increases the Critical Hit chance by 1%Khan's CrewEpicMarla McGivers

Officers (76)

History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus.Let Me Help You: Marla increases the Attack, Defense and Health of the captain by 50%. Increases to 90% at Rank 5.Khan's CrewRareOtto

Officers (77)

Smash the Defenses - At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Otto increases the damage of the ship by 20% for that round. Goes up to 40% with maximum Synergy bonus.Brute Force - Otto increases the Attack of each officer on the Bridge of the ship by 20%. Goes up to 60% at Rank 5Khan's CrewUncommonJohn Harrison

Officers (78)

Weapon Designer - When fighting Explorers, John Harrison increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%Sabotage - For the first round of combat, John Harrison ignores 60% of the opponent's shield.Section 31RareAlexander Marcus

Officers (79)

Overpower - At the start of each round, if the opponent's HHP is under 80% of its starting total, Alexander Marcus has 80% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship.Shady Methods - At the star of the battle, Alexander Marcus increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Defense of the crew on the ship.Section 31EpicPaul Zhou

Officers (80)

Fresh Perspectives - Paul Zhou increases the Defense of all Officers on the bridge of the ship by 15%Upper Hand - As long as the ship has morale, Paul Zhou increases the Shield deflection, Armor and Dodge of the ship by 30% of the crew's Defense.Section 31UncommonYuki Sulu

Officers (81)

Disrupting Field - Yuki Sulu decreases the Shield Health of the opponent's ship by 10% for each round.Romulan Grudge - Yuki Sulu increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the Health of the crew on the ship.Section 31RareOne
Of Ten

Officers (82)

Adaptive Shielding - The ship mitigates 5% more damage to the Shield Health instead of the Hull Health.Bodyguard - The Protected Cargo is increased by 30% with One of Ten.Unimatrix TwelveRareFive of Ten

Officers (83)

Jaylah Borgified: Five of Ten increases the Shield deflection, Armor and Dodge by a Percentage of the Total Health of all Officers on the ship. Base value: 200%. Maximum value: 1000%Five of Ten increases the Loot received from Hostiles by a percentage rank 1 Value: 20% Rank 5 Value: 100%Unimatrix TwelveEpicSeven of Ten

Officers (84)

(Decius) Seven of Ten has a chance to add two shots to every weapon fire against Borg targets. Base Chance: 20% Maximum Chance: 90%Seven of Ten increases the Health of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 60% Rank 5 Value: 100%Unimatrix TwelveRareEight of Ten

Officers (85)

(Azetbur) Eight of Ten increases the chances of firing a Critical Hit against Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 50%Eight of Ten increases the Attack of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value:45% Rank 5 value: 85%Unimatrix TwelveUncommonNine of Ten

Officers (86)

(Gonzalez) Nine of Ten decreases the chances of firing a Critical Hit of Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 30%Nine of Ten increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 45% Rank 5 value: 85%Unimatrix TwelveUncommonTen of Ten

Officers (87)

Multiplicative Extraction - Ten of Ten increases the speed of Parsteel, Tritanium, and Dilithium mining by 50%Ten of Ten Ten of Ten increases the Mining Speed of the ship by 80%Unimatrix TwelveUncommonEleven
of ElevenEfficient Crystal Theory: Increases Crystal mining speed by XAdvanced Warp Theory: Increases Warp Speed by XUnimatrix TwelveRareSix
of ElevenWe are the Borg: For every hit, decrease opponents Shield Health by X% of Officer defenseDefenses are Irrelevant: Armada Target, for every hit, increase Accuracy, Armor/Shield Piercing by X% of officer AttackUnimatrix TwelveRareTwo
of ElevenStorage Optimization: Increases cargo size of the ship by X%Extraction Protocol: Increase rate of Crystal, Gas, and Ore by X%Unimatrix TwelveEpicThree
of ElevenEfficient Gas Acquisition: Increase Gas mining speed by X%Resources Protection Protocols: Increase Protected Cargo by XUnimatrix TwelveEpicFour
of ElevenEfficient Ore Acquisition: Increase Ore mining speed by X%Cargo Optimization: Increase Cargo size by X%Unimatrix TwelveEpicHarry MuddThe Ultimate Con: Reduce opponent’s damage for 1 round every time you’re hit (Armadas only)Down But Never Out: Increase all damage (significantly) when your shields are depletedOutlawEpicNavi

Officers (88)

Drastic Measures: Increases crit damage by% if Hull Breach on selfGuardian Angel: Increases mitigation stats by% if Hull Breach on selfAugmentRarePan

Officers (89)

Getting Up To Speed: Increase Impulse speed by X%Mistakes Were Made:% chance to apply Hull Breach to selfAugmentRareRima

Officers (90)

You’ll Pay For That: Increase damage by% if Hull Breach on selfSystems Critical: Increase crit chance by% if Hull Breach on selfAugmentRareHarcourt Fenton MuddChance of having 98% shield mitigation on first two Rounds (Synergy Bonus increases the chance)Chances of double shots for the first roundMudd’s CompanyEpicEurydiceOpportunist: When taking shield damage, increase damageDelta Quadrant Technology: Chance to regen 5% of shields when they’re depleteMudd's CompanyEpicRo MuddEndless Ambition: Increase the Captain’s statsFatal Charm: Chance of damage bonus from attackMudd's CompanyRareAhvixChirurgical Precision: Crit chance bonus against Eclipse hostiles for the first three roundsShield Remodulation: Chance to reduce mitigation on EclipsMudd's CompanyRareGoon

Officers (91)

Grizzled Veteran: First Round crit chance bonus vs hostilesMilitary Training: Increase XP GainMudd's CompanyUncommonSesha

Officers (92)

Always on Guard: Chance of Reducing Eclipse Opponent’s Crit Chance by 15% (armadas included)Intimidation: First 3 rounds increase Crit Damage against Eclipse hostiles (Armadas includedMudd's CompanyCommonTiza

Officers (93)

Security Breach: First 3 Rounds Reduce Shield MItigation of Eclipse hostiles (armadas included)Mirani Technology: Chance of raising mitigation against Eclipse hostileMudd's CompanyCommonMuddThe Ultimate Con: Taking damage from an Armada Target, decrease armada weapon damage by X%Down But Not Out: when shields depleted, increase weapon damage by X%Mudd’s CompanyEpicMichael BurnhamSteadfast: Increase impulse speed by XIntuitive: when getting hit, reduce opponent’s shields by X% of attack in PvPDiscovery CrewRareSaru

Officers (94)

Precautions: Reduce opponents Critical Hit Chance by X% on every crit taken in PvPAvoid Danger: Reduce opponent’s Damage by x% in PvPDiscovery CrewEpicTillyThe Power of Math: When defending, at the start of combat, Tilly reduces the enemy’s Shield Health by 10% of its starting value.Hold Your Horses!: Every time the ship is hit by an opponent’s weapon attack, gives a 35% chance to decrease the opponent’s officers attack by 15%, cumulativelyDiscovery CrewUncommonPaul Stamets

Officers (95)

Network Navigator: Reduce Mycelium Costs for Jump and SummoningSnarky Genius: When defending, reduce the enemy’s Armor Piercing by X%.Discovery CrewRarePhilippa Georgiou

Officers (96)

Never Fire First: At the beginning of each round, while the enemy is Burning, reduce the enemy’s Officer Attack of all officers by X%.Deceptive Warfare: At the beginning of each round, Georgiou has an X% chance to cause Burning to the enemy for 2 rounds.Discovery CrewEpicAsh TylerHold Position: When defending on a TC node, increase your Officer attack by X%.The Beast Inside: While the enemy is affected by Burning, every round, increase this ship’s Damage by X% of Officer Attack, cumulativelyDiscovery CrewRareHugh CulberProtective: When defending a TC node, Increase your Armor by X% of your total HealthLearned from the Best: Reduce Jump & Instant Warp costsDiscovery CrewUncommonAiriamIsogen Miner: Better mining rate for ISOCybernetic Enhancements: When defending a TC node, and when your HHP is lower than 85% of starting value, apply Burning to the enemy each roundDiscovery CrewUncommonOrigins Stamets

Officers (97)

Biologist: Increase the Health of All Officers on the ship by 40No Time To Waste: Increase Warp Speed by 45%Discovery OriginsCommonOrigins Saru

Officers (98)

Vigilant: Increase the Defense of All Officers on the ship by 40Prey Instinct: Increase Hull Health by 11%Discovery OriginsCommonOrigins Burnham

Officers (99)

Vulcan Hello: Increase the Attack of All officers on the ship by 45Risk-Taker: Increase Damage by 25%Discovery OriginsUncommonCaptain Sylvia Tilly

Officers (100)

Ruthlessness: When attacking a capture node, If your opponent has a hull breach Captain Tilly increases piercing by 50% of your attack stats on a cumulative basis.sad*stic: If the opponent has hull breach, Captain Tilly increases mitigation by either 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% of Health cumulativelyTerran EmpireRareEmperor Georgiou

Officers (101)

Imperatorial Attack: When attacking a player during a takeover Emperor Georgiou decreases the defense of all officers on the opponent’s ship by 100%; may result in mitigation decrease and influences Spock-like abilitiesBombardment: When attacking a player on a capture node at the start of each round, Emperor Georgiou increases the number of shots for each weapon by .17, .25, .34, .40, .50 cumulatively: meaning shots will be added every few rounds depending on the weaponsTerran EmpireRareGabriel LorcaManipulation: At the start of each round, if the opponent has a Hull Breach, Lorca decreases the opponent’s Weapon damage by 100% for this turn.Quick Thinking: At the beginning of each round, Lorca has a 50, 60, 70, 75 or 80% chance of dealing a Hull Breach to the opponent’s ship for two rounds.Terran EmpireRareTOS James T. Kirk

Officers (102)

3D Strategist – When fighting players, at the start of each turn, so long as the ship has Morale, Kirk increases the damage of energy weapons by 50% of the total Defense of all the officers on the ship on a cumulative basis.It’s all we have to go on – At the start of each round, if the ship’s Health is above 30% of its starting value, has a 75% chance to inspire Morale to the ship for this round.TOS Enterprise CrewEpicTOS Spock

Officers (103)

Live Long – When defending at the start of each turn, TOS Spock restores the Shield Health to an amount equal to 100% of the health of the Officers on the ship. TOS Spock also restores the Shield Health of all your ships if the ship is defending the station.Prosper – When fighting players as long as the ship has Morale, decreases the opponent’s Critical Hit Damage bonus by 50, 75, 100, 125 or 150%TOS Enterprise CrewEpicTOS Nyota Uhura

Officers (104)

Sorry, Neither – When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, decreases the opponent’s Critical Hit Chance by 10%.Modulation Frequency Found – When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, removes either 8, 10, 12, 16 or 20% from the Shield Mitigation of the opponent’s ship. Shield Mitigation determines the amount of damage dealt to the ship shields healthTOS Enterprise CrewRareTOS Leonard McCoy

Officers (105)

We’re Rescuing You! – When defending, TOS Leonard McCoy increases the Shield Deflection, Armor, and Dodge of the ship by 300% of the Health of all officers on the ship.Just an Old Country Doctor – If the ship is an Explorer, TOS Leonard McCoy increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all officers on the ship by either 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%TOS Enterprise CrewRareTOS Hikaru Sulu

Officers (106)

Optimist at Heart – At the start of each round, TOS Sulu has a 55% chance of inspiring Morale for one round.I’ll Protect You! – If the ship is an Explorer and has Morale, TOS Sulu increases its Critical Hit chance by either 6, 8, 10, 12 or 15%, on every round.TOS Enterprise CrewRareTOS Pavel ChekovYoung Genius – Increases the Impulse Speed of Explorers by 10.Security Plans – When attacked while on a Capture or Mining Node by a player, decreases the opponents's damage by 30%TOS Enterprise CrewRareJaylahScavenger: Increases the amount of resources you get by 100%(^) while in Franklin(A)The Beasts and the Shouting: When on Franklin and fighting Swarm, increase the number of shots by 1(^)RareNext Gen TroiFace of the enemy: Increases Weapon Damage of the ship by 5%(^)Empathic: Increases shield deflection, Armor, and Doge of the ship by 15%(^)Next GenerationCommonNext Gen CrusherHypospray: Increase the Health of all officers on the ship by 10%(^)The Dancing Doctor: Increases the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver by 10%(^)Next GenerationCommonNext Gen DataThe Measure of a Man: Increases the Attack, Defense and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 8%(^)Power Play: Increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 5%Next GenCommonNext Gen RikerThe Riker Maneuver: Increases the damage of the first shots of the ship by 5%(^) for the first round.The Riker Lean - Increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 12%(^)Next GenerationCommonNext Gen La ForgeTimeless: Decreases the Weapon Damage of the opponent’s ship by 10%(^)Rerouting Power: Increases the Shield Health of the ship by 9%(^)Next GenerationUncommonBeverly CrusherFirst, Do NO Harm: Fighting Hostiles or Armadas, restores shield Health each round equal to 200%(^) of the Health of all the Officers on the shipUnshakeable Moral Code: Fighting Hostiles or Armadas, increase Armor, Shield Deflection and Doge by 150%(^) of the Defense if all the Officer on the shipTNG CrewRareWesley CrusherWhen the Bough Breaks: Increase Weapon Damage against Hostiles and Armadas by 100%(^) of Crew AttackTraveler’s Scion: Increases his own stats by 20%(^)TNG CrewRareWorfHeadlong into Battle: After winning a battle, increase Warp Speed of the ship by 70%(^), non-stack and

removed when return to Station

Only Fool Have NO Fear: Increase the Mitigation stats against non-players by 20%(^)TNG CrewRareDeanna TroiTelepathic Predictions: Reduce the Critical Chance of Armada targets by 15%(^)Nemesis: Increases Weapon Damage against Romulan Hostiles and Romulan Armadas by 100%(^)TNG CrewEpicTasha YarSecurity Officer: Reduce the Critical Chance of the Mission Hostile(yellow dudes) by 10%(^)Code Of Honor: Increase Weapon Damage against non-player targets by 10%(^)TNG CrewRareDataPositronic Precision: Fighting Hostiles and Armadas, increase Crit Hit Chance by X%Effort Yields Its Own Rewards: Non-player(+mission hostiles), increase Armor/Shield Piercing and accuracy X%TNG CrewEpicDataPositronic Precision: Fighting Hostiles and Armadas, increase the Critical Hit Chance by 17%(^)Effort Yields its own Reward: Fighting non-player(including mission hostiles), Increase Armor/Shield Piercing, and Accuracy by X%TNG CrewEpicGeordi La ForgeField-Strip a Fusion Reactor: Increase the rewards dropped by Armada Targets by 50%(^)The Mind's Eye: Increases Weapon Damage against Klingon Hostiles and Klingon Armadas by 100%TNG CrewEpicJean-Luc PicardMake it So: Increase the effectiveness of all Officer Abilities that trigger in combat by 2x10%(^) This ability receives the same synergy bonus from all TNG Officers, regardless of class.Engage: Increases Critical Damage against Hostiles and Armadas by 5%TNG CrewEpicWilliam RikerVibrant Authority: Increase the Weapon Damage against Armada Targets 100%(^) every round


The Icarus Factor: Increases the Weapon Damage Against Federation Hostiles and Federation Armadas by 100%(^)TNG CrewEpicGowronGlorious Gaze: Increase the ships Energy Weapon Damage by 50%(^)Wartime Chancellor: Increase the ships Sheild Deflection by 200%(^) of total Crew HealthKhitomer's RevengeRareBa'elKlingon Valor: Increase the ships Weapon Damage by 25%(^)Romulan Tact: increase the ships Armor by 200%(^) of total Crew AttackKhitomer's RevengeRareMartokSupreme Commander: Increase the ships Kinetic Weapon Damage by 50%(^)Unwavering Loyalty: Increase the ships Doge by 200%(^) of the Total Crew DefenseKhitomer's RevengeRareHonorguard WorfSoldier of the Empire: fighting Players, increase the ships Armor Piercing by 30%(^) of Crew Attack when ship score Crit HitRage of Khitomer: for first 8 rounds of combat against Players, increase3 Crit Hit Chance of the ship by 45%(^)Khitomer's RevengeEpicLursaAdapt as Necessary: on a ship that can Cloak, decrease cloaking cooldown by 30%(^)Fear is Power: Attacking Player, decrease opponents Weapon Damage by 25%(^)Pride Of RomulusUncommonTomalakPatient Tactician: While Cloaked, inc4rease Armor Piercing, Shield Penetration and Accuracy by 100%(^)Death Over Disgrace: incr4ease Weapon Damage against Klingon Targets by 25%(^) of total Crew AttackPride Of RomulusRareB'etorBehind the Scenes: on a ship that can cloak, increase thee duration the ship can stay cloaked by 20%(^)Varied Income Streams: When on the Amalgam(ship), boost the Amalgam’s bonus loot ship ability by 10%(^)Pride Of RomulusRareSelaHit Them Where It Hurts: While Cloaked, increase the Crit Hit Damage by7 50%(^)Civilized Persistence: Fighting Players, decrease the enemies Crit Hit Chance by 2%(^) every time the ship scores a hitPride Of RomulusEpicGhrushWhat’s Mine is Mine: increase Protected Cargo of the ship 100%(^)Fight or Flight: increase the Warp Range of the ship by 6%(^)SyndicateEpicArrockExploit Market Opportunities: Increase mining speed of Concentrated Latinum by XDiversify: Increase mining speed by XFerengi ConglomerateRareFessPursue Profit Where You Find It: Increase base mining speed by XCut Corners If You Need To: Reduce Protected cargo by X%Ferengi ConglomerateRareQuarkDon’t Let Them Take Anything: Increase protected cargo by X%Take Everything They Have: Increase mining speed by X%Ferengi ConglomerateRareCathRely on Nobody: Increases Repaiur Cost Efficiency of the ship by X%Show Them What You Can Do: Decrease Damage done by its Kenetic weapons by X%Ferengi ConglomerationRareRomDecline Their Generocity: Attacking a station, delay opponent ship and defense platform weapon fir for X round(s)Impress With Your Opulence: Attacking a station, increase number of shots of ships weapons by X%Ferengi ConglomerateEpicBadgey

Officers (107)

n/aWhee! Murder!: Decrease Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of all non-Armada opponents by XHaha! You’re Going To Die: Increase Armor Penetration, Shield Penetration and Accuracy by X%Lower Decks CrewUncommonBrad Boimlern/aThe Real Action: Increases Armor Piercing, Shield piercing and Accuracy by X%The Boimler Effect: Increase Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by X%Lower Decks CrewRareSam Rutherfordn/aI Hope This Works: Increase Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by X%Cybernetic Overclocking: Increases the ships Shields Health by X%Lower Decks CrewRareBekett Marinern/aGet It Together: Increases the Attack of all Officers by X%Wingin’ It: Increases Ship’s Weapon damage by X%Lower Decks CrewEpicD’Vana Tendin/aYay, Friends!: Increase the Health of all officers by XFix It Right Up!: Increase the hull Health by X%Lower Decks CrewEpicReginald Barclayn/aWin Them Over: Increase the base Defense of all officers by XBolstered Ship’s Stores: Increase protected cargo by X%HolodeckEpicSNW La’ann/aWarp Overdrive: Increases base Warp Speed by X%Secure Logistics: Increase ships Max Cargo by X%Strange New WorldsRareSNW PikePrepared For Anything: Increase shield Mitigation by X%Quick Thinking: Decrease hostile Shield Mitigation by X%Strange New WorldsEpicSNW SpockPredictable: Decrease Hostile Crit Hit Chance by X%Heavy Shields: Increase Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge by X% of Defense when attacking Interceptors FROM AN ExplorerStrange New WorldsRareENT-E Riker

Officers (108)

Eternity Awaits: Increases your ship's base Impulse Speed by 50%/55%/60%Fear is the true Enemy: Increases Critical Hit Chance by 2/4/6/8/10% for 4 rounds (Cumulative)Enterprise-EENT-E Picard

Officers (109)

Captain's Prerogative: Increases the rewards gained from Hostiles and Armadas by 60/80/100% of baseWe Used to be Explorers: Increass Isolytic Cascade Damage by 3/5/6/10/15% for 3 roundes each time you hit a non-Armada Hostile (Once per weapon)Enterprise-EEpicENT-E Data

Officers (110)

n/aSaddle up. Lock and load!: Increases Isolytic Cascade Damage by 10/15/20/30/40% versus non-Armada HostilesAppropriate Adjustments: Increases your ship's base Max Cargo by 20/30/40/55/70%Enterprise-ERareENT-E Tori

Officers (111)

n/aPsychoanalysis: Reduces the opponent's Shield Health by 400/600/800/1200/1600% of total Officer Attack at the beginning of each round versus non-Armada Hostiles.Three Shots of Something...: Increases Critical Hit Damage by 20/30/45/65/90% versus Armadas and HostilesEnterprise-ERareAlonzo Freeman

Officers (112)

n/aCaro Bay Converter: Increases the Cargo size of the ship by 20/35/40/45/55%.War Stories: Increases the base amount of positive Federation, Romulan, and Klingon reputation gained from defeating hostiles by 10/20/30/40/50%.Lower Decks CrewRareDoctor T'Ana

Officers (113)

n/aMake a Mess: On round start, 40/45/55/75/100% chance to apply a random State to the enemy plater's ship for 3 rounds. Random States: Morale, Burning, Hull BreachBedside Manner: ON round start against players, Increases your Isolytic Defense by 50/80/120/180/250% for 1 round.Lower Decks CrewEpicShaxs

Officers (114)

Special Delivery: On round start, if on a Battleship and enemy player has Burning, increases your Isolytic Cascade damage by 60/75/90/110/130% for 1 round.Your Pagh is Weak: On round start, if on an Explorer with Morale, increases your Isolytic Defense by 40/50/65/85/100% for 1 round against players.Battleship Strike TeamEpicCarol Freeman

Officers (115)

Vocal Jazz: On Combat Start against players, increases your shots by 100%Cerritos Strong!: On round start, if the enemy player has any state, increases your Isolytic Cascade damage by 60/75/90/110/130% for 1 round.Lower Decks CrewEpicJack Ransom

Officers (116)

n/aSetting my Fists to Stun: On round start, if on an Explorer with Morale, increases your Isolytic Cascade damage by 60/75/90/110/130% for 1 round against players.Exaggerated Confidence: On round start, if on an Interceptor and enemy has Hull Breach, increases your Isolytic Defense by 40/50/65/85/100% for 1 roundExplorer Strike TeamEpicAndy Billups

Officers (117)

n/aIn Your Element: On round start, if on an Interceptor and enemy player has Hull Breach, increases your Isolytic Cascade damage by 60/75/90/110/130% for 1 round.Two Decks Tall: On round start, if on a Battleship and enemy player has Burning, increases your Isolytic Defences by 40/50/65/85/100% for 1 round.Interceptor Strike TeamEpicTrip Tucker

Officers (118)

n/aThings Blow Up: When you take damage from a hostile or another player, decreases your opponent's critical damage by 50/80/120/180/250% for 2 rounds. (This ability can stack) (Does not trigger at Armada or Assults)Hand in the Cookie Jar: Increases the amount of resources you get from destroying Hirogen and Species 8472 hostile by 30/60/80/100/150%.Enterprise NX-01EpicT'Pol

Officers (119)

n/aThreats Are Illogical: Increases Protected Cargo by 70/130/200/250/350%.Vulcan Hydraulics: Increases Ore Mining speed by 50/80/110/150/200%.Enterprise NX-01Rare
Officers (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.